Disclaimer: Still, after a little over a week, I do not own Harry Potter.

Black is Our World

Drowning in Darkness

It was pitch black, no light whatsoever. I used to love the dark, now I hated it. All it did was bring up memories of times I wish to forget, make me remember the pain and agony I felt each passing second as my heart and mind kept shattering over and over.

But the ironic thing is, even though the darkness makes me fearful, it does offer a sense of security. When no one can see me, no one can touch me, hurt me...love me. I won't have to hide in the dark, for the dark hides me.

Tears slipped soundlessly off my cheeks, landing on the stone floor that I lay on, the bright silver drops gleaming up at me, the only light in the darkened cell. My breath hitched in my throat as the tears kept coming.

I don't know when the last time I cried was. Probably when I had heard Mother had died, my own father murdering her in her sleep. That was also the day I had changed, moved over to the other side�Potter's side.

Flashback: December 28, 2002

Startled, I jerked completely awake, sweat pouring off of me in waves, the blond strands of hair clinging to my damp face and neck. Had that been a dream? It had felt so real... My trembling hands clutched the blankets to my body, shivers running through me although I was far from the cold plaguing my body.

A sudden scream made my hair stand on end and I sprang from the bed, and raced towards the sound, my wand grasped firmly in my hand. I skidded to a halt outside my parent's room, where I had pinpointed the cry.

Pausing, I put my ear to the closed door, trying to decide if I should intrude or not. The sobs of my mother reached my ears, and I suddenly felt afraid, very afraid.

"Lucius, please," she begged, "Don't do this. You don�t want to do this..." I inched open the door and peered in, seeing Mother clutching on to Father's robes, dressed in only her nightgown. Tears poured down her face as she looked fearfully at the wand pointed right at her and then back up to his gray eyes which held no compassion.

"Our Lord said that you are no longer needed, Narcissa. The only thing you ever were good for was producing our heir who will carry on the Malfoy name."

"No.. Lucius, please... I'll just leave, I'll never contact you again. Just don't do this," she pleaded, her hands pulling at his robe. "Please? For me? For your wife?"

"Our Lord said to kill you, so I shall. Good bye, Narcissa."

I broke into the room, just as a flash of green light left the tip of Father's wand and slammed into Mother, who fell back against the huge pillows that covered the bed. Cold, calculating eyes turned to face me.

"What are you doing out of bed, Draco?" he asked, stalking towards me.

"You�you killed her..." I said, my eyes beginning to feel slightly wet. "You killed Mother," I repeated, my gaze not wavering from his. "Why?"

"It is a simple answer, Draco. Our Lord did not find any further use for her. After all," he said, tracing the black skull on my forearm, "You should know how he can be." I shivered again, and jerked my arm out of his reach.

"But she was my mother, your wife. How could you just do something like that?" I asked, a tear tracing my cheek, my lower lip trembling slightly and my voice faltering.

A backhand to my face sent me reeling against the door I had banged open mere moments before. "There is nothing to cry over, Draco," hissed Father, his foot coming in contact with my stomach. "She was worthless and meant nothing to me. Now get to bed."

I rose to my feet, making sure my hand did not stray to my cheek or to clutch my stomach. That would be a sign of weakness and Malfoy's did not show weakness. "And wipe those tears off of your face, Boy, Malfoy's don't cry," he said as I made my way out of the room and back down the hall.

"My mother is dead," I whispered to myself after I was sitting back in my bed, the blankets forming a cocoon around my slim figure that was still trembling. "He killed her... Father just murdered my mother..."

Blindly, my hand reached out and touched the putrid mark on my left arm, the black skull leering beneath my fingertips. "What was I thinking?" I asked myself, tracing the mark. "He'll never care about me, no matter what I do for him. The only good thing I've ever made him feel proud was when I received the Dark Mark is sixth year...

"I know what I'll do...when I get back to Hogwarts, I'll go see Dumbledore. He might be able to help..." Pulling the covers over my head, I snuggled down, tears once again leaking down my face. If I didn't feel pride in being a Malfoy, there was no use acting like one.

January 4, 2003

"Draco, are you feeling alright?" I felt Pansy sit down on the bench next to me. "You don't look so well."

"Bugger off, Pansy," I muttered, leaning my forehead against the cool glass of the train's window. I was back on my way to Hogwarts, after receiving a parting gift from Father. Several new bruises and cuts along with an ache that flowed through my whole body were what I was now dealing with, thankfully all covered with a concealment spell I had placed upon myself before arriving at the train station. I was pretty good at them too, having had to use the charm on myself since I was eleven when I ventured out into Hogwarts.

