Elsa's Grimoire

Basic Spells

Mind Touch
Bodily Defense
Magical Drain
Defensive Material
Lightning Bolt
Pressurized Lava
Replicate Shadow Object
Self-Teleport �

SEAL OF THE ABYSS � Type:Summoning

An ancient symbol, when drawn, which binds a pact or an oath with an indestructible seal. Long used by the Afenbru's, in exchange for their own protection, to ensure the loyalty of their more prominent advisors and scholars. And thankfully so, for the Seal of the Abyss is directly responsible for the fact that the Household retained some of their more valued staff, including their sorcery and shape shifting instructors, after the House was thrown into disgraced status.

Knowledge of -exactly- how the Seal works has long now been lost, but it is believed to be the symbol of perfect Chaos which underlies all things. Should one party break their oath, the chaos from within the seal is released and brands the responsible party, attracting some of the most hideous Abyssian creatures imaginable to punish the offender.

The first step, creating the seal, is quite simple but requires an intense concentration as the sorceress pours energy into it. Once the Seal is written, it acts like a black hole, opening within the deepest depths of the Abyss, and sucking raw chaos into the Seal. The shape must be approximately correct (it's not very complicated), and can be written or drawn in the air. The physical representation may be damaged, but the Seal itself seems to reside somewhere else. Once created, the Seal cannot be broken by anything. There are rumors that Oracles have tried, with disastrous consequences.

Casting time � 2 hours. Duration: Permanent. Because of the sheer amount of chaos being harnessed in this spell, the seal must be closed and thus all attempts to hang it have failed miserably.

RITE OF THE VOID �� Type: Summoning

This ritual magick is cast when an extremely desperate sorceress wishes to gain deeper insight from the Abyss. The sorceress, after setting the appropriate Ward, opens a gate into the Abyss, and is engulfed by the darkness of Chaos floods over her. This experience, not unlike traversing the Logrus, invariably results in the Sorceress' (hopefully temporary) insanity, though from immersing herself in the total Chaos which underlies all things and sees beyond, a higher truth and enlightenment can be obtained.

Due to the inherent risks associated with this spell, it is rarely performed and unlikely to ever be hung.

Casting time � 1 hour (after the necessary Greater Ward.)

BRAND OF THE CURSED � Type: Invasive, Summoning

This sign is used to brand people that have angered the Sorceress by defiling her forces of Chaos. It is a violent, radical rune which is drawn in the air against the offender, painted on objects which are given to them or actually branded into their skins. The curse makes all Abyssian creatures to recognize that the bearer has defiled the forces of chaos, and most beings either try to make his life as miserable as possible, or avoid him. It is rumored that The Church of The Serpent once used a more powerful version of this spell upon those who were excommunicated, actually branding the offenders Soul so that, upon death, the Abyss would cast it out, never to be joined with the perfections of Chaos.

Casting time: 1 hour. Lynchpins: 30 minutes - Name of person, Name of person's location in shadow, Dispel Word�

SIGN OF PROTECTION � Type: Summoning,Defensive

This sign is the opposite of the Brand of the Cursed, it shows that the bearer is under the protection of the Sorceress. Anybody harming him risks retribution from the forces of chaos.

Casting time � 1 hour. Lynchpins: 20 minutes - Name of person, Name of person's location in shadow�

GREATER WARD � Type: Defensive

Like Defensive Psyche Ward but this Ward combines the principles of Magical Drain. The sorceress can create a boundary to keep all forms of magical energy from entering and/or existing the area.

Casting time: ???. Duration: 1 hour. Lynchpins: 30 minutes, Magic of Shadow, Boundaries of Ward, Dispel Word.

FLOODLAND � Type: Summoning, Invasive

This spell is a chaos magnet, briefly flooding the target's mind with all sorts of random thoughts from those in the area. This makes it virtually impossible to concentrate on anything and is great for disrupting spells.

Casting time � 1 hour. Lynchpins: 20 minutes - Identify target, Magic of shadow

'TIS JUST A SCRATCH � type: Invasive

Allows the sorceress to completely block all pain from the target's mind. However, this also means that they have only a vague idea of how hurt they really are unless specifically looking for injuries.

Casting time: 30 minutes. Lynchpins � 10 minutes - Identify target, Magic of shadow


Essentially the opposite of 'Tis Just a Scratch, this spell allows the sorceress to over stimulate the target's neural synapses and double the effects of physical stimuli. Extremely useful during battle for inflicting pain and especially fun for those more passionate encounters.

Casting time � 30 minutes. Lynchpins: 10 minutes - Identify target, Magic of shadow

THE NOTICE � Type: Summoning

By attracting all of the loose shadow in the area and shifting it into raw energy, this spell creates a temporary 'energy sink' around the target which fools others into thinking that she is much more powerful than she appears. [Just has some quality of... power about her.] At the same time, it sends out a sort of 'mental beacon' which causes everyone in range to notice and look at the Target at the same time.

"(lights cigarette) Nobody touches the boy. That's right. The boy's mine. And in thirty seconds, me, and him, and the witch, are going to walk out of here. You know who I am. Or you ought to. You know my reputation. Now... does anyone here really want to start something?"

Casting time � 1 hour. Lynchpins � 20 minutes - Identify Target, Magic of Shadow

FATAL FLAW � type: Invasive

This spell enables the Sorceress the uncanny ability to find people's weaknesses. The Sorceress searches the victim's mind for psychological weaknesses - phobias, hatreds, ambitions, doubts, anything that can be used against him. The spell is often used on friends as well as enemies.- just in case. It may not be easy to get past mental shields, though this spell is most successful when the target's mind is heavily occupied.

Casting time: 30 minutes. Lynchpins: 10 minutes - Identify Target, Magic of Shadow

INFECTION � type: Summoning/Invasive

The Sorceress infects the target with disease. The disease can range from hay fever to anthrax. If the disease is contagious the victim can himself spread it. Handy when the Sorceress wants to end a particularly unpleasant date or brunch.

Casting time: 1 hour. Lynchpins: 30 minutes - Identify Target, Type of Disease, Magic of Shadow�

TRUTH-READ � Type: Invasive

Much like a lie-detector, the Sorceress monitors involuntary bodily reactions to determine the truthfulness of what her target is saying.

Casting Time � 30 minutes. Lynchpins � 10 minutes - Identify Target, Magic of Shadow.

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