Dustin's Diary


Luke was his name and I told him there would be no problems betwixt us as long as his goals and mine didn't conflict too much. I told him I had come to bring the woman back to their families. I was surprised when he said that he had planned to take them to Amber.

Still the man had some sense of decency he gave no quarrel over the women and bade his men allow me to take them. I could tell his men weren't pleased, who cares I thought remembering the acts which Darvish was accused of.

The trek back to the caravan was uneventfull, except for a sandstorm. Lord I hate storms. Long story short I made it back and the farmers were more then happy. They offered me anything I wanted. Water, food and even the company of thier women. I repressed the greedy part of myself and waved off their offers.

I preffered to be a mysterious stranger then the typical mercenary. It pleased me. I told them I would journey with them a bit and rode in their horse drawn cart.

I pulled out the gallery of portraits looking for Fiona. I must remember to throttle whoever made me family since so many of the women in my family were incredibly attractive and the one I beheld more so then most.

Well that's when it happened. I felt like the great storm had struck and through the trump I went.

Away went the color, away went the caravan, away went my good mood. Worse no petite red head to greet me. I was a little more then miffed. The fires inside me boiled.

Some guy who seemed to be practicing to be a mime stood before me his face caught in some silent curse.

Well I was still in a wasteland...somehow fitting.

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