I felt a blanket being draped over my shivering frame, glad for the warmth but extremely annoyed. 'What do I have to do to make Pansy leave me alone?' my mind screamed, not quite used to not having people listen to me.

"You're sick, Draco," ventured the Slytherin girl, "And you're hurting yourself by not letting me treat you. Now just lie still for the rest of the trip." Obediently, although I have no idea why, I allowed the girl to get Crabbe and roll me so I was lying on the seat, more comfortable than I had been before.

A cold cloth draped itself on my forehead, the cooling sensation causing me to shiver. I didn't feel well at all... Maybe I would...go...to...sleep.

Pansy�s POV

I allowed myself a small smile of satisfaction when I saw that he had fallen asleep, but it quickly faded as my concern grew. Draco had always been the strongest person I know, he would never allow anyone to see him looking like this... Something must be wrong, really wrong.

I'd been riding with Draco in silence for the past hour, having shooed Crabbe and Goyle out since they were making too much noise with all of their munching when a very odd thing started to happen to Draco.

Like magic, a bruise had formed on his cheek, a deep shade of purple that contrasted with the pale white of his skin, although right now it was currently a light pink due to the fact he had a fever. Slowly, I reached out and touched it, causing him to draw back and give a slight moan. Was it possible he had other bruises?

I bit my lip nervously, debating whether or not I should check. Draco was a very private and secretive person, he wouldn't like waking up with me examining him. Plus the fact that he might think I was taking advantage of him in his current state.

I knew for a fact that Draco was still a virgin, very odd for his social status. He absolutely refused to share himself with anyone until he was married, something I had come across in a journal of his that I had found by accident. I knew I wasn�t supposed to go through his things, but I�m a little too curious for my own good.

Peeling back the blanket, I noticed that he really didn't look so well. His robes were clinging to him from his fever and I could tell he was slim, too slim. Sure, Draco had always been very slender, but this was crossing the line.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, unbuttoning his robe and sliding it up and off over his head. Underneath his robe he was wearing a dark emerald green sweater with a pair of black slacks, all easily very expensive.

Gingerly, I began to pull his shirt off, a gasp coming to my throat when I saw the first one. It was large, covering about half of his stomach, a large angry red bruise with blue tingeing the outside. By the time I had his whole shirt off, I had made two discoveries. One, he was covered in bruises and cuts of all sorts, which might explain the reason he isn't feeling well. Two...he was a Death Eater. The black mark stood out plainly against his skin, the skull grinning up at me.

How could I have Madam Pomfrey treat him if Draco was a Death Eater? If they found out, he could go to Azkaban, or worse he could be given the Dementor's kiss. I couldn't, and wouldn't, allow that to happen, although it was pretty obvious he needed medical assistance as soon as we got off the train.

He started to stir a few minutes later, and it was then I realized I hadn't had time to put his shirt back on. Oh God, I was in major trouble. But instead, the cold Draco Malfoy did something totally unexpected.

"Pansy," he whispered, his voice hoarse and his silver eyes looking brighter than before, "I don't feel well," he said weakly, closing his eyes again.

"Shhh, I know... I'm going to get you some help though, okay?" He didn't answer which I'll just take as a yes. "Now hold still, I have to get this back on..." I grabbed the sweater and started to tug it over his head, messing up the blond hair even more. Seconds later, it was back on and he was breathing irregularly, his lungs not seeming to get enough air. "Stay right here," I whispered, placing the dark blanket over him again. "I'll be right back."

Sliding the compartment door closed behind me, I made my way up to the conductor's room. Knocking politely, I said, "Excuse me. Could you please tell me how much longer till we get to Hogwarts?"

"Fifteen minutes," was the gruff reply and I gave a sigh in relief. Draco would be okay for fifteen minutes. But I don't think he'll be able to get off the train by himself, so I'd better go find one of those beefy buffoons and have them escort or carry him off. I know Draco will probably kill me if I even let someone pick him up, but I really haven't got a choice.

I found both pigs standing in the doorway to a compartment, staring at the occupants. "I'm sorry," I said, grabbing hold of Goyle's sleeve, "They- Why it's just some Gryffindors," I smirked, looking in on the golden trio along with Longbottom and the weaslette. "Then I don't apologize. Let's go you two," I hissed, tugging on the sleeve.

"What's wrong Pansy?" he asked, as Crabbe still stood in the doorway, unsure if he should also follow me. Idiot.

"It's Draco, Moron."

"What about, Malfoy?" asked Crabbe, turning away and following me down the hall to the blond Slytherins' compartment.

"He's not feeling well," I snapped, "And will require some assistance off the train. So one of you is going to help him. And what were you doing standing in front of the Gryffindor's compartment?"

