Rode Orm

NAME: Rode Orm


HEIGHT: 7'2"

HAIR: His hair was a wave of red and he sported a great nicely combed beard.

EYES: The colour of steel.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A description of the man by Bleys:

"Orm's presence was obvious by the blocking of light his silhoute gave. The man was a tower of muscle, at least 7 feet tall, muscles rippling over his arms and chest. His hair was a wave of red and he sported a great nicely combed beard. His eyes were the colour of steel and they would frown as easily as they would smile. Scars were vissible on his skin, proving him to be experienced in battles. The man liked his clothing sober, clothed in elegant black, trimmed with red fur.

Despite the perfect cut, it was obvious he preferred other clothing; furs and his heavy mail over silk and velvet. Over his shoulder he held a massive giant axe, an axe I knew he wielded as easily as if it was a mere toy. On his left arm he wore a silver bracelet, it was shaped like a dragon eating his own tail, the detail of it was wonderfull, you could see every scale of the beast. But perhaps the most impressive part of him was his voice, it was a deep rumbling sound, strong, clear and true. He would make a great singer, if only he did stop using that dreadfull poetry of his."

INTERESTS: Sailing and Sea, Beer, Wenches, Singing, poetry (or so he claims). A man of simple uneducated tastes or so it seems.


In his youth he was taken by Viking raiders after he had killed one of them. They needed somebody to replace their dead comrade and since he had killed him, and the dead man did not have any kinsman on the ship he joined the crew (in fact he woke up with a terrible headache and a bump where the blunt end of the chiefs axe had hit him.) With them he traveled to Denmark, plundering some and on to the rich France. Their ship however came into trouble when they were captured by byzantiums. He was enslaved and made a rower. Rowing for a couple of years, getting stronger all the time.

One day their leader he really had it with the overseer and drowned the man in a barrel of hot tar. A fight broke out and he and his comrades made such an impression to the sultan that he asked them to become his bodyguard (the man didn't trust his own underlings). On the condition that they became musselman themselves. The Vikings discussed this fact and with the hard truth, that Odin did not seem to hold much power in these regions they agreed, although the condition about beer was a sore point indeed. This time was fun, plundering against Christians, smashing the enemies of the sultan and it ended with Rode Orm becoming the first warrior of the sultan.

Then one day he talked to a kinsman of him, an enslaved man who had one day held the position of treasure keeper. Now his eyes were burned out, but he told Rode Orm where he could find the great treasure that was stolen from the caliph some years earlier. His comrades wanted to return to norvegia and the sultan gave them permission to go, especially since they had saved their lives.

He and his man returned to home, they lost their way home however and reached Ireland where some monks wanted to bring a great bell to norvegia. The bell proved an handy tool in navigating through the fog. When they reached norvegia the kings priest and healer was overjoyed by their arrival. The king had a terrible toothache and the rust of the inner parts of the holy bell would surely heal this malady.

Rode Orm and his comrades were made welcome at the court of Harald the great and he promptly fell in love to his daughter. Had a duel and some other fun. He went home, made his mother a very happy woman. There too he learned he was a bastard, his father being some giant of a man who had a love affair with mom, during some troubled times with invading goblins and trolls. This ruined the part of the homecomings and he was glad to accept haralds offer to go a Viking against England.

It was a glorious campaign, although harald died. He once more met the daughter of the king and courted her, even became a Christian for her (after they had left Byzantine they had forgotten the Islam, since Odin ruled the sea and the north). Still he couldn't marry her, he was only a bastard.

Therefore he went searching for the treasure in Russia, fought against the Huns and found the treasure at long last. He now was a very wealthy man and it was easy for him to buy himself a farmstead, built a church and become one of the more powerfull man in the neighborhood. He married his beloved and lived happily ever for some years. But after a couple of years a war brake out and soldiers killed his wife and his children. Enraged he joined the armies to fight the invaders and he only rested after he stood over the slain body of the enemies leader. He began wandering then, starting to drink to forget his loss.

Then after a year of playing a drunkard he met a tall stranger, his own size. The man challenged him for a wrestling match. And what a fight is was, never had Orm found a mach for his strength, but this stranger, mopped the floor with him and only after Orm had to admit he was defeated, did the stranger smile and said he was strong enough to be a son of amber after all. That day Rode Orms fate changed dramatically, there were new challenges to face, treasures to hunt, woman to conquer and in his dreams he saw his dead lover smile at him, encouraging to life on, to fulfill his destiny as a princeling of Amber. Great was the richness of the things he learned since that moment, strange the worlds he visited, but in his heart he will always be a fierce Viking who strikes fear in the minds of his enemies.


Rode Orm is a descendant of Vikings. Pragmatic as hell, he loves his beer warm, his girls willing and his enemies dead. Life is simple, plunder today, feast tomorrow, bash some skulls all over.

Not that he is bad, heck no, but an enemy you let go will return one day to take his revenge. Better to get it over with one way or another. If he wants to join your case, good, if not his skull will make a good drinking horn.

He is a firm believer in the lasw of hospitality and the neccesity to speak frank and true.

He is prone to melancholy and unless distracted can be in a somber mood for days. But mostly he appears friendly enough, with a rough but honest sense of humour.

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