Character Bio Sheet

Your full name:

Your email address: (e.g.: [email protected])

Your birthday: (year is not necessary)

Character's Name:

Age (what he or she appears to look like):


Hair Description and Color:

Eye Color:

Overall Physical Description, Including Build, Dress, Etc.:





Current Alignment (Not Necessarily Your Heritage!):
Courts of Chaos
Lost in Shadow

Preferred Heritage:
Chaos House of Alignment:
Shadow Dweller

Below, list from 1 to 5 the preferred Elder Amberite/Chaosite or other character featured in Zelazny's books for your mother or father. This doesn't necessarily mean you'll get who you picked...keep that in mind! If you'd rather be a Shadow Dweller, just fill in the name of your mother and father, leaving the rest of the categories blank. And for REAL fun, just tell me you'd like to be surprised as to your parentage! You might end up with something completely unexpected!

Preferred Father:

Preferred Mother:


This is where it gets tricky. You start off with 150 points. Add 10 additional points for each contribution you're willing to make, once a month. If there are any special things you'd like to negotiate for, speak with me and we'll see what we can do! If you're a confused beginner, click here! Don't worry, the link opens up a new window so you won't lose anything you've already written here. There are no exalted powers available. If it ain't on the list, you ain't gettin' it.

Note: If you take Logrus, you MUST take Shapeshifting as well.
Broken Pattern (10 Points, cannot take with Adept of Broken Pattern, Pattern or Advanced Pattern)
Adept of Broken Pattern (25 Points, cannot take with Broken Pattern, Pattern or Advanced Pattern)
Pattern (50 Points)
Advanced Pattern (75 Points, or 25 extra if you selected Pattern)
Logrus (45 Points)
Advanced Logrus (70 Points, or 25 extra if you selected Logrus)
Trump Artistry (40 Points)
Advanced Trump Artistry (60 Points, or 20 extra if you selected Trump Artistry)
Shape Shifting (35 Points)
Advanced Shape Shifting (65 Points, or 30 extra if you selected Shape Shifting)
Power Words (10 Points for 5) Note: List which five you want in the personal section below!
Sorcery (15 Points)
Conjuration (20 Points)
High Compelling (25 Points, or 5 extra if you selected Conjuration)






Additional points to be spent on miscellaneous things (items, etc.)

Contact (i.e. AIM, MSN) and Personal Information goes here, as well as any contributions you'd like to make for 10 extra points apiece! Remember, it's not a contribution unless you can submit it every month. You will lose points if you don't contribute regularly. Stunning, fast, FREE!
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