RULES!!! (Bwoh ha ha!)

*Sigh* I know, I know, rules are boring. But without them, we would have absolute and utter chaos! And while I *do* appreciate some random destruction now and then (hee hee), we can't let things get too much out of hand. Just a little bit every now and then. ;) (By the way, if you think of any others that belong here, please notify me!) So, here's the list of rules:

Rule #1:

POWERGAMING is highly frowned upon by the GM! There is nothing more that erks me quite like this. The idea of being the best at everything is not a fantasy I habor gladly. The beauty of Zelazny's world is the countless flaws included in the fabric of his characters. There will always be someone bigger and badder than the character...especially when it comes to the elders.

Rule #2:

COMBAT is based on a lot of things. There are psyche combats and warfare combats...even strength combats. Just because you've got a higher rank doesn't necessarily mean you'll come out on top every time. Battles are based on a lot of things...intelligence, trickery, cheap and dirty moves... Experience is also a major factor, which is why your rank and an Elder's might not come into play. After all, Corwin beat Benedict before. Who had the higher warfare? Benedict. Who was a dirty fighter? Corwin. Get the picture?

Rule #3:

CHARACTER OWNERSHIP. A big problem sometimes, for beginning PBeM players. Basically, you control your own character. That's about it. You can make up some NPC's (such as a barmaid serving you dinner) and such, but if the GM or someone else is running a character, no matter how small, you can't write for them without the player's express permission. Another important thing to remember is that you can write your character's action, but the actual response in most cases is up to the other person or the GM. So if you blow up a big hole in the ground, the bad guy does not instantly go spiraling into the abyss. Allow other people the chance to react! Another big factor...DON'T CHANGE THE RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE! Unless I say so, your character will not have any memories of NPC's that magically appear out of the blue. Even though the GM is evil and out to get you, you have to trust me to turn out the best possible story that I can. If you deliberately mess up my plans, I get frustrated. And then I smite you!

Rule #4:

DECENCY is a tough one to decide. Yet, in this game, I must ask that you, as a writer, respect the other players and don't write anything that would make them unomfortable. I'm not trying to be PC, but I must ask that everyone puts some effort into creating a friendly and inviting gaming atmosphere. I will not tollerate explicit sexual situations, offensive language, and the flaming of other players. I make no exceptions here. You break the rule, out you go!

Rule #5:

FREEFORM rules are very loose, but there are limits. If you have an idea about a PC plot, or are cooking something up on your own, inform me aforehand. I don't mind if you make up enemies, allies, and such, but please keep them reasonable. No 8'0" butt-whooping bodyguards, please, unless you've paid the points.

Rule #6:

In this sim, you will meet several different people from all over the world. Respect other people's beliefs and methods of writing, and do not force your own styles and ways upon them. Creativity is unique, as we are all unique. So don't overreact if someone writes with a different style than you do. I'd prefer it if writing was kept in third person past tense, but I won't strangle you if you stray every now and then.

Rule #7:

POSTING...This is more of a statement to every PC out there. I will be responding at a minimum of three times per week. I imagine you all have lives, so weekends are open. This does not mean I won't post two to three times each night on a good week. But, we must all remember that RL takes precedent.

Rule #8:

WRITING is to be directed in third person, past tense. It makes it a lot easier for me when I put up storylines. If you suck at spelling and grammer, please take a little extra time to edit your posts, again, because it's less work for me.

Rule #9:

CONTRIBUTIONS can be just about anything that expands on your character, or helps out the ever-luvin' GM. Some examples include artwork, diaries, grimoires, backstories, soundtracks (you have to send the tape/CD to me, though...on the plus side, it's worth contribution points for two months), webpages, shadow pages, poetry...basically if you can do it at least once a month, it's a contribution. And I loves 'em.

Rule #10:

Good Stuff/Bad Stuff is played differently here. Bad Stuff is what makes a story interesting, and everyone needs a stroke of luck now and then. So, the Stuff is decided by me, the GM. Not fair, you say? Tough crap cookies! I decide how a character gets treated by how well I'M treated. If you whine and make demands, BAD STUFF! Bad Stuff equates to being bored to tears in my eyes, and if you get REALLY annoying, just remember that DEATH is more than could be inevitable! I'm a meeeean GM, and since I am in charge, it's my rules. However, if you work with me and make it a pleasant experience for the both of us, you can bet I'll work harder to make life interesting. That's the way it goes.

Rule #11:

Last but most important of all, don't stifle your OWN creativity! The fun factor will be heavily based on how active you are, and how willing your character is to make contact with others. Be bold and daring, and try new things! Interact with a character you don't know, explore the shadows, suggest bright new ideas when confronted with obstacles. (Let me stress the importance of interacting with others...think of it from a GM point of view. If I ran individual plots for every single person at once, I'd get dizzy and burned out. So go talk to people, make new friends!) Above all, have fun! Having fun is the whole point of joining this sim. If you take it too seriously, you'd be better off somewhere else. However, please do not have your character wreak havoc on the entire universe. That's Myyyyy job! >:D Play within the rules of reality, and don't do things that are that much out of the ordinary. Feel free to talk to me any time if you feel left out.

Okay, that's it! Thanks so much for actually stopping to read these, you've proven yourself worthy to sim, especially if you actually *follow* the rules! Thanks again!

Heather, the GM ( Supreme Grand Master)

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