Deca Lien Jie Barimen

NAME: Deca Lien Jie Barimen


HEIGHT: 5'6"

HAIR: Straight, black, normally in a short military style.

EYES: Jade green

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Slender, athletic build, Chinese features. Favors military styles of dress; if not in uniform is usually wearing something that suggests an officer's uniform. Enhancing this appearance, his carriage and bearing reflect strict military discipline. Despite that, he is usually smiling with an amused gleam in his eye.

INTERESTS: Many and sundry. His first love is flying, anything from hangliders and fighting kites to jet fighters and starships. Magic, not so much application as the theories behind it, as well as the hows and whys of its interaction with other Powers. At the same time, he is fascinated with puns, riddles, puzzles and practical jokes.


Raised in what could best be described as a dystopian reflection of the Star Trek Federation merged with the darker aspects of the Star Wars Empire, he early on developed a healthy respect for corruption in government and abuse of power. A cynical observer might comment that this was good preparation for introduction to the Courts of Chaos, or Amber for that matter. It was in fact this introduction to Chaos, or more precisely the Logrus, that brought his love of magic into full bloom. Though he did spend more time than his family liked talking to Pit Divers...


At his core, he is the quintessential hot shot ace pilot fighter, and he brings this mentality into all of his other fields of study. He has a great respect for authority and discipline, but a frightfully careless disregard for personal safety when it comes to pushing the envelope. And that's what it's all about � going that little bit faster, farther, deeper into the Abyss, whatever. He is driven to not only outdo his personal best, but to be the first to do something. Especially if it's something that everyone says can't be done.
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