Glaive's Grimoire

ALARM – type: Abjuration

* sounds mental or audible alarm each time a creature enters or touches a warded area (circular area radiates 25 feet in a out from a central point). Tiny creatures may be able to penetrate the warded area. Mental alarm will notify only caster, audible alarm may be heard by anyone within 60 – 180 ft of warded area (depending on obstructions such as walls, doors, etc, as well as on general noise level. Excessive outside noise will diminish the area that the alarm may be heard.

Casting time – 1/2 hour . Duration – 2 hours/10 psyche points. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, type of alarm


* Analyzes and discerns magical properties in objects or creatures. Properties are revealed one at a time. To find more than one property in an item/creature, the caster must re-cast the spell. Casting itself does not take 8 hours, but the caster must discern the property within 8 hours of casting, or he/she must start over. This spell is extremely physically taxing to perform, and may not be done under stressful or distracting circumstances. Endurance points should be taken into consideration when casting this spell.

Casting time – 8 hours maximum time to both cast spell and analyze the creature or object. Lynchpins – Magic of Shadow, item/creature name

ANIMATE DEAD – Type: Summoning (necromancy)

* Caster can re-animate a skeleton or corpse. Skeleton or corpses must be mostly intact to be re-animated, and will remain as the creature they originally were (eg: cannot create a human skeleton out of the corpse of a rat). The caster may raise a maximum of 2 creatures per 20 psyche points. The creatures will remain animated until they are destroyed either by an attacker or by dismissal of the caster.

Casting time: 2 hours per item. Lynchpins – Magic of Shadow, type of corpse to be raised


* Mobile circular energy field that moves with caster. Radiates out 10ft from caster.

* Antilife shell: prevents entrance of most living creatures (creatures of tiny size may be able to penetrate). May be used only defensively. Forcing a creature into the area of the shell will cause the shell to collapse.

* Antimagic Shield: space within the shield is impervious to most magical effects (the magic of someone with a psyche superior by 80 points to that of the caster may penetrate shield). Corporeal creatures and objects may enter the shield, but all magical skills or properties will be negated. Non corporeal and conjured creatures or objects will cease to function inside the shield, but will re-appear once they are out of the shield radius.

Casting time: 1 hour. Duration: 10 minutes / 15 psyche points. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow

ARCANE MARK – Type: universal

* The personal mark (runes) of the caster will be inscribed on an object. This mark may be visible or invisible. The runes will be etched onto the object without harming the object, and will disappear completely 6 days after the original casting. Invisible marks may be seen by those possessing a decoder artifact (to be determined by the caster) or knowing the appropriate incantations (also to be determined by the caster).

Casting time – 1 hour. Duration – 6 days. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, name of object upon which the mark is inscribed.

BINDING – Type: Mind-affecting

* Caster creates a magical confinment to hold a creature

* Type of bindings: Chaining – target confined with restraints

* Slumber – comatose sleep

* Bound slumber – combination of chaining and slumber

Casting time: 5 minutes. Duration – 10 mins/ 10 pts psyche. Lynchpins: - Magic of Shadow, identification of target, type of binding

BLESS – Type: mind-affecting

* Increases allies’ courage and finess in battle

Casting time – 30 minutes. Duration 10 mins/ 10 pts psyche. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, identification of targets.


BURNING HANDS – type: Transmutation

* Searing light emerges from caster’s hands in a radius of 5 ft. Tinder-like material will ignite when put in contact. Physical contact results in burn-like wounds

Casting time – 20 minutes. Duration – 20 minutes.


CAUSE FEAR – type: Mind-affecting (necromancy)

* Target becomes afraid of caster and will attempt to flee. Target will fight defensively if cornered.

Casting time: 10 minutes. Duration – 10 mins/20 pts psyche. Lynchpins – Magic of Shadow, identification of targets.


CHARM PERSON – Type: mind-affecting

* Target or targets will view caster as a trusted friend and ally. Caster may only affect one target per 10 pts psyche

Casting time – 30 minutes. Duration – 30 mins/20 pts psyche. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, identification of targets.


CLOAK OF CHAOS – Type: Abjuration

* Caster’s image becomes blurred and uncertain. May cause confusion in some creatures. Makes targeting the caster for spells or attacks extremely difficult.

