Glossary of Amber Terms & Concepts

The Abyss. There exists a place, somewhere at the border of the Courts of Chaos, where the known universe simply ceases to exist. This voice, which we assume is contained by the combined effect of the Logrus and the Pattern, appears as a huge bottomless pit, where material land just stops and emptiness begins. The contents of the Abyss, that which falls in, would seem forever lost. This must not be an absolute, since there is evidence that the Unicorn is capable of retrieving items from the Abyss.

Amber. The center of all things. The only true reality.

The Amber Universe. Our familiar Earth is nothing but a Shadow of the one real world. That real world is Amber. It is the only world of substance, and Shadows stretch out around it like images in a room full of mirrors, warped by the distant shifting Logrus. Our Earth is Shadow Earth, a remote and twisted image, and each person we have ever known, everything we have ever seen, is a little piece of Shadow stuff. And out among the infinite Shadows, there is any world you can imagine.

The Black Zone. The Courts of Chaos has its favorites among the surrounding Shadows. Within the Black Zone are trading partners, potential fiefdoms, and the raw manpower needed to form armies. In addition, just as Amber has its Forest Arden, there are sufficient wilderness areas in the Black Zone for all the Lords of Chaos to have their own private hunting preserves.

Broken Patterns. Scattered throughout Shadow, like reflections in a cracked mirror, are images of the Pattern. Each Shadow copy is imperfect, weakened by fractures and gaps. Some are located in Shadowy imitations of Castle Amber, others in reflections of Tir-na Nog'th or Rebma, and others appear in the open air, like the Primal Pattern. The farther away from Amber, the worse the image, until there are places where fragments of Pattern give off only a dim glimmer.

Even though the Broken Patterns have just a bit of the power of the original, they are often a magnet for power hungry wizards and other creatures capable of moving through Shadow. It's even possible to walk a Broken Pattern, through the fissures rather than along the lines, and thereby gain a certain amount of power over Shadow.

Castle Amber. The room where the Pattern is located is inside of a castle, a castle on top of a mountain called Kolvir, looking over the sea. The castle is called Amber, and it is the home to that family which has power over the Pattern. Ancient, powerful, rambling, filled with arcane secret passages, mysterious halls, and built atop a cavernous maze of tunnels.

Corwin's Pattern. At the end of the Patternfall War, that great conflict between Amber and the Courts of Chaos, Prince Corwin used the Jewel of Judgment to inscribe a new Pattern. It seems to represent a new universe of Shadows, and of possibilities, while it stands as a third power between Primal Pattern and the Logrus. By the end of the Merlin Saga, Corwin's Pattern had gained several powerful defenders.

The Courts of Chaos. Beyond the Shadows of Amber, beyond the point where "rational" things like the laws of physics and nature have any real meaning, there is the Courts of Chaos. Occupied by Lords of Chaos, the users of the Logrus, they are hostile to Amber, but involved in their own affairs. It would seem to pre-date Amber, and it would seem that Dworkin, the creator of Pattern, was born in the Courts of Chaos.

Demons. Fanged and scaled, often horned and taloned, demons seem to be the earliest inhabitants of the realm of Chaos. Some, indeed, are even said to be fragments of Primal Chaos. They range in size from small, furry, mouse catchers, all the way up to gigantic man-killers. Some dwell in ordinary material bodies, some are completely etherial and capable of inhabiting other bodies. Still other demons live in multi-dimensional realms where the usual rules of geometry don't apply.

To Lords of Chaos, who can take many forms, the shape of a demon is just as natural as that of a human. For example, at a State Funeral in the Courts of Chaos, it is traditional to wear red and come in the form of a demon.

Dworkin. Father of Oberon, and Creator of the Pattern.

Hellriding/Shadow Shifting. There are an infinite number of different worlds. The problem is getting from one to the next. That process, getting from Shadow "A" to Shadow "B," we call Shadow Shifting. It's a mental process, a matter of picturing possibilities, and gradually adding or subtracting details. Hellriding is more of the same, just faster, and usually a matter of riding a horse, a mount, or a vehicle.

The Fount of Power. At the Keep of the Four Worlds, a nexus for Shadows of fire, water, air and earth, the energies of the Shadows flow in fires of a magical fountain. It was here that Prince Brand of Amber gained his power as a "Living Trump," by bathing in the Fount.

Ghosts. Know the old tale about your whole life flashing in front of you? Anyone walking the Pattern will go through a similar experience, remembering and reliving their entire life.

It turns out this isn't just a casual bit of reminiscing. When someone walks the Pattern, the Pattern records the experience, effectively "down-loading" the character's personality and memory. Once recorded, the Pattern can then create a copy of the original, a structure of pure Pattern energy with all the thoughts and feelings of the original. And, just as the Pattern can make Pattern-Ghosts, so the Logrus can put together Logrus-Ghosts.

The Golden Circle. The Kingdom of Amber has created its own political alliance, called the Golden Circle. While most Golden Circle Shadows are relatively close to Amber, membership is more a matter of compact than geography. Each Golden Circle member state has a separate treaty with Amber, usually granting Amber's protection, and allowing privileged trade status. On the other hand, any Golden Circle member must allow for the passage of Amber's fleets and/or troops, and may be required to contribute taxes or forces.

