Preston Helgram

NAME: Preston Helgram


HEIGHT: 6'1"

HAIR: Short, dark, and in a shocking fasion. A specific color is hard to come by, as it changes daily.

EYES: Blue-green

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Young, thin and handsom, Preston is the dark child whom most would rather not have to deal with for too long. His dress is always at the hight of fasion, though always predominatly black, formfitting, and sombre to behold.

INTERESTS: Music, Magic, Mysticism, Esoterics, and power.


Preston is a young noble of House Helgram, who grew up from a very early age knowing that he would one day assume the role as deciple of the serpent. However, as he got older, his ideals on life, and the Serpent changed. Upon his taking to the Logrus, this young, bright child of Luthella Helgram changed drastically. His mood and his temperment became darker. Always there was an air of subtley subdued rage deep with in him. Most expect that one day he might explode, and take a lot of people with him. Only time will tell.


Eerie, quiet, and subdued. Poetic to a fault, and more than a little unballanced. Think Eric Draven (The Crow) if he had never died again.
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