Casting time – 1 hour. Duration – 1 hour/20 pts psyche. Lynchpins – Magic of Shadow, Power of Logrus (enhances effectiveness of spell, increases duration of spell by 25%)


CREATE UNDEAD – type: Summoning (Necromancy)

* Caster summons undead creatures (ghouls, ghosts, wraiths, golems, etc) from any form of dead corporeal matter (bodies of other dead creatures, bones, severed tissue, etc). Caster may only create one undead creature per 20 psyche points. These creatures tend to be more powerful than simple re-animated undead.

Casting time: 3 hrs per item. Duration: undead creations will remain until they are destroyed. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, type of dead matter to be transformed, type of creature to be created. May summon power of Logrus (decreases casting time)


DARKVISION – type: Transmutation

* Caster gains ability to see 60 feet in total darkness. Caster will see normally, but will perceive no colour. Caster will not be able to see in magically generated darkness.

Casting time: 45 minutes. Duration – 1 hour / 15 psyche points. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow


DEATH KNELL – Type: Necromancy

* Caster must make contact with dying or critically wounded target. If the target is unable to defend themselves, the caster absorbs their life force and adds it to his/her own strength and endurance. The caster may pile the life force of multiple targets inside themselves. The life force of piled targets will not be used until the life force of the previous target has expired. Should the caster successfully cast the spell, the target will die.

Casting time: 20 minutes. Duration: 20 minutes per target per 10 pts of caster’s psyche Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, Power of Logrus (will extend period of lifeforce use).

DEATHWATCH – Type: Necromancy

* Caster may instantly determine the life or death status of all creatures in an area with a half-mile radius (caster will be at the centre of the area). The caster will know whether the creatures are dead, near death, fragile (alive and critically wounded), fighting off death (alive and seriously wounded), undead, or neither (non-living construct). This spell foils any attempts by other creatures, magical or otherwise, to feign death.

Casting time – 30 minutes. Duration – 15 minutes


DEEPER DARKNESS – Type: Evocation

* The caster will cause an object they’ve touched to shed darkness in a 60 foot radius. Creatures who can normally see through the dark will not be able to see in this magical darkness, nor may those casting Darkvision spells, or other magical low-light vision spells. The caster will have some degree of vision in their own Deeper Darkness spell, but their vision will also be seriously diminished. It is highly advisable for casters of this spell to ensure some sort of guiding system in order to exit the darkened area.

Casting time – 1 hour. Duration – 2 hours / 15 psyche points. Lynchpins: Magic of shadow.


DESTRUCTION – Type: Necromancy

* This awful spell instantly slays the subject and consumes any remains in a magical fire. The subject of the spell is entitled to a psyche check against the caster. Should the psyche points between the subject and the caster be similar, the subject will not die, but will receive serious injuries.

Casting time: 1.5 hours. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, identification of target.


EXPLOSIVE RUNES – Type: Abjuration

* This inscribes magical runes of the caster’s choice upon an item of the caster’s choice (usually an item such as a note or letter). Once the runes have been read, the runes will detonate, causing injury to the reader. The caster may read their own runes in safety, as may characters that have been specifically instructed by the caster. Allowing certain individuals to read the runes in safety will increase the time needed to cast the spell by 25 minutes per person.

Casting time: 1 hour per item charged. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, names of individuals protected against the runes.


FEAR – Type: Mind-Affecting (Necromancy)

* Feelings of pure terror are inflicted in creatures within a 25 foot radius of the caster. The panicked creatures will attempt to flee, choosing their path randomly and often dropping items they may be carrying. If cornered, the creatures will cower in fear.

Casting time – 20 minutes. Duration – 10 minutes. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow.


FIREBALL – Type: Evocation

* This spell creates a burst of flame that detonates at a spot specified by the caster (indicated by the caster pointing their finger). This attack has a range of 25 feet / 10 psyche points, and the target for the fireball must be within the caster’s range. The fireball will explode with a low roar when it reaches the target or position indicated by the caster.

Casting time – 30 minutes / 3 fireballs (minimum). Lynchpins – magic of Shadow, range of fireball, target of fireball.


