Elsa Afenbru

NAME: Elsa Afenbru

AGE:14 in Human Form.

HEIGHT: 5'5"

HAIR: Long, dark chestnut waves with glistening copper highlights.

EYES: Deep Brown

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Although Elsa is much older, her human form is a remarkable resemblance of a painting she has of her mother as young women, appearing about fourteen years old. Dark Chestnut waves with glistening copper highlights spill loosely below her shoulders. She is gracefully slight in build, seemingly fragile, and carries no weapons. She dresses in clothing reasonably befitting the dignity and solemnity of a Courts.

Regardless of whether she is in human or demon form, a cobalt blue pearl necklace always hangs around her slender neck -- it having belonged to her mother.

Elsa�s demon forms are too numerous to go into. In fact, some tease that she never takes the same form twice. Indeed, were it not for her mother's necklace, many in the Courts would have difficulty recognizing her in her many demon forms.

No one, outside of those in House Afenbru have ever seen her in Avatar form.

INTERESTS: She spends a great deal of time at the docks, speaking with the sailors about their adventures and hoping to get a glimpse of the remarkable imports from far away shadows. She has a secret crush on Porthos.

She is close friends with the grandson of Delve Zantut and spends a good deal of time in their Ways with him, gawking over the treasures imported for the various Lords of Chaos.... with a particular fascination for the many items King Merlin has brought in from Shadow Earth.

She tends to enjoy the company of demons more than that of the Chaos nobles, finding them less pretentious. She finds her lessons with them to be more of a form of entertainment than a chore.

She is mildly interested in Thelbane politics, a result of her father�s influence upon her and the rich history of House Afenbru.


Elsa's Father, Gnoster Afenbru, is the grandson of the former King of Chaos and Current Head of House Afenbru. He is very political and obsessed with seeing the fallen House restored to Major House status.

He is extremely overbearing when it comes to his relationship with his Elsa, even dictating what form she�s to take and what she�s to wear when they are together in public.

Elsa�s mother, Daxia Mandurby, developed shape-shifting cancer and died shortly after Elsa�s birth. The doctors believed the stress of the pregnancy and/or labor as the cause for the disease, but nothing could ever be confirmed.

Elsa often spends time talking with people who knew her mother; passionate about learning everything she can about the woman. Daxia was generous to a fault and, as far as Elsa can tell, loved by all.


When in her human form, she displays all those qualities that she attributes to her mother: kindness, generosity, a lust for life, and a fragile soul.

Each of her demon forms seems to carry its own personality.

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