"Well," said Goyle slowly, "whenever any of them are actually coming back to school from break, we uhh, what do we do, Crabbe?"

"We gang up on them," answered the other idiotic Slytherin. "But it didn't seem to go right today."

"That's because Draco wasn't with you today. The train will arrive in a few minutes. Goyle, take Draco and bring him immediately up the hospital wing. Then you're free to go." He nodded, taking orders from me because I had been unofficially elected second in charge of Slytherin after Draco.

As soon as I felt the hum from the scarlet steam engine halt beneath my feet, I nodded to Goyle who picked Draco up carefully, now wrapped in his black robes, and settled him into his arms baby style. Fortunately, Draco had fallen asleep again.

"Be careful," I cautioned as we left our compartment, making sure that Draco's head wasn't rammed into the door frame. We received several curious glances, all the students wondering why Draco Malfoy was being carried off the train. I'm just glad I remembered I had some concealment powder in my purse and got it on his cheek before anyone, even Crabbe and Goyle, saw him.

I followed Goyle up to the hospital wing, where he laid Draco carefully in a bed and then departed for the Slytherin commons. Gently, I pulled the cover up off his face and was startled to see his eyes open and staring straight at me.

"Pansy, where...where are we?" he asked, something of confusion sparkling in the captivating silver eyes.

"Hospital wing," I murmured softly, pulling one of his bangs out of his face. "Oh Draco, what happened to you?" I exclaimed, the concern clearly evident in my voice. "Please tell me��

"Pansy, can you do me a favor? Could you go get Dumbledore, I need to talk to him," he said weakly, his breaths coming in short gasps.

"Yeah sure...just hang in there Draco." I rose from the bedside and entered the head nurse's little office. "Madam Pomfrey? You have a patient out there. He requests that he needs to see Professor Dumbledore. It's an emergency."

The mediwitch rose, straightening her long flowing red robes. "Alright, Miss Parkinson. I'll go get the headmaster, you wait here. May I ask who it is?" she inquired.

"Draco, Draco Malfoy."

The nurse pursed her lips, having dealt with Draco back in third year with the Hippogriff incident, but a sick patient was still a patient, no matter how snobby. "Alright, I'll be back in a few minutes." She made her way out of the office and I heard the hospital wing door close behind her.

Making my way back out of the office, I once again sat next to Draco, taking his hand in my own, amazed at the amount of heat he was giving off. His cheeks now had two bright pink spots and his silvery blond hair clung to him with perspiration.

"There there," I said comfortingly, stoking his sweaty hair away with my free hand. "Dumbledore will make it all better, don't worry..." As much as I didn't like the headmaster, if Draco wanted to see him it must be pretty important.

Minutes later, I was beginning to grow nervous as Draco's breathing became more and more labored, his lungs fighting for every breath. What was wrong with him? Just then, the doors flew open and Dumbledore entered, every picture of authority.

His sky blue robes dotted with stars swirled around him, the long silvery white beard was pulled and tied with a little blue bow and his eyes held a twinkle, that started to diminish when he spotted Draco.

"Poppy, could you please leave me and Miss Parkinson alone for a few minutes? I'll call you if needed," he said gravely, staring right at me, his gaze burning into my soul. "Of course Albus." The mediwitch made her way back into her office the door closed with a soft click behind her. Dumbledore glided over to the bed where Draco stared up at him with fevered eyes.

"Mr. Malfoy? Do you mind explaining?" the headmaster asked kindly, a small smile, more to comfort Draco than anything, on his face.

With a bit of effort, Draco hoisted himself so he was no sitting up, leaning against the pillows behind him. "I made a mistake, Sir," he began, looking at his hands. "It seemed right at the time though... all I ever wanted was for him to be proud of me," he said softly.

Dumbledore and I glanced at each other, me shrugging my shoulders and then we both waited for Draco to continue. "When I was younger, I thought it was just his way of trying to strengthen me. After all, I could stand it, after being hit by a Crutacius Curse so many times, you begin to get used to it," he said with a small laugh that quickly turned into a cough, little flecks of blood staining the white sheets. Dumbledore handed Draco a handkerchief which he took and began to cough into, blood seeping through the cloth.

A few seconds later, he looked up, his face more pained than it had been prior. "I agreed to take the Dark Mark, the only time he ever was proud of me," Draco whispered, more to himself than to us, "But now I realize I don't want it. All it has done is bring more pain, greater expectations that I'm expected to live up to. But I just can't," he said despairingly, tears collecting in his eyes before he blinked them back.

