Jevon G. Ishram

NAME: Jevon G. Ishram


HEIGHT: 5'11"

HAIR: Sandy blonde, neatly trimmed, with just the faintest signs of thinning near the forehead.

EYES: Greenish Brown

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Thin and almost delicate in build, he appears more refined than rugged. He dresses impeccably as is befitting any Ishram, preferring expensive suits and smartly tailored uniforms. He hates to appear out-of-sorts, and will never appear in public unless he's 100% certain that he will make an impression.

INTERESTS: The study of law, philosophy, art, and a little dabbling in the arcane arts.




Jevon comes across as highly intelligent, but aloof and almost arrogant. He's not afraid to make a disparaging comment now and then when he feels it's needed, but most of his remarks are subtle and sarcastic. He doesn't find slapstick at ALL humorous, and will not hesitate to tell someone if he finds them crude or offensive.
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