
Caption comes:
A screen with the words set out
A voice says: He's like Ali man, you could pound on that bitch for hours,
and he wouldn't even flinch, but if you start you better hope you take that guy down
cos if you don't you as dead as a motherfucker.

Then in big letters underneath the o'n'l productions sign the caption,
1: The Business, appears.

Shots of a few streets in Meersbrooks.
A shot of Lee sitting at the garage.
Shot of lee standing under the tree at the garages, then a clip of him down on the stream side.
Goes to a clip of a close up of Lee in the woods now looking up at the trees.
Another change this time to the top of the maisonettes, Lee stands with his back to the camera.

Camera fades out and then fades in as Dave is walking down his road/

Dave Fernley is walking down into the shed where Critch, Owen and Andy are all sitting in a smokey room
Dave stands for a bit looking at them.

It's a bit smokey in here guys, might want to leave the door open.

Shows a clip of Andy he just stares at Dave, then clips to Critch
he stares not so much at Dave but in that direction after a moment
he takes a drag on his smoke, then it clips back to Dave, he looks suspiciously confused.

Err so what you guys doing tonight.

Bit o' thissy, bit o'thatty

Well i'm trying to round up some people to go to corp so if you want to meet us at the bus stop at 8.30 alright.


Come on, it'll be a laugh.
I'm quite capable of laughing where I am thank you very much.

Dave: (Shaking his head)
You guys need to watch it, if you not careful you'll wake up one day and be fat, balding and alone.

I'm pretty sure that happened yesterday.

Dave turns to leave, things slow down and shots of Critch and Brains and David all in slow motion, when David finally steps out of the door things speed up and this is demonstrated by showing cars speed down Chesterfield Road and such like.

Cuts too Andy and Lee, meeting in the street.



'ere, i'm just on my way round to Lil' Ste's and he's gonna be asking about that 3 ounce he gave you to sell. You managed to sell it yet.

Err.. (close up on Lee's eyes he looks up into the air.)

Goes to a clip of us on Lee's balcony, Lee, Owen,
Rude and Andy all smoking.

Lee (V.O)
What did you think we were smoking yesterday.

Goes back to a clip of Andy's face his jaw dropped.


Lee's nods.

Get your cock outta my ass!!!

I assure you my cock is no where near your ringhole.

Shit man, Big D's in town.


Big D, You know the guy he sells to little ste, never gets out of his cars just cruises
the streets of Yorkshire. The Rumour goes that he was born in the car.

Clip to Lee, he does an over exaggerated shrug. Andy shakes his head.

Here well go to the shed and I'll go and see Lil' ste, see what�s going on.

As Andy walks off he walks off whilst exaggerating his leg movements.

Lee walks up into my garden where Critchley and Owen stand.

So i said to her, i don't care how much you want it darling, i didn't order a cheesy crust.

Critch turns to Lee.

Alright Lee
v Lee:

Andy's just gone off to see Lil' ste.

Yeah i know i saw him on my way up.

Oh, right, so what you up too.

Nothing, i had a really weird dream last night, i was walking through this desert that was covered in grass.

Er you mean the countryside.

Maybe i do.

Funkdoobiest - Superhoes starts to play. And Lee is walking to his house from the top of Daves road next to the woods. Lee walks up and goes down the back alley and up the slope, then he goes passed the staircase and stops he looks to the right down to the bottom of the staircase and Howard and Nik are there, Lee walks down to them, he stops about 3 steps from the bottom. The camera will switch from a shot of Lee to a shot of Nik and Howard respectively. Funkdoobiest - Superhoes fades out.

Nik and Howard where suits.





How goes it.

It goes well.

Enough said, now you know why i'm here don't you.

I get the feeling i'm about to find out.

Well a little bird told me that you been selling shit on my patch brother.

What this little bird look like.

That�s not important holmes, what is, is is it true?

Is that a sentence?

Yeah but it would have made more sense if he'd had said, what is however, is whether it's true or not?

Is it?

is it what?

v Clips back to Lee, he doesn't say anything, goes back to Nik and Howard, Howard keeps looking at Nik and Lee expectantly, Nik just looks at Lee, after a moment he scratches his earlobe.
Clips back to Lee. He Looks from Howard to Nik.

No it isn't true.

Back to Nik.

Oh it aint gotta be this way brother, we all asylum seekers here, can't we stick together, show a bit of solidarity.

Hell Yeah!!

What has it come too when two brederin can't trust each other.

Shut up.

Hell Yeah!!

You too.

Hell Yeah!!!