"Over Christmas break, it was then I realized how wrong my choice had been. He...my father, murdered her...he murdered my mother," he gasped out, burying his face in his hands. "He killed her," he said, the words muffled.

Looking up he said, "She begged, pleaded for a different way, but he was set. Our Lord, or rather his, had said to kill her and so he did. Honor means nothing among a Malfoy, only power... And...and...I'm...scared." The last part came out so faint that it could barely be heard, but it was.

"I think it is time you got a good rest Draco," said Dumbledore, a sad smile on his face as he looked at the suffering boy. "I'm going to give you some dreamless sleep potion now, you need your rest. We'll take care of everything, just sleep."

Draco nodded and fell backwards in a graceful arc until his head hit the pillow. Dumbledore pulled a small purple bottle off of a shelf and uncapped it, offering it to Draco. He took a small sip and then his eyes closed, the potion already doing its job. The aging wizard turned to me, his gaze like steel. "Not a word of this will be spoken again, Miss Parkinson, are we clear?"

"Yes, Professor... but first I'd like to tell you something. I'm in agreement with Draco, I don't want to side with Voldemort." He smiled at me, a small twinkle back in his eye. "I'm glad to hear that, Miss Parkinson. If only the whole school felt the same way...now, we must get him out of these clothes so Poppy can treat him." With a little wave of his wand, Draco was suddenly clothed in just his boxers and a blush came up over my cheeks. But when I looked back at him, the red tinge faded as I took in the state he was in.

Bruises ran up and down his body, and several cuts as well. But easily the most frightening of them all was a long cut slashed across his back, a black aura surrounding it. "You would put this on your own son Lucius?" asked Dumbledore, looking at the black light over the cut.

"What is it Professor?" I asked.

"The kakushigoto itami boutoku," the headmaster said. "Translated, it means the Hidden Pain. It can only be removed by someone other than the victim, although they can not tell anyone, hence the hidden part. The pain is a constant ache, much like being punched repeatedly, and it is a curse for that is what category it falls under. Fortunately for Draco, I know the counter curse. Hireki kakushigoto."

I watched as the black aura around the cut disappeared so that now it was just a cut, and we could both see Draco's body relax a bit in relief. "You should head back to your dorm. And remember, Miss Parkinson, not a word." I nodded and left after one wistful glance at Draco, glad he was going to be alright.

That was the day I officially switched over to Dumbledore's side, although none of my other Slytherin friends would ever know. In fact, only Draco and Dumbledore. Maybe he isn't as stupid as I thought.

Draco�s POV

Upon waking up, I noticed almost instantly that the pain that had flowed through my body had stopped and I was wrapped in bandages, protecting all the cuts. A blue cream was on the bruises, and I didn't feel so cold anymore.

"It is good to see you awake, Mr. Malfoy," called Madam Pomfrey from across the room. "The headmaster will be in shortly to talk to you." I nodded from my spot on the bed, and then attempted to rise, feeling incredibly weak.

Since Mother had died, I hadn't eaten one piece of food, nor drank anything. It was my way of mourning I guess. In the end, after a battle with my blanket, I managed to sit up just as the door opened to reveal Pansy, Dumbledore, and Snape.

Immediately, Pansy threw herself towards me, pulling my incredibly thin frame into a hug, fat tears trickling down her cheeks. "Oh, Draco," she sobbed, "I thought you might not make it!"

For some reason, I started to smooth her hair down, murmuring soothing words to the distraught girl. Who would ever have known that I could be caring, comforting? "I'm fine, seriously, Pansy...don't cry..."

I could feel the two adults exchange looks with each other over my odd behavior. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw Snape give a small smile and Dumbledore beam. "What do you mean I almost didn't make it?" I asked Pansy, who had gotten herself under control and was now just looking at me.

"Your heart stopped," she said. "After Madam Pomfrey had treated you for all those cuts, your heart just stopped. We had to shock you into moving again... It's been three days. Dumbledore said you might have slipped into a coma."

"How are you feeling, Mr. Malfoy?" asked Dumbledore, peering at me over his half mooned spectacles.

"I'm feeling fine, Professor," I said, glancing up at him.

"Good, then you'll be able to hold down some food." Muttering a few well chosen words, a plate with a hot bowl of soup and a cup of tea hovered in the air above me before it settled itself on the nightstand. "Now eat," he ordered.

Under the headmaster's insisting eyes, I had no choice but to pick up the spoon and begin eating the tomato soup. "Now Draco, I honestly need you to tell me, did Lucius do this to you?"

"Yes, Sir," I said, my eyes riveted on the soup. "He did..."

"And are you truly against Voldemort Draco?"