FIRESHEILD – Type: Evocation (elemental)

* This spell wreathes the caster in flame and causes damage to each creature who attempts a melee or touch attack. The flames also protect from either cold-based or fire-based attacks. Anyone who attempts to strike the caster will make normal damage, but will be fire-damaged due to their proximity to the flames. Ranged or long-reach attacks (ie: firearm or polearm) will function normally without damage to the attacker. While under the duration of this spell, the caster will appear immersed in thin, wispy flames, brightly list but fairly transparent and dealing no heat.

Casting time: 30 mins. Duration 10 mins / 25 pts psyche. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow.

FIRESTORM - Type: Evocation (elemental)

* When this spell is cast, an circular area radiating 15 feet outwards from the caster is shot through with sheets of roaring flame. Plants and natural terrain are not damaged, however all creatures within (with the exception of the caster) is severely scorched.

Casting time: 30 mins. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow.

FIRETRAP - Type: Abjuration (elemental)

*A firey explosion is created when an intruder opens the item that the trap wards. The trap may ward any closeable item. The explosing fills the area within a 5-foot radius of the object, and will trigger when anyone other than the caster attempts to open the object. An object under this spell may not have other trap spells cast upon it (effects will not stack).

Casting time: 1 hour. Range: Touch. Duration: 3 days/30 pts psyche. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow.

FLAME STRIKE - Type: Evocation (elemental)

* A vertical comumn of fire with a diamater of 5 feet comes roaring and pounding downwards, dealing damage to those within the area. The target of the column is indicated by the caster pointing to the area where the spell will be cast. This spell cannot be cast beyond a distance of 100 ft.

Casting time - 20 mins. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow.

FOG CLOUD - Type: Conjuration (elemental)

*A bank of fog billows out from the point as designated by the caster, obscuring all sight beyond 5 feet. Moderate and strong winds may weaken and even dissapate the fog.

Casting time: 30 mins. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow.

GATE - Type: Evocation

*This creates an opening between two points either in the same area or between shadow. The spell is difficult to cast, difficult to maintain for more than a few seconds, and is generally less reliable than trump gates. The effectiveness of the spell depends greatly on the amount of time devoted by the caster to establish the spell (ie: the permanant gate between the Glaiveways and the home of her servant girls took her a solid week to cast, not including a two-day permenancy spell after the gate was established). The gate is affected by permanacy spells.

Casting time: 2 days (minimum). Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, locations.

GENTLE REPOSE - Type: Necromancy

*Preserves the remains of a dead creature so they do not decay, increasing the amount of time in which the caster may attempt to resseurect them (also makes the transportation of fallen comrades far more pleasent). This spell may also be adapted to effect a living creature, in which case necrotising wounds, poisons, and the like are slowed in effects. Living creatures appear to be in a deep comatose sleep while under the influence of the spell.

Casting time: 1 hour. Range: touch. Duration 1 day / 20 pts psyche. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, Living Target (if applicable).

GHOST SOUND – Type:Illusion.

*Creates a volume of noise as indicated by the caster, eminating from an area determined by the caster. The sound level is based on the amount of noise 4 humans can make, and may be increased per 25 pts of psyche.

Duration may be determined by the caster, but may not exceed the total duration allowed by the caster's psyche level. Once the nature of the sound has been determined (ie: troop of humans, roar of a lion, disembodied whispers, etc), it may not be changed for the duration of the spell.

Casting time: 1 hour. Range - 25 ft/20pts psyche. Duration:10 mins/20pts psyche. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, Type of Sound, Origin of Sound.

GLITTERDUST - Type: Conjuration

*Creates a cloud of glaring golden particles which cover everything in the area, blinding creatures and visibly outlining any invisible thing for the duration of the spell.

Casting time: 20 mins. Range: 20ft radius/ 30 pts psyche. Duration: 5 mins/20pts psyche. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow.

GREASE - Type: Conjuration

*This extremely annoying spell covers a solid surface or area (no larger than 25 square feet) with a layer of slippery grease, causing those moving in it to slip, skid, or fall.

Casting time: 1 hour. Duration 10 mins/25pts psyche. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, Area (or object) Targeted, Area to be covered.

GLYPH WORDS - Type: Abjuration

*These words may either be cast primarily as a warding spell. A powerful magical inscription appears next to the warded area. The warding sigil will be visible to anyone who may happen to see it, glows slightly, and conforms to the shape of the object on which it is inscribed. Any creature passing or violating the warded area will trigger the spell, and any sort of area may be warded. The words (generally in an archane of abyssmal script) indicate the sort of ward cast. The wards may include:

Creature type - if warding a specific type or group of creatures.