Listen man i'm running a business here and the bottom line is, we can ride or we can collide, and that would make me and my Assistant (Nik turns to Howard as he says this) very unhappy (he turns back to face Lee but then quickly rounds on Howard) Hell fool tuck your shirt in you making me look unproffesionalised.

(Looks down at him self his shirt is untucked) Hell No!! (He tucks it in)

Still a shot of Howard and Nik. Howard looks impressed by his ability to tuck his shirt in.

Oh hell if my momma could see me now she be all up in my face, given me kisses and pinching my ass.

You one fucked up nigga you know that.

What you call me.

What i didn't say anything?

Aint no fool calling me fucked up.

Listen holmes you wanna do this then we can schedule a meeting in my meeting room.

Meeting room?

Yeah holmes its the building at the bottom of my garden.

Oh that shed of yours

No man its the meeting room, my man.

But it looks like a shed.

(Runs hand through hair or makes some gesture of stress) Well explain this, if its a Shed why does it say Meeting Room on it.

cos you cello taped a piece of paper to the door saying meeting room you ignorant motherfucker.

Now listen here, we agreed i da boss on Tuesdays ok so you gotta be showing me my respect, and i gotta deal with this fool here for selling on my land, ok.

They turn and Lee is still on the steps but now he has sat down and is smoking.

You still here.


Hell anybody else would try and sneak off, why you hang around.

I did leave, but then i came back.


Because i went to get this.

(Lee holds up a gun, the screen goes black)

Caption comes:
Beware the fury of a patient man

Clip to a shot just as a door is being slammed, camera does a 180 and turns to a desk where Andrew sits, he lights a cigarette. After a moment a door is opened a man sits down at the table (Lil' Ste), Craig takes his place standing beside the both of them.

Lil' Ste:
Afternoon Andrew, thank you for coming.

No problem, why did you need to see me so badly I haven't got rid of all that stuff yet.

Lil' Ste:
No no no, this isn't about that, (Lil' Ste clicks his fingers) Craig get this man a cigarette.


No it's alright I'm already smoking'

Lil Ste reaches across the table and puts his hand on Andy's.

Lil Ste:
I insist.

Camera shot of Andy he looks suspicious and then Craig�s hand comes from out of shot and places a Cigarette in his mouth and lights it for him. Andy stubs out the half smoked cigarette he had in his hand, and continues to smoke the cigarette given to him by Craig.
Lil' Ste:
Listen, you know how I confided in you about Big B coming into town.


Lil' Ste:
Well he aint gonna be turning up no more, he had an accident in his car.


Lil' Ste:
Accordings to the report he just swerved out of control and drove straight into a Gun Factory and crashed into the bullet testing area. Obliterated was the word they used.

But hell I thought he�d lived in that dam car his whole life, how does a man who lived in a car his whole life accidentally crash into a Gun Factory. Hell I didn't even know there was such a factory.

Lil' Ste:
Exactly. It doesn't add up, there is something not right going on and as far as 'the business' is concerned it aint good, a business with no boss is like a lizard with no legs.

Andrew thinks for a minute.

A snake?

Lil' Ste:
Exactly. You see that's why I need you Andy, you might be a loose wire with a short tale, but you got some good initiative.

Right O'

Lil' Ste:
As far as I know the man who's responsible isn't some random punk that knows how to pull a trigger and struck gold, apparently this guys a in a league of his own.

(for the first time looking interested) What�s the name?

Lil' Ste:
That's the thing, no name, just a message. I don't know what it said Big B' second is the only one to have read it, but the basic gist was, disband 'the business'

What, wait a minute just go back, so some guy has killed Big Bob and told us to disband, and apparently he's a big name, but we don't know his name, eh. Sounds like a bloody southerner to me, I reckon we should just knock the cunt out.

Lil' Ste:
Well you're not the only one to think that, but first we have to find him, and we've been told until then to act as if we're doing as he says and disbanding, so as far as everyone else is concerned, our business has disbanded. And your working for yourself and no one else, which means the profits you make from this are your own okay.

Sweet. What about Lee, do you want me to pass the message on to him, as well.

Lil' Ste:

Craig clears his throat. Ste glances at Craig then back at Andrew.

Lil Ste:

For now just tell him that he can keep the money he makes from his sales, ok.

Ok I'll tell him, I'm sure he'll be very happy to here it as well.

Lil' Ste:
Ok, but listen, off the record I can tell a change is coming and I just wanted to make sure I informed you because, like I say, I think you could be a useful ally.


Fades into another scene, Andrew is walking away from Ste n Craig. A close up of the pair.

You gave away far too much information there.