I thought about that one for a moment. "Yes," I answered firmly. "Death Eaters don't even care about their own families, nor anyone except for themselves and their 'Lord.' I don't want to be like that."

"Then are you willing to join the Light, Draco? Those who fight against Voldemort?"

After another quick pause for thinking, I nodded slowly, glancing over at Pansy to see how she would take this switch. And Snape, I knew he was a Death Eater so why was he here?

"Excellent," said Dumbledore clapping his hands. "You and Severus will both be spies for the Order, a group against Voldemort," he said in response to the puzzled look on my face. "And Miss Parkinson also shares your views on this matter. But to keep things easy, let's keep this all hush-hush, okay?"

"Yes, Professor," we both said in unison.

"I'll leave you to get some rest Draco, but you have to eat. Classes start in two days for you, I'll have Miss Parkinson send up the work you've missed so far. Good day both of you." With a slight swish of his blue robes, the headmaster was gone along with Snape.

"So we're both fighting against him, huh?" I asked, turning to the Slytherin girl.

"Yes, although I'll just be mainly for support. I don't have a Mark and can't spy." Her warm smile made a small one creep on my face, not a smirk, a real smile. "We'll get through this Draco. No one can stop us."

"I hope you're right," I said, leaning back against the pillows. "Because I don't ever want to go back."

End Flashback

The dim light of the burning torches let me know that it was day and that soon the guards would be coming around with breakfast, although none would be for me. I sat up, but even that took quite an amount of effort, and leaned back against the cool stone wall.

Heavy footfalls echoed down the corridor, but strangely enough stopped in front of my cell. Prying open my tired eyes I gave a little gasp as the man entered my cell. "It's been such a long time since I last saw you, Draco," the man said silkily, stalking towards me. "Is this the way you greet your father?"

"You're no father of mine," I spat, my eyes flashing in anger. "A real father wouldn't kill his wife, beat his child, work for a man who keeps you under watch all the time. No father would -"

I was silenced as he slammed my head back against the wall, black spots swarming in front of my eyes, his leering face the only clear object. "Don't say those kind of things, Draco. I may be your ticket out of here."

Easily, he threw my frame over his shoulder and left my cell. Wearily, I picked my head off of him and stared at the retreating faces of my previous classmates, all filled with worry as I was carted off.

I was carried down twisting halls until Father opened a large oak door and dumped me unceremoniously on the floor. Glancing around I took in my surroundings. I was on a dark green carpet in a rather well furnished room. A large four-poster bed sat against a wall and a fireplace cast flickering green flames over the room.

"Get up, Draco," commanded the blond haired man, who had already seated himself on a leather couch. Hesitantly, I sank onto a chair, eyeing the man up and down. He was wearing nice black robes, his hair tied in back with his trusty snake cane with him. Me, I was wearing a tattered pair of black slacks they had captured me in and a shirt that had once been a dark green, now a dirty brown with holes up and down, the sleeves cut near the top.

"What do you want?" I asked cautiously, looking him over for a hidden motive. And what had he meant when he said he could get me out?

"How would you like a second chance, Draco?" asked Lucius, leaning back comfortably on the couch, keeping one hand closed over his snake cane that concealed his wand. "A second chance at what?" I asked, now on guard. I had learned something from this man never trust anyone. And that advice was coming in really handy right now.

"To be loyal to Our Lord," he said with pride. "He has thought and reconsidered that if you would like to join our side again, we might forget all previous actions you committed. Doesn't that sound like a good?"

"Listen, Father," I said coldly. "Yes, it is a generous offer, but you make one mistake. I'm never going back to help him. Or you," I added as an afterthought. "I'm fighting for what it right, and I'll never stoop so low as to help you."

"Fine," Lucius said, rising from the couch. "But you're not getting out of here quite yet." I felt the familiar wave of helplessness wash over me as I realized I was trapped in here with him. Running to the door, I tugged on the handle, only to realize he had magically locked it.

"Please, just let me go," I begged, backed up against the door as he came closer.

"I don't think so, Draco, there is something I've been wanting to do for some time now," he said, clamping both of his hands down on my shoulders, forcing me to stand still. But instead of being punched like I'd been expecting, he kissed me forcefully, tearing at my mouth.

I gasped, giving him immediate entry into my mouth which he gladly took. Picking my right foot off the floor, I managed to knee him in the stomach, but it doesn't look like I did much damage. This was wrong. My father was kissing me! And I didn't like it one bit.

He pulled away from me to gain air, and then began to kiss me down my neck, not noticing my discomfort or fear. His hands grabbed at the raggedy shirt, tearing the weak fabric away easily.

