Bucalet Verdurimen

NAME: Bucalet Verdurimen


HEIGHT: 6'3"

HAIR: His medium length hair tends to remain unkempt, mostly black with 2 white streaks running from an inch or so back from the front of his scalp line.

EYES: medium gray

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Bucalet's normal appearance is of human form of average build. He is often seen wearing a gentleman's fine waistcoat and trousers quite similar to Victorian styling. The jacket is often brown in color, but sometimes charcoal. Around the Verdurimen Ways he will also be seen occasionally wearing a white lab smock, or quilted smoking jacket.

INTERESTS: Science, Collecting and reading books, searching for pre-pattern artifacts, Politics, Conjuration, Sorcery, and traversing the Logrus for pleasure.


Bucalet was greatly influenced by both of his parents. From his father, he learned about the family traditions in science, and about being the Head of House Verdurimen. He believes his father is far too cerebral for advancing the cause of the House, so looked anxiously forward to the day father would vacate the position. He also has ambitious plans for increasing the extent of the house scribing activites, seeing it as a method for gathering information on the other houses. Having versed himself in the house archival tomes, he has started to piece together more leads on locating the ancient artifacts created before the pattern in Amber altered the shape of Chaos. From his mother, he learned of the vast flexibility of sorcery, conjuration, and logrus mastery. He adapted well to the duality, and dabbles at mixing them, but has carefully tried to cultivate the image of being mostly interested in science.


Being ambitious, and having an eye toward advancing the status of House Verdurimen, he will avoid direct confrontation, and instead seek to mold the political landscape of Chaos through trickery or coercion.
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