
NAME: Cailin

AGE:late 20s

HEIGHT: 5'10"

HAIR: Medium length black hair worn in a spiky, sort of just woke up style.

EYES: Blue/Grey

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Cailin is a handsome man of medium build and soldierly bearing. It is evident in the way he carries himself and his fluid movements that he has served some part of his life in military service. Cailin is not a man to ponder a problem, he values quick decision making and will live with the consequences of a bad decision rather than delay in taking action.

INTERESTS: exploring shadow, horseback and motorcycle riding, flying.


Cailin has been wandering shadow since he walked the Pattern nearly 10 years ago. Much of his time has been spent in shadow drifting along, serving in various military organizations to hone his skills and stay fighting fit, or relaxing and pursuing other interests. He left Amber shortly after walking the Pattern and has not returned since. For the most part, Cailin was tired of the intrigue at Castle Amber, but recently he has been feeling homesick and is prepared to return to Amber.


Cailin is a direct, no bullshit character. Not that he is lacking subtlety, but he prefers to speak his mind.
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