"Father...stop..." I begged, before he reclaimed my lips, pushing my head back against the wall. "Why are you doing this?" I moaned as he trailed hot kisses down my collarbone, each leaving a searing spot of pain.

"Because, Draco," Lucius said, lust filling his eyes, "All I've ever wanted was you." In one giant grab, he had me in his arms, and walked over, dropping me on the bed. Vainly, I tried to escape, knowing exactly what he wanted from me.

But as soon as I had one leg thrown over the bed, he yanked me back, beginning to kiss me more furiously, drawing blood from my bruised lips. My brain screamed at me for air as I felt myself being lost in the kiss, unable to escape. When he finally pulled away, I took a great gulp of fresh air and began trying to squirm out of his grasp but to no avail. What frightened me most was when I felt two hands wrap themselves around my waist, and slowly started to pull down my pants.

"STOP IT! PLEASE!" I screamed, thrashing about. Seconds later, I was sitting in his arms, my clothes dumped on the ground. "Let me go," I sobbed, tears pouring down my cheeks. Even the beatings I had suffered through were better than this.

"But, Draco," he said, cupping my chin in his hand, the other still wrapped securely around me, "Don't you like this?"

"N-no," I cried. "Just stop!"

"I can't," he whispered in my ear, the breath tickling yet hurting at the same time. Gently, he started to nibble at my earlobe, and though I yelled at him to stop, he continued, thoroughly enjoying himself.

I was suddenly thrown down onto the bed, my face pressing into the sheets. 'They're green,' I thought, staring at the material in front of my eyes. 'Why am I thinking about sheets at a time like this?'

My thoughts scattered as I felt my father enter, and two people screamed, my cry full of pain and father's full of joy. I clawed at the bed, desperate to escape, to leave and go back to my cell. Anything was better than this... anything.

He thrust in again and I arched up in agony, only making my father gain more entry. I felt him going in, faster and faster, drawing in and out, laughing with pleasure. My tears soaked the sheets, blood staining them at the bottom.

Screams ravaged through the room, all a desperate plea for help, for him to stop. But the man was having to much fun, enjoying this moment. And then, I could feel him tense behind me and then he released, causing me to scream even louder and draw away.

But I was weak from no food and proper heating. He was also much bigger and stronger, easily giving him the advantage over me. I clawed frantically at his arms, the only place I was able to reach.

He leaned forward, capturing my lips again, still digging into me. I just wished I become unconscious, to leave this living nightmare, but the Gods out there had never given a damn for me before and sure as Hell didn't start now.

I don't know how long it lasted, his hands groping over my body, touching places I didn't want touched, tainting my innocence. All I know is that I felt father get off of me and then the sound of him fitting his robes back on. "I can't have you going back out there with nothing on..." I felt him pick me up, not fighting this time and felt him pull my boxers back on, followed by my pants. "I do think your shirt is ruined. Guess you'll just go without it."

I was thrown back over his shoulder, the pain not even noticeable anymore, only a sudden numbness that had taken over. "Draco," he said, pausing before we entered the jailing area, "Just make sure no one else ever touches you. You're mine," he said, tongue flicking in and out of my ear.

That was the last thing I heard before the darkness I had been wishing for came to me, bearing me away on a black cloud.

Mouths dropped as Lucius Malfoy came into the cells carrying an unconscious and bloody Draco Malfoy. With a sneer, Lucius threw his son into the cell, slamming the gate behind him and stalking off.

"Malfoy," called out Hermione tentatively, "...Draco?"

Pansy slammed her hands up against the wall that separated her from the other Slytherin. "Answer us ,Draco," she pleaded. "Please wake up..." The blond gave a slight moan and turned slightly to the side, enough so that Ron and his cellmates could see Draco's face. "Bloody Hell," muttered Ron. "I don't believe it..."

Anyone who could see the Slytherin could almost immediately tell what had happened. The dark bruises in the shape of hands all over his chest, long scratch marks going up and down his arms, mused hair and bruising lips. Plus the fact that he had blood darkening his pants...and trails of tears on his cheeks.

"He needs help," cried the littlest Weasley, clutching at the bars and tears streaming down her face.

"What happened?" screeched Pansy. "What did Lucius do?"

"I think it is better you don't know," said Lavender softly, gazing at the unmoving figure.

"WHAT HAPPENED!" she bellowed, voice ringing down the hall.

"Keep it down," hissed Harry. "He's been raped."

"What!" cried a chorus from the cell next to Draco's, Hermione, Pansy, the Weasley twins and Hannah all looking at one another in shock. "You're positive, Harry?" asked Hannah, her voice quivering.

"Yeah," muttered Ron, staring at the figure of his once arch enemy, now fully beaten. "I'm absolutely sure."

