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Unfortunately, due to bandwith issues, all fanart shall be on this page. A huge thank you to everyone who has submitted something! It makes me so glad to know that my fics are liked so much that people are willing to draw art for them! So...THANK YOU!!

Draco's Spirit
1. 2.

1. This wonderful pic of Mia and Draco was drawn by Xw0kenn0wX! I luv the way you did Mia's hair; the tendrils are so cute! And Draco looks so sexy! :P
2. LishaChan drew this pic of Zareh looking into the Mirror of Darkness. On a spark of genius, she translated that into Latin! I luv it!!

Black is Our World (Deleted, but coming back! ^_^)



1. This wonderful piece was drawn by Bronwen! I absolutely love all the detail you put on Draco's leg. Simply fantastic. And Hermione's facial expression...it's so realistic!!
2. By Soul-Dead-Dragon, this is a beautiful, rather emotional piece. The text you added only made it more heart-wrenching to look at. And nice detail on the background, most people probably would have skipped it!
3. This rather detailed art was done by Chantal J. I love looking at all the different scenes you put in! It shows a nice time change and a brief overlook of the events that have happened. Keep going, tis beautiful!
4. A random (but much loved user) submitted this piece. I absolutely adore how you have Hermione looking up at the sky and Draco simply resting. It's so peaceful. And excellent job on your trees!! I still have trouble with them. :P

Parenting Class!


1. This little piece of Hermione was done by Brownwen! The captioning that goes along with it is "A picture of Hermione standing in the middle of the office, broken bottles and ingredients littered on the floor around her and Snape pulling out his wand and aiming it at himself, entered Harry�s mind. 'No, that doesn�t sound like the safest option. We could just leave her untied�" Thanks so much! Mione is so cute!! :P
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