Ward Type: *Blast Glyph - deals blast damage, either sonic, cold, fire, acid, or electricity, to be determined by the caster.

*Spell Glyph - released a stored spell which will effect those violating the warded area.

Casting time: 2 hours. Duration: 1.5 days/30 pts psyche. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, Area to be Warded, Conditions of Glyph (as listed above).

GUST OF WIND – Type: Evocation

* Caster creates a strong blast of air approxamatly 10 ft wide by 10 feet high, originating from the caster and moving in the direction he/she is facing. This wind will travel 100 ft, plus an additional 10 ft for every 10 points psyche. The forst of this gust automatically extinguishes candles, torches and similar unprotected flames. Protected flames will dance wildly, and may extinguish (at the GM’s discretion). This wind may affect creatures in the area, and will do anything that a real blast of wind will be expected to do.

Casting time – 30 minutes. Lynchpins – Magic of Shadow.

HEAL – Type: Transmutation

* Caster may heal certain wounds on either himself or another person. The effects of this healing may equal to anything from the stopping of bleeding, the subsiding of swelling, the dulling of pain, aid in knitting bones or lacerations, or healing of the GMs choice. The more serious or complicated the injury is, the longer the spell will take to cast, and the greater the strain placed on the caster. Total time of casting will be at the GMs discretion.

Casting time – 10 minutes (more or less, depending on the severity of the injuries). Lynchpins – Magic of shadow, subject of healing, type of healing.

HEALING CIRCLE - Type: Conjuration

As above, with the exception that the caster cannot have less than 75pts psyche. This is effectively is a much more difficult as well as physically and mentally taxing version of the Heal spell. Affects all creatures within a 20 foot area, radiating outwards from the caster.

Casting time: 30 mins minimum. Range: 20 foot area, radiates outwards from caster (who is at the centre of the area). Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow.

HOLD CREATURE - Type: Enchantment (mind-affecting).

*The target freezes in place, standing helpless. Target is aware and breathes normally, but cannot take any physical action, even speech; may still execute purely mental actions. Flying creatures that are 'Held' cannot flap their wings and will fall. Swimming creatures can no longer swim and will drown. Spell may be resisted by creatures with enough psyche (psyche battle may ensue if the caster and the target are of similar psyche - to be determined by GM).

Casting time: 45 mins. Range: 50 ft. Duration: 10 mins/30pts psyche. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, Type of Creature (Animal, Monster, Person, Undead), Identification of Target.

HORRID WILTING – Type: Necromancy

* This spell evaporates moisture from the bodies of all the targeted living creatures, causing injury or damage. This spell is especially devastating to water-based creatures, plants, and plant creatures.

Casting time – 30 minutes. Lynchpins – Magic of shadow, identification of targets.

HYPNOTISM – Type: Mind-Affecting

* Gestures and droning incantations of the caster will cause nearby creatures in a 25 ft. surrounding area to stop and stare blankly at the caster. The caster may use the rapt attention of the hypnotized creatures to make their statements and suggestions more plausible. Creatures must be able to see and hear the caster to be hypnotized, but do not need to understand what is being said.

Casting time – 20 minutes. Lynchpins – Magic of shadow, hallucinatory effects.

HYPNOTIC PATTERN - Type: Illusion (mind-affecting)

*A twisting patern of subtle, shifting colours weaves through the air, fascinating those watching it and making them more succeptable to suggestion and slowing their reaction times.

Casting time: 30 mins. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow.

ICE STORM – Type: Evocation

*Great hailstones pound down, causing damage to creatures and structures below in a 20-by-40 ft radius.

Casting time – 20 minutes. Lynchpins – Magic of Shadow. Duration: 10 minutes.

ILLUSORY WALL– Type: Mind-affecting (illusion)

* Creates an illusion of a wall, floor, ceiling or similar surface. Appears absolutely real, but is intangible – physical objects can pass through it. May be used to hide doors, traps, etc; will be discovered if touched, but the illusion will not disappear until the spell times out.

Casting time – 45 minutes. Lynchpins – Magic of Shadow. Duration: 1 hour / 20 psyche pts.