The Jewel of Judgment. The main mystic artifact of the Amber universe, and most prized possession of the throne. Look within its depths and you will see a three dimensional version of the Pattern. It is said that Dworkin inscribed the Pattern using the Jewel of Judgment, although it is not known if the Pattern within the Jewel was there before Dworkin made the Pattern. Certainly the Jewel of Judgment now possesses strange powers, among them the absolute control of weather in Amber, and throughout Shadow.

The Logrus. As Pattern is the representation of order, so Logrus is the representation of chaos. Taking the Logrus, navigating its multi-dimensional twists and turns, is the acceptance of madness, but the only way to gain its power. Initiates of the Logrus can use its tendrils to reach through Shadow, for defensive and offensive combat, and as a container for magical spells.

Lords of Chaos. The Lords of Chaos are ranked according to Noble Houses, and their position within their House. The system seems to be patrilineal, so that children are raised in their father's House, and women move into the House of their husband when they marry.

House residences are caled Ways, and are woven out of bits of Shadow into complex houses. For example, House Sawall's residence is Sawallways (or the Ways of Sawall), which includes the main Way of Suhuy itself, the Ways of Suhuy, at least eight byways, a maze of ways that contains Sawall's art collection, plus any number of hidden or secret ways. House members need not live in the Ways of the House. For example, Mandor, heir to House Sawall, maintains his own separate Mandorways.

Magic. Wandering through Shadow, one may come upon many kinds of magic, from the tittering enchantment of pixies, to curses cast of man, to the mighty pronouncements of dragons. However, most of these magics are special only to their own place. They are confined to a single Shadow, a single reality, and work nowhere else.

Greater magic works everywhere. It comes in three varieties.

Power Words are a simplified form of magic, useful primarily as a defense against the magic of others. They are few in number, although specific to each individual. Their effect is instantaneous, and their power is very limited. However, they require no preparation prior to use.

Sorcery is the ability to weave and cast spells. A time consuming process, each spell must be made specifically for a unique use. Once triggered, a spell is expended, and cannot be repeated without another lengthy process of spell creation.

Conjuration allows for the creation of magic in a more permanent form. Either by inserting magic into some creature or item, or by creating something innately magical. It is difficult and time consuming, but the results are long lasting.

Pattern. Picture a circular pathway, with the entrance on the outer edge of a large circle, maybe the size of a baseball diamond. The path winds between glowing lines of power arranged to spiral around and around, toward a small clear zone at the very center. Along the way are strange twists and curves and knots. Walking the Pattern is a dangerous and difficult task, and a weak or fatigued character could easily die before completing it. But, having walked it, one can transport onself, instantly, anywhere one can imagine.

The Patternfall War. The conflict between Amber and the Courts of Chaos, seemingly engineered and encouraged by certain forces within the family Amber. Chaos was urged into the conflict by a number of signs. Corwin's curse against his brother Eric and the partial damage done to the Primal Pattern opened the Black Road, the invasion route from the Courts of Chaos to Amber. Forces in the Courts of Chaos were also encouraged by the warring factions of Amberites, especially the rebel cabal led by Clarissa's children, Bleys, Brand and Fiona, who implied that they might be willing to ally themselves against Amber. In the end, the war proved disastrous to Chaos, and nearly as damaging to Amber. Peace was eventually achieved through Amber's military victory, but also through the influence of a third, "peace party," headed by Dara and Merlin, both of whom have a mixed heritage from the two courts, and Martin, the son of Random.

Corwin's Chronicles record the events of the Patternfall War, from his viewpoint of course. Published on Shadow Earth, they consist of five books, Nine Princes in Amber, The Guns of Avalon, Sign of the Unicorn, The Hand of Oberon, and The Courts of Chaos. Read them, and be enriched.

A later series, of another five books, are based on the adventures of Corwin's son, Merlin. You can get all ten of these in The Great Book of Amber. Available at for under $20, and a WONDERFUL buy.

The Pit. The Courts of Chaos floats above the void, and the bordering edge is called the Rim. The upper reaches of the Abyss, the regio nearest the Courts of Chaos, are called the Pit, while the lowest portion is known as the Abyss.

Rebma & Tir-na Nog'th. The Pattern itself is reflected strongly in only two places. The first, is in the water under the seas bordering Amber. This is a pattern that is the center of a duplicate castle and city, a place structured like Amber, but in an underwater world known as Rebma. The other great reflection appears only by moonlight, in the clouds over Mount Kolvir. When the moon is bright, and the clouds are firm, it is possible to climb a set of shimmering stairs and wander about in Tir-na Nog'th. In that strange place one finds weird pieces of reality and alternate reality, a mix of visions and prophecies.

The Serpent of Chaos. The one-eyed Serpent of Chaos represents the Logrus, and the forces of Chaos. Just as the Unicorn represents the main religion of Amber, so the Way of the Serpent is the faith of the Courts of Chaos. The church is based on the Book of the Serpent hung upon the Tree of Matter, and is headed by Lord Bances of Amblerash, High Priest of the Serpent Which Manifests the Logrus.

