Rice Red Obstacle

Rice red obstacle is an object of mighty intrigue. It has legendary status among all peoples and animals. It belonged to a wealthy landowner called Hafunda. It was growing, never ceasing, always surprising. 'What ever next?' he mumbled.

A flip-flop tree house flew across a far yonder lake creating habitats for lost animals when it landed in the middle. 'Oh. That's what was next!' screamed Hafunda while he had his leg amputated.

Hafunda sat in his cottage with his rice red obstacle, as there was a knock at the door. He answered it. 'Erm... hello,' sounded Georgia all hush-hush. 'I've just been on the train, can I see it... can I see rice red obstacle?'

'Of course,' hummed Hafunda. 'Please enter my humble abode.' Georgia walked in *clomp* *clomp*. She looked around her, and to her surprise she was in a field of mint. The letters, O, f, c, o, u, r, s, and e, floated out of Hafunda's mouth.

The letter's fell to the ground and made a path towards the rice red obstacle. Hafunda knelt down and started eating the cake-like path, garnishing it with mint he offered some to Georgia. She frowned... then she smiled... then she refused.

Sajit appeared in front of them. He was covered in soil from the planet below him. He stared at her for 12 minutes 34 seconds, she stared back, and tilted her head to show the ribbon he had got her.

'I've got a sickening carpet at home, would you like to see it?' finally uttered Sajit. 'The wallpaper isn't very nice either.' His faced suddenly morphed into lion's head. It roared out loud and afterwards softly spoke. 'Why am I in a field of mint?'

Whooshing by, a small white ball was flying through the air, Hafunda caught it, and it was in two halves so he separated it. Inside were three tiny people, two of which were picking up even tinier frogs. 'That's my thought,' thought Georgia.

It was in this field they encountered The Saurus, the word-helping dinosaur. 'Hello Sajit-lion, how are you keeping, conserving, preserving, redeeming, sustaining?' The Sarus looked at Sajit-lion and raised one eyebrow.

'Quite happy eating this leg,' said Sajit-lion eating Hafunda's amputated leg. 'Though, there is cake for all. Maybe that's what I should be eating.' Sajit, suddenly scared by what he was doing, flew off on a smelly vehicle made of mint.

Georgia ran through the field, faster and faster towards the rice red obstacle. However far she ran she could not catch up with it. Not that it was moving at all. It was merely unreachable. Georgia slowed down and stopped.

She turned back to Hafunda and The Saurus and asked to leave the field. She turned around and walked back out through the door, and into the road outside. There was Sajit who accompanied her down the spiral road that leads to nowhere.

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