ILLUSORY SCRIPS - Type: Illusion (mind effecting)

*Caster writes instructions or other information on any suitable writing surface. The script appears to be some form of foreign or magic writing. Only those designated at the time of casting are able to read the writing. Any unauthorized creature attempting to read the script triggers a potent illusory effect, causing the creature to suffer anything from disorientation to suggestions implanted in the spel (suggestions may only last 30 mins).

Casting time: 1.5 hours. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, Identification of those authorized to read the script. Suggestion implanted in script.

IMPLOSION - Type: Evocation

*A destructive resonance is created in a creature's or thing's body, causing it to collapse in on iteself, damaging and (if the target is alive) potentially killing it. To increase the amount of damage to the target, the caster must continuously concentrate on it. Should something cause the caster to break concentration, the spell will cease.

Casting time: 30 minutes and up (depending on level of damage). Range: 30 ft. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, Identification of Target.

INCENDIARY CLOUD - Type: Conjuration (elemental)

*Creates a cloud of rolling smoke shot through with white-hot embers. The smoke obscures vision in the same fashion as the Fog Cloud spell. In addition, the embers within the cloud deal minor fire damage to everything within the area. Creatures breathing in the smoke will be effected just as they would be by regular smoke. The smoke emits from the caster, and the caster is immune to the effects of the spell.

Casting time: 1 hour. Range: cloud rolls outwards at a rate of 15 feet/5 minutes. Duration: 10 minutes/30pts psyche. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow.

INSANITY – Type: Mind-affecting

* Causes creature to experience insanity in the forms of delusions, confusion, or similar symptoms as directed by the GM.

Casting time – 50 minutes. Lynchpins – Magic of Shadow, Name of Target, Multiple Targets, Power of Logrus. Duration: 4 hours / 25 psyche pts.

INVISIBILITY – Type: Transmutation

* Target (or targets) touched, weighing no more than 100 pounds / 10 pts psyche, will vanish from sight. This includes all gear carried or clothing worn by the target.

Casting time – 1.5 hours. Lynchpins – Magic of Shadow, Name of Target (if other than caster). Duration: 30 mins / 25 pts psyche.

KNOCK - Type: Transmutation

*Opens stuck, barred, locked, held, or otherwise jammed doors. May open secret doors as well as boxes or chests and shackles. Loosens welds or chains. This spell will not raise a portcullis or similar object. Each spell cast may open two locks (so if an object has four seperate locks on it, the spell must be cast twice).

Casting time: 30 mins. Range: 10 feet/50 pts psyche. Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, Identification of target (if it cannot be touched).

LEVITATE – Type: Transmutation

* Caster may levitate objects of their choice (including themselves) of no more than 150 lbs / 20 pts psyche. The object to be levitated either by pointing or reaching towards them or by calling the name of the object. The object will move according to the indications of the caster through hand and arm motions. The hand and arm motions may indicate direction, speed and force with which the levitated object moves. Should the target violently resist, the levitation will become more difficult and require greater effort on the part of the caster, and may cause physical and mental exhaustion to the caster (the degree of this exhaustion may be determined by the GM).

Note: Levitation does not mean Suspension of the target. Should the caster lose their focus on the object/creature being levitated (by being attacked or some other such distraction), the target will fall. Levitation of the caster themselves requires much less concentration than levitation of objects other than the caster.

Casting time – 25 min. Lynchpins – Magic of Shadow, Name of Target (if other than caster), Power of Logrus (decreases time to cast, increases ease with which the caster may levitate the target object/creature). Duration: Ability to levitate objects after the completion of the spell remains with the caster for 10 minutes / 20 pts psyche.

LIGHT – Type: Evocation

* This simple spell causes an item touched by the caster to glow like a torch, shedding light in a 20 ft. radius from the point that it is touched. Light taken into an area of magical darkness does not function.

Casting time – 10 minutes. Lynchpins – Magic of Shadow. Duration: 10 minutes / 10 pts psyche.

LIGHTENING BOLT – Type: Evocation

* The caster releases a powerful bolt of lightening from their fingertips that extends 100 ft. The bolt sets fire to combustibles and causes injury to whatever creatures it strikes. It may melt metals with a low melting point (such as gold, copper, lead, silver, or bronze). Should the bolt cause barriers to shatter or break through, it may continue beyond the barrier to the limit of the spell’s range.

Casting time – 30 minutes. Lynchpins – Magic of Shadow.

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