Glaive Omber

NAME: Glaive Omber

AGE:Impossible to determine. Her appearance is that of a 28-34 year old human.

HEIGHT: 5'6"

HAIR: Jet black, very thick, very long. Her hair hangs down below her waist. She generally keeps it off her face by means of a silver headpiece.

EYES: Her eyes have an unusual and rather alarming appearance. The interior portions of her irises are ice white with a thin outside rim in a rich caramal brown

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Willowy and graceful with an alarmingly rigid posture, Glaive is an odd person to look at. Her coal-black hair makes her frigidly white skin appear even paler, and her eyes are often described by most as being "freakish." She chooses to clothe herself in long dresses, finely cut in darker colours, and has a prediliction towards wearing cloaks. There is little about her appearance that could be considered either warm or inviting. Her cold, haughty stare serves as a welcome deterrant to suitors, well-wishers, merchants and strangers alike. Her constant companion is her familiar, Jedro, a large hawk.

INTERESTS: Glaive walks upon her own path and does not care for company, thank you very much. Her interests delve primarily into occult matters; she is obsessed with her study of sorcery and shapeshifting. She will take occasional interest in the intregues of the Chaosian courts, but will not get involved unless she sees potential for personal gain.


Little is known about Glaive's background. She keeps to herself. It is known, however, that she is of the Noble House Omber; it is also rumored that her background traces her to a direct affiliation to the fallen house of Afenbru. Exactly how this connection works has not yet been revealed.


Glaive is a woman of few words and fewer friends. Arrogant and cold, her pride does not allow her emotions to be easily ruffled. She is reputed to have a nasty temper, however, and several unpleasent stories have circulated concerning unfortuniate incidents occuring to some of Glaive's adversaries. She is primarily concerned for her own personal advancement, living by herself and for herself.
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