Druthan's Grimoire

1. Micro-Spell: Trump Invocation

Opens a link to Trump Energy. Taken by itself, it can hasten the activation of a trump (it may, in some cases, be faster than the normal way). This micro-spell is the basic building block used by Sorcerers with Trump Artistry to cast spells that use Trump as their power source, instead of the magic in the current shadow. When using a spell that uses Trump Invocation, the caster does not need to specify Magic of Shadow or Name of Current Shadow. If no lynchpins are set, then this is used for the following action.

Casting Time: Thirty Minutes

Lynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each. Trigger (Optional), Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional)

2. Safe-Teleport

Transports the caster to a safe location within one mile of the point of origin. Takes place instantly. This includes any equipment on his person or that he's holding in his hands. This also includes up to two additional people, but he has to be holding their hands. Once the transport begins, he and his companions are psychically shielded for one hour, as if they don't exist. This shielding fails the moment they leave the current shadow, unless the spell is powered by Trump.

While they are shielded, any trump contacts to them fail. If Trump Invocation is used, then he can teleport across shadow boundaries. Otherwise, this spell only works within the shadow declared in the 'Magic of Shadow' lynchpin.

Casting Time: One Hour.

Lynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each. Magic of Shadow (Not required if using Trump Invocation).

3. Bodily Defense

Fills the body with magical energy devoted to blocking out external influences. Although the spell can be tailored for any specific threat, the basic spell is designed to work against Magic, Trump, Logrus, and/or Pattern. Lasts up to one hour or until dispelled by the caster. If subject is not specified, then this affects the caster. Works across shadow boundaries if Trump Invocation is used.

Base Casting Time: One Hour.

Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Name/Description of Subject (Optional), Magic of Shadow (Not required if using Trump Invocation), Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional), Protection Range (Naming Magic, Pattern, Logrus, Trump, or any combination).

4. Replicate Shadow Object.

Forms a duplicate out of Shadow of any object. Making a replicate of a living thing could result in a living duplicate, or if the Sorcerer prefers, a dead duplicate (a corpse). No duplicated item, living or otherwise, will have the powers or magic of the original. Duplicates last until dispelled, or until moved from the Shadow where they were created.

Casting Time: Thirty Minutes

Lynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each. Name of Object, Magic of Shadow (Not required if using Trump Invocation), Living or Dead (Optional), Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).

5. Self-Teleport.

Transports the caster to a specified location. The location can be built into the casting, or can be defined as a series of lynchpins. Takes place instantly. Comes in two varieties. One, where if you are bound, or chained, or otherwise held, the spell does not release you, but may transport you along with whatever is attached to you. The other, where you are teleported free of anything bound or attached to your body, but also leaving behind all your other possessions, clothing, weapons, jewelry, and even objects held in your hand. If Trump Invocation is used to power this spell, then the caster can cross shadow boundaries.

Casting Time: Thirty Minutes.

Lynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each. Magic of Shadow (Not required if using Trump Invocation), Name of Destination (Optional), Transport with Possessions (Optional, the caster will bring along possessions, and anything loose that is being grasped, up to about a ton, but it won't work if the caster is chained or attached to something really large), Transport without Possessions (Optional, the caster will arrive naked, leaving all possessions behind, but escapes bindings, chains, or the grasp of anything hostile).

6. Trump Image Enhancement.

The simplest form of Trump Enhancement merely provides extra energy for making a Trump contact. This is, in effect, a burst of Psyche, like the Power Word of the same name. It can also be useful for breaking a Trump contact, or in defending oneself against psychic attack, including one which accompanies an invasive spell. If no target is specified, then it affects the caster.

Casting Time: Thirty Minutes.

Lynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each. Magic of Shadow (Not required if using Trump Invocation), Name/Description of Trump Subject (Optional).

7. Force Dagger.

This spell conjures a shimmering, translucent dagger of force, that sails through the air from the caster's hand as if thrown. Being insubstantial until contact, it is impossible to parry with conventional weapons. The main advantage of this spell is that it is fast, and that an ignorant target may try to parry rather than dodge. The secondary advantage being that it ignores all types of armor when powered by Trump. It also remains under the caster's control while it lasts, turning insubstantial again after striking in order to strike again. If trigger is not specified, then the dagger appears in the caster's hand to 'throw'. If duration is not specified, then the dagger lasts thirty minutes.

Casting Time: Thirty Minutes.

Lynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each. Magic of Shadow (Not required if using Trump Invocation), Trigger (Optional), Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).

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