Porthos DuVallon

NAME: Porthos DuVallon


HEIGHT: 6'5"

HAIR: Black, wavy, and held back with a brightly patterned bandanna. His hair falls in elegant waves to his shoulders and is usually just a 'tad' bit disheveled so he can still capture that rugged and masculine effect he so loves.

EYES: Dark Hazel

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Porthos is enormous!! Broad-shouldered and heavy in limb, he's ofttimes been noted as the giant of his companions. His face is round with just the faintest traces of baby fat in his cheeks...so he doesn't have quite the bodybuilder's stature. He sports a neatly-trimmed moustache and goatee, of which he is particularly proud. When traveling, he prefers clothing that gives a pleasing blend of comfort and flashy fashion, usually choosing one specific area to focus upon, such as a gaudy sash about the waist or a particularly eye-catching pistol.

INTERESTS: Wenching, drinking, brawling, sailing, duels, and fine music.


Porthos is, indeed, originating from a shadow very similar to that of Dumas' fashioning with only a few minor twists and turns perhaps conjured up by his mother. He's lived a full life, trying out various roles to see how they suit him. He particularly favors pirating and swashbuckling.


Loud, brash, arrogant, charming... Porthos is one in a million. He loves a good fight and will go charging in at any available opportunity. The politics of Amber are vaguely interesting to him, and he admits freely that he wouldn't mind taking a turn at the throne one of these days. But, first things first, he needs a suitable female companion for a queen, and only the best will do! It's a shame that no woman seems to live up to his ideals...
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