<BGSOUND SRC="preciousmemories.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
An Ironworker Family
Little old writer lady ~ dctl ~
copyright 1989
Tony Lund Ironworker

In a panic voice I heard - "We're O.K. Honey - the boys and me -
  wanted you to know before the news you hear or see -"
A call came from Gord that morn
  "have you got the radio on - turn up the horn.
the phones are busy - got to go -
  bodies are twisted in the iron - isn't anything
    we can do - we'll be home early I know".
Listening to the radio later that morn - came the news
  of a great construction accident - what of the crews ---
The site was in San Francisco city
  some had died and things were in a ditty.
California Street was mentioned - that I knew
  near where Gord and our two Ironworker sons made up a crew.
Construction workers erecting a highrise were raising a crane
  something happened and down it all came on pedestrains -
    cars, buses and things in the traffic lane.
Later Gord, Carey and Tony came home
  face's "ASHEN WHITE" - they'd left the debris for
    rescue workers to comb.
  "I heard a load noise and looked about -
    as over the side of the building I leaned.
The noise was an Erie Sound
  I dropped my tools as I saw the crane and
    materials come flying down.
I hollered to the crew "COME ON  -  LETS GO"
  what all had happened I didn't know.
But I could see it came from another construction site a block away
  as we hurried down the ladder from 5th to 4th floor and
    grabbed others along the way.
On this floor we grabbed and entered the man lift
  we knew it would be faster than stairs - a little more swift.
Our fellow construction workers and Ironworkers were on that job
  and would need our help - as down the street we ran
    you could almost hear our hearts throb.
Down the hill we all flew
  there wasn't any time to spare we knew.
Cars were crushed - trucks and buses too -
  sirens were screaming as down the street other help flew.
We checked through the wreckage where it lay
  offering assistance to others, removing debris along our way
"Hey guys look up" - I heard someone call
  we could see pieces of other buildings ready to fall.
Besides the mess here on the ground
    there were windows knocked out and bricks and
    things coming down.
On the route the crane took - as it came tumbling down
  it had made a path of ruin all around.
From a building on the other side of the street
  and around the corner more devastation we were to meet.
How helpless we felt - there was nothing we could do
  to save our Brother Ironworkers of this crew."
Brother Ironworkers had met their fate
  I knew I would never forget this date
"Tuesday - 1989 - November - Twenty Eight".

Look like "Ironworkers"! ?
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