icegoom's hacks


After years of feuding, a battalion of Koopas finally managed to overwhelm and capture Mario.  But as the turtles brought the plumber to face their king, they came under attack themselves.  The 8 Bits Club, employed by Mario's old rival Wario, captured Mario and several of the Koopas and took them deep into Wario's stronghold.

Bowser, hearing of Wario's treachery, decided to personally take care of things.  He would enter Wario's domain and single-handedly fight through armies of 8 Bits and Wario's deadly traps.  And once he taught Wario a lesson about who's the baddest villian of all, he planned to finally finish off the pesky plumber once and for all...


Our "hero," a massive turtle/dragon with a terrible attitude.  Surprisingly, he's able to jump even higher than his old foe Mario.  He starts off in baby form, but if he finds a head in his likeness, he can grow to his true monstrous size. (Credit to Stifu for making me a still Big Bowser frame to animate, by the way) Finding a Claw holding a ball of flame grants him the ability to torch all foes with his fiery breath.



A small, slow-moving crab.  It can get Bowser with its claws if it catches him from the side or if it drops on him from above, but its fragile shell can't handle being crushed beneath King Koopa's massive girth.
Shell Guy

A Shy Guy that dons a helmet in hopes of thwarting Bowser's offensive.  A stomp won't kill it, but will cram it down into its helmet.  Kick it away while it's disabled for fun and profit!
Flying Shell Guy

These are a little trickier!  They've got a propeller mounted atop their helmets, and their unpredictable flying patterns can help them to get the jump on Bowser.

This Boo hovers high in the sky and showers the ground below with Freezies from its bottomless bag.  He's easily disappated if Bowser can get up to his height, though.

These living chunks of ice are dangerous to touch.  Stomping one will only manage to give Bowser frostbitten feet.  A much better strategy is to melt them with blazing fire breath.


These wind-up Wario toys are nigh indestructable.  They're fireproof, and a stomp will only momentarily stun them.  Kick 'em into a hole or avoid them.

Mouser Bros.

These giant rats usually come in pairs, jumping about and strewing the landscape with deadly bombs.  They're easy enough to take care of if Bowser can get beneath them, but facing them out in the open is a different story.

Pipe Pokey

Bristling with deadly spikes, these cacti make a habit of popping out of pipes at the worst possible moment.

Missile Mike

The skies just aren't friendly when they're filled with these projectiles fired from Wario's cannons.


With a jetpack strapped to their backs, these Snifits can manuever themselves through sea and sky with equal ease.


A swift-swimming zombified shark.  Already deadly underwater, it will even leap from the seas to snap its jaws at Bowser.  Go ahead and stomp it out of the skies.  It'll reassemble and soar back out for more!

Tar Bubble


Breaking free from the surface of Wario's tar pits, these bubbles will shoot up and try to drag any airborne turtle-dragons back beneath the tar with them.


Wario's inflated himself to massive proportions and armed himself with plenty of bombs in preparation for his war with King Koopa.  Amazingly, he's even managed to construct robotic replicas of himself to guard his outlying fortresses.  Pump him full of fire or run past him and hit the bridge control to send him plummeting into the tar pit.

Bowser vs. Wario................................SMW Redrawn.......................SMB2: Bowser Takes Subcon.........Mario's Lost World

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