"But that can't be," said Pansy, sinking down to her knees, hand resting on the wall. "He said he wasn't ever share himself with anyone until he was married... And now..."

"Not on his own choice, that can be said for sure," said Neville.

�Why would Lucius do something like this?� asked Hermione softly. �Pansy, do you know?�

The Slytherin sighed. �Yes, I know. He's been being abused at home, since I think he was eleven, probably sooner. He had a curse put on him, the kakushigoto itami boutoku." Here Hermione gasped and Pansy allowed a pause.

"I found out he was a Death Eater when I tried to help him and later he explained to Dumbledore he didn't want to be one anymore. I can only guess that Lucius got sick of beatings and wanted to try something else."

"Why?" asked Ron. "I thought he loved the Dark Arts..."

"Draco's interested in Dark Arts, really good at them too, but he quit for his own reasons."

"Which are?" prodded Hermione.

"Lucius killed Narcissa on the Dark Lord's orders. From what I understand, Draco heard the entire conversation before he killed her. He decided that Death Eaters had no loyalty towards their families, and he is right of course, and became a spy. Only myself, Dumbledore, Snape, and of course Draco knew of this. I switched for same views as Draco, although no one died at my house. I just didn't want to be a person who killed for blood. Happy now?"

"How are we going to help him?" asked Ron, "It is pretty obvious we can't go through a solid stone wall."

"But he'll die if we don't get in there," wailed Pansy, pulling on her hair. "And I told him we would get through this! I am not going back on my word. I may not be a trusting Hufflepuff or a loyal Gryffindor, but I do care!"

"I think it's time we used these, don't you, Fred?"

"Yeah.. This would seem like the right moment. We're not just going to let one of our number die on us, even if he did insult our family." The whole group watched with interest as Fred and George reached into their mouths and came out with a tooth, that was actually fake.

"Remember when Fred and I had our wisdom teeth pulled? Well, we stuck these fake teeth that have exploding powder in them in the vacant spots. It won't work on metal, but we should be able to blast through stone. Stand back..."

Fred hurled his tooth, followed quickly by George's and both hit the wall with a little tap. "It doesn't look like anything happened," said Ginny. But she was mistaken when a loud explosion sounded, everyone covering their ears and stone crumbled.

As soon as the dust had cleared a bit, Pansy ran straight into the room through the whole in the wall. "Draco," she sobbed, picking his head up so that it was resting in her lap, wrapping her arms around him.

"P-Pansy...? Is...that you?" he muttered hoarsely, his eyes squinted shut in the pain that raged though him.

"Yes, it's me. Hermione, Fred, George and Hannah too," she added, not even noticing that she had just used their first names. "Draco, please look at me," she pleaded, her eyes tearing up and the liquid falling onto Draco's exposed chest.

Both silver eyes cracked open, pain the only emotion seen in them. "I...can't...breathe," Draco gasped, pain flooding him so greatly he was beginning to hyperventilate.

"Draco, snap out of it," cried Pansy, "Snap out of it!"

Hermione pushed the Slytherin aside and placed both of her hands firmly on Draco's bruised chest, his head resting on the ground. Taking a deep breath, she lowered her mouth on to his, attempting to give him air that he desperately needed.

Instead of accepting the breath, he moved furiously, trying to get her off of him. 'Aw shit,' she thought, 'He's just been raped... Now it looks like I'm kissing him... I can be such an idiot.'

Quickly, she removed her mouth, Draco calming down and his breathing returning to normal on its own.

"WHAT'S GOING ON DOWN HERE?" Lucius Malfoy followed by some of the other guards who had to run to keep up with his long stride, were rushing down the hall towards where they had heard the explosion.

Harry and Ron's cellmates went to the back of their cells, fear for their friends' safety pulling at their hearts. "Ah Draco, always have to be the center of attention, don't we?" asked Lucius, staring in at his son. "Too bad you weren't lying so still earlier, it would have saved a great deal of pain for you."

Hermione rose to her feet, looking at the blond man with clear loathing. "I can't believe that you would do this to your own son. You monster," she spat, "Have you no heart?" "Correct, Mudblood, smart little thing aren't you. My heart left me long ago. Which is why," he said looking around inside the cell, "I believe an example needs to be made." Turning to the guards he said, "Bind all of their hands and bring them into the ballroom." And then, with a flutter of his robe, the older Malfoy left.

The whole group eventually had their hands tied behind their back, although not before several injuries had been given. Ginny had bit into a guard's finger, drawing blood when she refused to let go. Pansy had knocked one of them unconscious by slamming their head against the wall with her body. But soon all were being dragged off down the hall, kicking and yelling to no avail.

