Running God's Race Welcome

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Running God's Race

Don't live in the past; It will only bring pain,
Start living for Christ. Satan's loss is your gain.
No backward glance, Chart your course straight ahead.
Believe on God's word, by His spirit be led.

Running God's Race Bar

God in His wisdom and infinite love
Gives crowns of glory in that home up above.
It is filled with his glory, prepared by His grace,
Full of blessings for all who have run in God's race.

Running God's Race Bar

So keep right on running, and run with your might,
But give God the glory, for that is His right,
Run not by yourself, but run it God's way,
Keep right on running and running each day.

Running God's Race Bar

This race is not only for the swift and the strong,
It is given to all who keep traveling on,
In times of distress when dark is the way,
Keep right on running; soon comes a new day.

Running God's Race Bar

The way that we live, and the things that we do,
Our God, and our hearts chart a course to pursue,
'Tis a race that is pleasant, and one we must choose
To run with our might, for we dare not to lose.

Running God's Race Bar

God gives us power with plenty of speed.
To run in this race, His laws you must heed.
There's only one stop in this race; that's to pray.
Just keep right on living and running each day.

Running God's Race Bar

When this life is ended, and we reach our goal,
With a glorified body and a sanctified soul,
We know that we gained it by the race that we ran,
Then we can praise God for the day we began.

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Text of Hymn: "Running God's Race," © Icie E. Sandy Rowand, 2002, all rights reserved.

Web page design and original graphics © Betty Sandy Smith, all rights reserved.

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