Osai Windrunner

NAME: Osai Windrunner


HEIGHT: 5'9"

HAIR: Dishwater blonde/honey blonde...take your pick. It's tied back at the nape of the neck with a leather thong sporting two white, black-tipped eagle feathers. The ponytail is straight with no curls, and nearly reaches the waist.

EYES: Blue

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Osai has an aura of health about her. She's strong and darkly tanned, a smattering of freckles faintly visible across her nose and cheeks. She has a geometric design tattooed across the tops of her arms near the shoulder, encircling around her triceps like a band. She dresses simply, favoring a sky blue high-necked tank top, leather breeches, and fringed riding boots. She normally travels with her spear, feeling comfortable with it tightly gripped in her calloused hands.

INTERESTS: Horseback riding, hunting, karaoke/singing, drum-beating, bonfires, dancing, botany.




Osai is open and honest whenever she can be. This doesn't mean that she won't harbor any secrets, and she'll tell you frankly if she doesn't want to talk about something. She's a little rough around the edges, but not quite fully a tomboy as she still takes pride in her personal appearance, and is a complete sucker for flowers. With a combination of level-headedness and courage, she makes a forbiddable opponent and a valuable ally.
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