Ly Woerr

NAME: Ly Woerr


HEIGHT: 5'11"

HAIR: Dark brown, unnaturally course, scruffy.

EYES: black irises

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Ly is 5�11� and 165 lbs. He has dark hair that is unnaturally course, black irises and his ears are slightly pointed. He usually wears loose comfortable clothing like kahkis and a tank top.

INTERESTS: Studying the habits of animals. He has grown fond of the social patterns of wolves and the alert senses of deer.


Although an Amberite, Ly lived on a shadow world, similar to Earth�s first millennium. There he lived happily studying animals and composing beastiaries. With his ability to shape shift he was able to study the animals more closely. Ly became fascinated with the keen senses of deer and the habits and language of wolves and would spend days at a time living with a particular pack that habited the tundra just north of his town. Although his work was never respected by the science community he was able to make a living entertaining the King and court with his discoveries.

Ly�s peaceful living was interrupted when his shadow world was destroyed by a logrus master. He fled as his home and world were being torn apart like. Ly made attempts to find other shadows that were similar to his own but inevitably he would find something unfamiliar about them and leave.


Due to his lengthy excursions with his pack, Ly has adopted a slightly feral nature. He is usually calm and friendly but can be agressive when frightened.
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