Lil' Ste:

These are uncertain times.

There is a pause as they watch the distance, then Ste sighs and turns his head to Craig.

Lil' Ste:
I can't help but feel that we are the past, and that we have already been written and that it is just a matter of our story being told.

Well what could the future hold?

Lil' Ste:
The Future is like Tomorrow, it's always in sight but never within grasp. (Lil' Ste looks up) A bit like the sky.

What should we do about Lee?

Lil' Ste:
Us? We'll do nothing, because we have nothing to do. Even The King is still just a playing piece in the chess game of life.

Craig turns and looks at Stephen.

Lil' Ste:
Too far?

Clips to Dave and Lee at the bus stop.

Lee: (As if answering Lil' Ste's question) A little.

Bloody hell I thought for there'd be more people turning up, if they aren't here by quarter past we should just go.

I'm not going.

What?? Why you here then?


Dave puts his arms in the air exasperated, and then he just gives up and turns away from Lee shaking his head.

You know it was weird has hell, I woke up this morning and I had the weirdest feeling that this was the first day.

First day, of what?

No the first ever day, ever.

Oh (scratches his head) what�s that feel like?

Lee looks at Dave through the corner of his eyes and shrugs.

Your mother.

Fuck off.

Lee laughs.

Alright, I gotta go now, have a nice night.

Yeah, in a bit.

Lee walks up Meersbrook Road, after a bit the screen goes dark and another caption comes up.

Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.

And then that fades away and another caption comes up as near the end of the credits.

The fate of the world will be such as the world deserves.

Black Screen

Voice (Maybe of Dave.C maybe not, who knows):
They say there are more grains of sand on the earth, than stars in the sky.

Another Voice (maybe Dale):
They say the bible is the word of god.

Shots of places in town to The Beatles - Anna (got to him)

Owen walks into shot close up so you can only see his head and shoulders; he brings his hands into shot stares for a second then Owen walks out of shot. In the background Lil' Ste and John stand on the steps, camera zooms in and then changes to a shot right next to them.

Lil Ste.
Listen I understand you were Big B's second, and also understand you're a man of high authority, but you in turn must understand that these are' different times and for you too turn up out of the blue like this and announce your now in control may seem a bit dodgy to a few... allies shall we say, me included.
(Clears throat) Obviously, I know it's a risky move to make, but my only other option would have been to escape to my summer house in the states.

Lil' Ste:
So why didn't you!

Lets say I'm a workaholic. Now did you arrange someone to pick us up or, (turns to Lil Ste and says whilst chuckling) Are we getting a bus?
Clips to a shot of Lil' Ste and John sitting on the bus.

Scene: Shed with a few people in it for about 5 seconds no one says anything but their all holding their hands up and staring at them.
Shit, I lost.


I keep drifting off and when I come to I'm always staring at my hands which reminds me that I'm playing the game.

Oh shit I lost.

They shake their heads and go into thought again, silence seeps back into the room. Then slowly Owen raises his hands and starts examining them again.

Scene: Andy and Howard are walking down a street.

Howard: so where does that leave me?

Andy: Well at the moment it leaves you a limbo like state, you not an competitor because officially you don't have anything to compete against but having said that you might just be gotten rid of because theirs enough to deal with at the moment, so you know how it is man I thought I'd just come and tell you how it was. I think if you go and offer your support now then you'd be snapped up.

I don't know.

well I thought I'd just say though because you and me did our first job together, d'you remember, when we were on the way home from school and we jacked the ice cream man.

Yeah, we ate so much ice cream that day I puked.

Yeah, all over me, you cock.

Sorry about that.

Neh your alright it smelt quite nice, I bottled it up and gave it to my dad for his birthday.

Howard stops walking.

You sick bastard.

Scene: Lil 'Ste in house with John

Lil Ste:
Would you like a drink?

Yeah whatever you got will do.

John sits himself down.

Ok listen up I need to know what kind of contact you have with your men and how many for that matter.

Lil Ste:
Well to be honest with you I'd like to know what's been going on we've been getting some seriously strange stories coming through our way, stuff about old dead crime lords and crap like that.
Whats that.

Lil Ste:
Whats What?

Didn't you go to school or something, don't use words like crap around me ok use English there's plenty of words in the world you don't need to go round using words like that it just makes you sound stupid and me switch off. Now rephrase the question.

Lil Ste:
Err...Can you tell me what you know?

