Considerations on the Introduction of an International Language into Science



The following excerpt from the provisional statutes of the Uniono is only intended to give an indication of its nature. The full statutes will be willingly sent to anyone interested by one of the authors of this brochure or by the Secretary of the Uniono, Herr A. Waltisbühl, 46, Bahnhof Strasse, Zürich.
[Note: Please bear in mind that this was written in 1910, so writing to this address will not be of very much use today. JC.]


(1) The sole purpose of the Uniono di l'Amiki di la Linguo Internaciona is to unite, for the purposes of common action, all persons who recognise and approve of the idea of an international language in the form given to it by the Délégation pour l'Adoption d'une Langue Auxiliaire Internationale.

(2) The Uniono accepts as the international auxiliary language the Linguo Internaciona di la Delegitaro resulting from the labours and decisions of the commission and the working committee of the Delegation, but expressly declares that this language is not to be regarded as "perfect" and "infallible." On the contrary, it takes the view that the language is capable of continuous improvement according to the principles resulting from the work of the Delegation.

(3) The Uniono consists of members of both sexes of all nationalities (at least eighteen years old) who are willing to learn the language, to employ it on all suitable occasions in intercourse with foreigners, and to take part in its propagation.

(4) The yearly subscription amounts to 1.25 francs, 1 shilling, 1 mark, or 1.20 krone (Austrian). Half of this sum goes to the Academy, the other half to the credit of the "Komitato". Permanent membership is obtained by a single payment of 50 francs. Persons paying at least 100 francs in a single payment become membri protektanta.

(5), (6), (7) All members take part in the election of the two directing bodies of the Uniono (the Academy and the "Komitato") according to a specially arranged method of representation (in which account is taken of the number of adherents belonging to each nationality).

(8), (9), (10) The Academy is concerned only with questions relating to the development and improvement of the international language. It has to reply within six months to all questions and suggestions emanating from at least three elected representatives. The official organ of the Academy is the journal Progreso (pronounced Progresso). The Komitato has the practical direction and organisation of the Uniono which it controls and represents. It is intended to found in the different countries language courses, offices for the practical employment of the language in commerce and travel, and translation bureaux. The Academy and Komitato may unite for the purpose of discussing general questions concerning the international language.

(11), (12), (13) deal with local groups, change of statutes, dissolution of the Society, etc.

(14) All questions or proposals to be settled by the Academy or the Komitato must be published in the journal Progreso three months before the decision in order to allow of general discussion.

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