
NAME: Sakura


HEIGHT: 5'2"

HAIR: Black, absoultely straight, waist length. Worn loose when relaxing by herself, in a single heavy plait when out adventuring, and in elaborate Oriental styles on formal occassions.

EYES: Grey

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A petite, delicate looking Oriental woman, weighing 103 lb., Sakura's appearance belies her true strength and fitness. She moves with an incredibly poise and balance, every move considered and no wasted motion. She tends to dress in Japanese fashions; gi and hakama when out adventuring, and kimono when not.

INTERESTS: A devoted student of the arts of war, in all of their manifestations. Like Benedict, she has devoted her life to this pursuit. Outside of this, the pursuits she follows to clear and focus her mind when she is not engaged in combat are those one would expect of a cultured Samurai: calligraphy, oragami, bonsai, etc. She also has a fondness for strategy games such as chess and go.


Sakura was raised by her Amberite poarent in a shadow far distant from Amber. While she is aware of her Amberite heritage, she has deliberately been kept away from Amber and its political games. She has devoted her life to the study of warfare.


A near perfect samurai, Sakura is quiet, polite and stoic. She keeps her opinions to herself and tries not to let her emotions get the better of her. However, she also has a strong sense of personal honour and will not brook insults to things she holds dear.
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