Sure, sit down. Ok now I know a lot of stuff has been coming through, a lot of stuff from up high, real high. That's why I'm not just sitting back and counting my money. This is big, and when you get big you get money, so I stayed around Big B didn't however. He checked out and said that I could run the business for the present. What did I care I thought about checking out too but then I get a visit from a few biggies, now we aint small. But these guys were big. Some government officials anyway they come around take me away to this shit hole lock me up and then next morning and brought into a board room, but whose sitting around the table?

Lil Ste:

I'll tell you, 7 Feet, Garney, Horeno, Slap Higgins and Church, the leaders of 5 of the biggest gangs or 'operations' in the Western world, shit so theirs them and me and 1 other man at the head of the desk, he sits us down gets a nice cigar and says to us he says...
Scene: I'm not sure how or where we'll film this but we shall work that out, any way the shot is of the man holding the back of his chair, with the other 6 in front of him.

Gentlemen I would like to tell you a story.

While John speaks pans across the men in the room.

John (V.O)
So he does, he asks us who of us have ever heard of Nebenini, who in gods name is that I ask him.


John (V.O):
...He says'

'Nebenini, was a member of the mafia when they were just starting up in America at the at the end of the 19th century, Nebenini now he wasn't to important, he was a runner mainly he did most of the transporting one of those who was kept in the dark but knew what he was being kept in the dark about. He was a cousin to the leaders son in laws best man that kind of thing, but see you won't know him because he don't exist in any books and his birth certificate is gone, the only proof of his existence is in a photo, he's standing in the background of it and that's all there is in the whole world that proves his existence.

John (V.O):
Now I know what you're thinking, why do I care about some guy who was photo shy in the late 19th Century?

Lil Ste (V.O):
No I was thinking how long my legs are.

John (V.O):

Lil Ste (V.O):

John (V.O):
Anyway come the early 1890's....

Clip too Lee sitting on top of the maisonette. The shot is quite wide as he sits on the chimneys.

Owen (Off screen):
Dam, I did it again.

Lee stands and walks across, the shot pans with him too the edge of the maisonettes where Owen stands.

What's up?

Nothing, I just lost.


The game, you know the one where if you remember you're playing it you lose.

Shot changes to in front of Lee and Owen, Lee shakes his head.

You bastard, I hadn't lost that game for about 5 mother fucking months.

I keep doing it, every time I look at my hands.

Why does it happen every time you look at your hands?

Clip to scene bunch of people and Owen

Have you guys ever inspected you hands.

Everyone looks at their hands.

Oh shit I lost.

You bastard

Clip back to Owen and Lee

He was a bastard

It's a stupid game any way I can't believe I still play it.

Hey, at the end of the day aren't we all playing a stupid game.

Well sure we are if you believe in dodgy philosophy.

How can you have a dodgy philosophy?

Well think about it in these terms, how can you have an un-dodgy philosophy considering there is no way of proving or disproving any philosophy that�s ever been speculated about?

Even about the one where the eggs take over Manhattan and breed chickens with horses and mate with placebos.

Including that one, though I doubt it is true.


Why? Why because it's absolute crap.

So what you're saying is that the temperamental existence of our world leads us to be able to speculate about any truth we are able to think about, but our logical existence points to certain speculations being more practical than other possibilities.

If I say yes will you shut up?

Clips to John and Lil Ste again.

So Nebenini character has started having an affair with the leader of the mafia.

Lil Ste:

(Slaps Ste on the face) Language, so anyway there was no way of keeping that secret the boss finds out and bang kills Nebenini's parents and sisters and gives Nebenini a battering before killing the girl and Nebenini. Then the boss locks himself up and becomes a recluse, and his grip starts slipping he loses turf and people start talking about turning him out on to the street where he�ll be killed without a doubt.

John sits back and gets his breath back.

Lil Ste:
And then?

Clips back to the men around the desk.

And then boom.

Clips to Lee on the maisonette he�s smoking a cigarette in the back ground Owen is still talking.
I'm not sure though honestly, he said he'd have the money but I was talking to Chris, y'know him, well he said he was a Jew, and you gotta know Jews are robbing bastards. Having said that though I have known him a while so I might give it till Thursday. (Laughs) Here did you know his last name was Bolokski, heh bollockski, heh bloody bullock, it's same with that Andrew his last name is Birks, heh bloody Burk. My names not that funny just York, people just call me porky, which err, isn't really that funny, Bastards. What's your last name?
Clips back too John and Lil Ste.

Half the mob gets wiped out, no one knows how and then before they know what's going on other mobs and gangs are getting attacked down to the little dealers on the street even the ones who just do a little dope, a 14 year old kid for Christ sake just shot down outside the school lined with bullets. But who's doing it?
Lil Ste:

No, a demon.