Lucius Malfoy was standing on the ground, a large wooden stage set up a few feet away. "Let's see," he said, his eyes darting over the prisoners. "Bring Parkinson up, have the rest kneel."

Pansy kicked and screamed, hurling insults at the two guards who had been given the task of getting the girl up the steps and onto the stage. The rest of the group could only watch in silence and fear, wondering what was about to happen.

Draco�s POV

One of the guards pushed me to my knees, tracing his finger in a way I did not like at all over my cheek before standing behind me, one of his beefy hands resting on my bare and bruised shoulder.

I ignored the man, although I wish he would take his hand off of me, and turned to look up at Pansy. She looked terrified, standing all alone except for two guards on either side of her. Father stood looking at all of us, his gaze focused on me. Licking his lips, a gesture that made me shiver, he began to speak.

"I do believe that we have allowed too much insubordination in the cells. From what your guards have told me, you constantly talk, make trouble, and now a large section of fine stone has been blown to bits. I'm hoping that eliminating one of you will bring you all down a notch."

I felt my insides freeze with the sudden realization of what was about to happen. He was going to kill Pansy... A lightheaded feeling came over me and I tried to conquer it, my eyes focused on Father who had his wand pointing up at Pansy.

"Don't worry, Pansy dear, it will be quick," he said with a laugh. "But hopefully you'll learn to not side with my foolish son if you are ever reincarnated."

"Father..." I whispered, "Don't..."

The ebony wand raised so that it was pointed at Pansy who gazed back at it, fear and helplessness clouding her eyes, before she let them close, not wanting to see her death come speeding at her.


I jumped to my feet, shoving the guard off of me, my energy having a sudden flare, and slammed against my father.

"Kedavra." Unfortunately for the guard on Pansy's left, when I had hit Father the spell hadn't flown straight and had just ended the guard's life, not Pansy's.

"You always manage to mess something up, don't you Draco?" he growled, picking me up, his hand wrapped around my neck. My arms hung down my back, tied securely, my air supply being cut off. He glanced at my left arm and the familiar gleam of hunger for pain entered.

"Take the girl off, plans have changed." As Pansy was led off, only to glad to be going, I was carried on, struggling in his grasp before I was thrown down. Conjuring ropes, he untied the ones that bound my hands behind me and then tied me so my arms were splayed on the sides and my legs were bound as well.

Removing a bottle of clear gel out of his pocket, he took a little brush and began to paint it over my Dark Mark. "You know, Draco," he said, a smirk on his face, "I think you'll enjoy this.."

Now I was scared�not to say I hadn't been, but when he said I was going to enjoy something it normally ended up with me screaming in pain. "What was that gel, Lucius?" asked the remaining living guard who was on the stage next to me.

"A simple item so we won't have to smell the burning flesh," said Lucius, his eyes flashing in delight. "After all, I'm assuming that's what happens when one gets branded."

He approached me with a piece of metal that he had made with his wand, an 'x' carved on it and glowing bright red with heat. "You don't want to be a Death Eater, Draco?" he drawled, "Then I'll make sure no one ever mistakes you for one."

He lowered the brand, my arm already starting to feel scorched and he hadn't even touched me yet. Then, with a sudden thrust of his arm, the burning metal connected with bare skin and I screamed, trying to wrench my arm way but the ropes held it too tightly.

"Isn't this fun, Draco?" he asked over my screams. "Don't you like this feeling?"

It was worse than just burning your hand on a hot pan... The searing agony ripped through my flesh, the heat unbearable. My tortured cries rang throughout the room, my throat going raw with my yells.

Minutes later, I felt the iron being removed, but was too afraid to even glance at the red and blistered skin.

"Bring them all back to their cells," ordered Lucius. "The wall should be repaired by now."

Roughly, I was picked off the stage and dragged down the corridor, then thrown in my cell, my head hitting the floor with a resounding crack.

"Draco?" called Hermione, "Can you hear me?"

I didn't answer, didn't even question why I had just thought of her as Hermione and not Granger, but instead looked at my mark, dread growing in my stomach.

It was bad alright. The skin around it was blistered and peeling, a pretty bad burn. But the mark...the mark was still there, the skull still leering. But now, a large 'X' went through it, signaling a traitor.

I sighed, clutching my arm to me, tears welling up in my eyes, and I let them spill over, no longer wanting to be strong willed and not show I was hurting. And for the rest of the night I just lay there crying. Hermione, Pansy, Ginny and even Harry called out to me, but I ignored them, locked inside myself, drowning in my own little world, the darkness and pain catching up and dragging me down, never wanting me to see the light again. Ever.

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