Shadow. Shadow is that which Amber creates, which seems real, which comes in infinite profusion, but which is not real. Everywhere between Amber and the Courts of Chaos is Shadow. Worlds of fantasy, dotted with faerie forests and orcish castles. Worlds of science fiction, bristling with technology, spacecraft and maybe even Bio-Implants. Worlds like Earth, but variants based on different histories; or like Earth, but inhabited by different creatures; or like Earth, but of a different age. Amberites can walk to any Shadow that they can imagine, and have it be exactly the world of their dreams.

Shadowmastery. Shadowmastery is a skill rather than a power. Anyone with the time and inclination--which would include all those who know how to manipulate Shadow--can learn the tricks. Shadowmastery is only useful in those places where Shadow is easy to manipulate, as in the Courts of Chaos.

Shadow Storms. Although a Shadow Storm has some of the aspects of a normal storm of cloud and wind and lightning, it is different in that it cuts across Shadows, ripping things, living and otherwise, from one world to another. A fearsome thing, even for Lords of Amber, a Shadow Storm is capable of destroying entire Shadows, and can easily rip apart an army, or a fleet, or anything travelling through the boundaries between Shadow.

Shape Shifting. The ability to shape one's body into other forms. Can range from something as simple as a change of appearance, to something as involved as the taking on of the shape of an entirely different form of creature. Shape Shifting, at its most advanced, can extend to changes in personality and even imitation of Powers and abilities.

Spikards. Ancient artifacts, from a period that may predate Amber itself. In the form of a ring, a spikard is capable of assembling spells nearly instantly, drawing on a vast number of sources of power off in Shadow. It's also hinted that Corwin's sword, Grayswandir, and possibly Brand's sword Werewindle, are of the same class of objects as spikards.

Suhuy. Suhuy is the ancient Keeper of the Logrus, and the chief mage of the Courts of Chaos. He is the principal teacher of Logrus, Trump and Magic.

Swayvill. Until his recent death, King Swayvill was ruler of the Courts of Chaos, the counterpart to Amber's King Oberon. In fact, the death of Oberon may have directly caused Swayvill's death, such is the similarity of their roles, at the opposite ends of matter.

Thari. The language of Amber, as well as the Courts of Chaos. It is said that all other languages are simply distortions of Thari, the one true tongue.

Tragoliths. A family secret, held by Luke and his mother Jasra, is a Shadow containing a cave made of blue crystal. The crystal serves as a barrier to Pattern, Logrus, Trump and Magic, therefore making it an ideal refuge--or prison. Chunks of the cave are blue stones called Tragoliths. While impenetrable to other energies, they are linked with a power of their own, so each and every piece of the cave is linked all across Shadow. In addition, those who carry Tragoliths for a time will eventually become part of the linkage, so that they can be tracked through Shadow by any other Tragolith.

Trump. Another power, used by both courts, is that of the cards of Trump. In shape they are no more than ordinary cards, of the kind used by mishievous fortune tellers, but with images of extraordinary detail. Trump containing the portraits of people have the power to reach the minds of their subjects, across infinite reaches of Shadow. There are also Trump of places and objects. Those who devote themselves to the study of Trump, learning to create the cold images, tap into yet another source of power in the Amber universe.

Trump Scrying. Amberites have their own superstitions. They believe they can take a deck of Trump, shuffle the cards, and deal out an arrangement that will tell them something of the future or of importance. A harmless enough pursuit, and sometimes helpful in pointing out the hidden meaning of a situation.

Trump Travel. Using a Trump connection, it's possible to move from either point of the contact to the other, instantly moving across the intervening distance. Aside from using character Trump, those illustrated with peoples' images, it's also possible to use place Trump, which picture a particular scene, and use them to transport to the place in the image.

Undershadow. A place of mystery, that may lie under all of reality. Most of it is a place of black and white, without color, where shaded areas glow, and things that should be sources of light are dark. Merlin was sent here as part of a trial, or a test. It seems that neither the Logrus nor the Pattern can directly influence affairs in the Undershadow, but they can send their agents, including Pattern-Ghosts and Logrus-Ghosts.

Units of Measure. Fortunately, a "foot" on Shadow Earth is roughly equal to an Amber Imperial Foot (based on the absolute measure of Oberon's foot when he paced out the streets of the city. Even today cast versions of Oberon's foot imprint are found in the streets of the city...). Likewise, a pound is comparable to the Amber Imperial Pound used throughout the trade routes of the Golden Circle Kingdoms, and is said to be one twenty-fifth of one tenth of Oberon's true weight.

The Unicorn. As much as Amber is built on the mystic lines of the Pattern, or the stone and mortar of the Castle, it has a spiritual foundation. Even a fleeting glance of this magical creature, pure and dainty, whether in the Grove of the Unicorn, or anywhere in the realm of Amber, is taken by Amberites as a sure sign of good fortune. Although the nature of the unicorn is unknown, some say unknowable, it is the family's connection with the divine forces shaping the universe.

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