Dru'than Hendrake

NAME: Dru'than Hendrake


HEIGHT: 6'5"

HAIR: Short, to mid-length Black Hair.

EYES: Bright Blue

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Dancer's build. He like to dress in leather, and his colors are Black and Blue - which he wears a lot of.

INTERESTS: Everything. His main interest is in traveling shadow and experiencing everything that he possibly can!


Dru was born in shadow, 2 years before the Patternfall War. His mother was Tao Hendrake. He remembers that she was beautiful in her human form with her blond hair and blue eyes. He knows he was a disappointment to her, not being a girl and all, but she still seemed to treat him with a loving touch and caring manner � when she was around. He has no clue who his father is, as nobody has ever told him. He plans to find out some day.

He basically grew up under the care and tutelage of the demon Lorvin. From an early age, Lorvin began teaching Dru how to shapeshift, and discovered that Dru caught on much quicker than most other children Lorvin had ever seen. Lorvin realized then, that Dru was something special. Then, at the age of six, his mother had to go to S�Arnath due to an uprising, and that's where she died. So, Dru was sent to be raised by his Uncle Livian, who was a merchant-captain. Lorvin came with him, to continue educating and caring for him. They traveled a lot through shadow and Dru became familiar with the different shadows they traveled to, as well as the ones in between. He became especially familiar with the Black Circle.

His first exposure to trump was pretty amazing. It seems, at the age of 6, he came across one of his uncle�s trumps and contacted someone who happened to be visiting in Amber. That distance had never been breached by one so young before, at least that�s what his uncle told him. His uncle cautioned Dru against displaying his Trump abilities to everyone. So, he began to internalize his trump abilities. This is where he learned how to first memorize the trumps he had made in the normal fashion. Then he learned how to create the trumps within his mind and store them there. He no longer had to carry a trump deck with him, but he chose to so as to not make people suspicious. Even with him hiding the majority of his trump abilities, people could see his potential and called him a child prodigy. Finally when he was about 14, and he realized he was different than everyone else, he discovered that he liked being different and stopped hiding his abilities from everyone. This was when he started learning about the more standard trump abilities.

At the age of 23, he decided to leave his uncle and do some traveling of his own. The life of a merchant-captain was not for him. Lorvin decided to accompany him for awhile to keep him out of trouble. So, Dru left his uncle, in search of adventure and his father.


Carefree, easy going, distant and almost always happy.
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