
NAME: Gieger


HEIGHT: 6'2"

HAIR: Dark, black, short cut and stylish.

EYES: Emerald Green

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Strong build of an active youth, full of exuberence, and life. His handsome, boyish features, cutting wit, and lustful charm makes him rather popular with those of the opposite sex.

INTERESTS: Simply put, the exploration of shadow is one of Gieger's greatest loves. Finding interesting beings in shadow, fighting the strangest wars, and partaking in the most interesting, and frightening activities. He is a true thrill seekers.


Somewhat a typical Amber upbringing, Gieger always found himself trying things first, likeing it, and perfecting it. When he finally took the pattern, his teleportaiton took him out of familly affairs for nearly 3 weeks, when he was finally found, he was in a full body cast, while several internal organs regenerated. All he would say was that he knew where he went wrong, and next time... he'd be better.


Charming, funloving, and very intelligent. Very brave, even to the point of brahsness, or stupidity. Always willing to help out.
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