Silence creeps into the room a wide shot sees Ste sit back, clip back to the men round the table. One of the bosses looks up.
Fuck off.

Back to Lil Ste and John.

I know but it was the way that it was presented, Nebenini had given up heaven they said to get back at the man who killed the woman of his dreams. That's the only deal the Devil will strike. Give up heaven, and I'll do anything you want, and he did true to his word. The Demon wasn't going to stop killing he was going to kill every connection it could. It had to be stopped but by who...

Cut to Lee standing on edge of rooftop.

John (V.O):
The Answer lay with an even stupider reality, an Angel came down they split the heavens and the hells open, and just as it looked like anarchy was going to destroy the universe they were sucked out of existence, blocked from the universe, Heaven and Hell.

Lil Ste (V.O):

I know, utter crap that's what I thought but then they proved it to us, all of us they told us that their was a third party, The Devil and God had a mutual enemy, man.

Lil Ste:

Well that's what everybody thought. Mankind, the verse is something along the lines of 'Man who was created but will not be destroyed'. Now everybody who knew about this and who's job it was to know about this assumed it meant mankind until Nebenini was seen to be and I quote 'running through the gates of hell' to escape this Man, but it wasn't Man, Man's old and wise but not much for the scary ferociousness, so as far as they can tell and this as you can probably work out wasn't going down to well with me and the other 6 people, is that there was a Legion of Man that when the heavens split open would join up with them to conquer hell, now I'm an atheist so I was about ready to leave but I didn't because Big D was relatively big but not world wide, not even county wide so why am I in a room full of the biggest drug peddlers in the world and why are we not all arrested and how have they all been captured so easily, and why and how and why and how. So this Legion of Man the biggest army in the world it will stretch a whole planet, and somehow it managed to come on the planet unnoticed and scare off Nebenini.

Lil Ste:
Maybe it was covered up.

Don't interrupt me. They say that somewhere on the planet the capacity this Legion of Man is waiting to be let free, and that there's only one person who can control it. That's where we come in, now they know something and I know that what they know directly affects me it's the only thing that makes sense, either that or it affected Big D, we have something, we knew something I don't know but they came as clean as they could with us they told us all that crap, now these people had the power to capture 6 of the best protected gang leaders in the western world, they had the power to get them all in the same room and not kill each other, they had the guts to tell us a story about god and the devil, a love story that ends in revenge and then they told us about another supreme power that's been covered up by all the big religions, that supposedly was in the original bible and Koran they've covered it up and ripped it out, and they told us all of this out of fear, they told us because they were scared shitless and didn't know what else they could do. Then after they did all that, they tuck out the other 6 gang leaders and hung them all, just to as a message to me. Now these gang leaders will have no doubt been decoys but the message is still clear.

Lil Ste:
What message.

The land you once worked and lived on is now slap bang in the middle of the biggest war this planet will ever see, and the big upstairs corporate types have been hiding the biggest weapon we could ever have right among us. The Legion of Man.

Clip back too roof top. Legion is smoking.
Owen: I don't know anybody else with funny names like that, though I used to live with some foster parents called Mr and Mrs Homosexual. That was just bad luck though. What did you say you name was.

Lee just stares into space.

Owen: Lee

Yeah sorry, what do you want.

What's your last name?


Owen: Gion? Is that French, heh, Lee Gion,

Owen says this, and then becomes concerned, he says it again

Lee Gion?

Then he looks confused, he takes a deep breath and turns his back on Lee.

Cut to some dark room Harris (Owen) sits behind a desk staring into space he.

Cut back to rooftop Lee now takes interest in Owen's reaction.


There's a loud bang noise, very loud to see if we can make the audience jump. Only the slightest reaction from Owen only his face and upper body in shot he brings his hands into shot there covered in blood, he looks at them for a moment.

Oh shit, I lost.

Eels Bus Stop Boxer plays while the next sequence of events happens, for the beginning of the song a wide shot of Owen and Lee, then Owen falls to the ground.
Then a shot of Lil Ste on the balcony smoking and John walking off down the street.
Then cut back to Harris he lucks under his jacket to see blood through his shirt.
Cut to David waiting at the bus stop, Andrew sitting some where like up a tree.
Then back to Lee or Legion from now on, he checks Owens pulse and then walks of down the maisonette. Next is Howard dealing to someone like Wenuz or Critch. Then John walks past Andrew they don't notice each other. Legion climbing down the roof of the maisonette.
Then the speed up thing the clouds move, so do the cars it gets dark, it becomes night the city lights up and then it fades to a black screen, and caption reads:

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use. - Soren Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855)

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