a(d) to (movement towards)
abad.o abbot, abbess (-ul/in)
abandon.ar to abandon
abas.ar to lower, debase (morally)
abat.ar to knock, strike down, fell
abel.o bee
abism.o, -ala abyss, (fig.) abysmal
abolis.ar to abolish
abon.ar to subscribe (to a periodical, etc.)
abord.ar to land (on a shore etc.), to board (a ship etc.)
abort.ar to abort
aboy.ar to bark, bay (of animals)
abrevi.ar to abbreviate
abrikot.o apricot
absent.a absent
absolut.a absolute
absolv.ar to absolve
absorb.ar to absorb
absten.ar to abstain
abstrakt.a abstract
absurd.a absurd
abund.ar to abound, be abundant, plentiful
aceler.ar (tr.) to accelerate
acend.ar (tr.) to light (a lamp), kindle (a fire), turn on (electric light)
acens.ar to ascend, go up
acent.o accent: stress of voice
acept.ar to accept
acerb.a acerbic, harsh, bitter (also fig.)
aces.ar to access, have access to
acid.o acid
acident.ar to cause an accident, -o accident
acion.o share (financial)
adapt.ar (tr.) to adapt, a. su adapt oneself
ad see a(d)
ad.en into
adept.o adept
adequat.a adequate
adher.ar (ad) to adhere (to)
adi.ar to say goodbye, bid farewell
adicion.ar to add (arithmetic)
ad.jac.ar to be adjacent to
adjektiv.o adjective
adjudikar to adjudicate, adjudge
ad.junt.ar to adjoin, add (to)
ad.maxime at most
ad.minime at least
administr.ar to administrate
admir.ar to admire
admis.ar to admit (someone into a society etc.)
adopt.ar to adopt
ador.ar to worship (God etc.), adore, idolize
ad.port.ar to bring
adres.o address
adult.a adult
adverb.o adverb
ad.ver.e indeed, it is true, to be sure
ad.vok.ar to call (to), hail
advokat.o advocate, barrister (who pleads in court)
aer.o air
afabl.a kind, amiable, affable
afecion.ar to have affection for, be affectionate
afekt.ar to affect, move, touch (emotionally)
afektac.ar to pose, make an artificial show, act in an affected manner
afer.o affair, business, matter, concern
afgan.o Afghan
Afganistan Afghanistan
afin.a having an affinity (with)
afirm.ar to affirm
afish.o poster, bill
afix.o affix
afrank.ar to frank, prepay postage on letters etc.
Afrik.a Africa, -an.a African
afront.ar to face, affront
ag.ar to act, do
agend.o agenda
agit.ar to agitate, shake
agl.o eagle
aglutin.ar (tr.) to stick (as with glue), agglutinate
agnosk.ar to acknowledge, recognize
agost.o August
agr.o field: piece of ground
agraf.o hook, clasp (for fastening things together)
agreabl.a pleasant, agreeable
agul.o needle, point (on a railway line)
ajil.a agile, nimble
ajorn.ar to put off, adjourn
ajust.ar to adjust, regulate, set
akademi.o academy
aklam.ar to acclaim
aklimat.ar (tr.) to acclimatize
akompan.ar to accompany
akord.ar to be in tune, in accordance
akr.a acrid, harsh
akroch.ar to hang (on a hook etc.)
aktiv.a active
aktor.o actor, actress (-ul/in)
aktual.a of the present time (NB. not "actual")
akumul.ar to accumulate
akurat.a punctual (NB. not "accurate")
akut.a sharp, acute
akuz.ar to accuse
akuzativ.o accusative
al = a(d) la
al.o wing
alarm.ar to sound the alarm, give signal of danger
Albani.a Albania
alberg.o inn
album.o album
ale.o lane, walk, path
aleg.ar to allege
alej.ar to relieve, alleviate, lighten
alergi.o allergy
alert.a alert
alfabet.o alfabet
algebr.o algebra
ali.o garlic
alias (adv.) alias
aliment.ar to supply with necessary provisions
alini.ar to align
Aljeri.a Algeria
alkohol.o alcohol
alonge along
Alpi Alps
alt.a high, tall
alter.ar to alter, modify (generally for the worse)
altern.ar (intr.) to alternate
alternativ.o alternative
altitud.o altitude: height above sea level
altr.a other
alumet.o match (for lighting cigarettes etc.)
alumini.o aluminium
am.ar like, love (a person)
amans.ar to tame, make docile, sociable (animals and persons)
amas.o heap, pile, mass
amator.o amateur
amb.a both
ambasad.o embassy, -ist.o ambassador
ambici.ar to be ambitious
ambigu.a ambiguous
ambulanc.o ambulance
amend.o fine, penalty
Amerik.a America, -an.a American
amfibi.a amphibious
amik.o friend
amil.o starch
amor.ar to love
ampl.a ample, full
amuz.ar to amuse
an at, on (contiguity)
anad.o duck
anagram.o anagram
analiz.ar to analyze
analog.a analogous
ananas.o pineapple
anarki.o anarchy
anatomi.o anatomy
ancestr.o ancestor
ancien.a ancient, old
angl.a English, Anglia England
angor.ar to be in anguish
angul.o angle, corner
anim.ar to animate
animal.o animal
aniversari.o anniversary
anjel.o angel
anke also
ankore still, yet
anm.o soul
anonim.a anonymous
ans.o handle
antarktik.a antarctic
ante before (in time)
antibiotik.o antibiotic
anticip.ar to anticipate
antidot.o antidote
antipati.ar to have antipathy for
antiqu.a antique, of a former epoch
antisepsi.ar to antisepticize, -iv.a antiseptic
antologi.o anthology
anul.ar to annul
anunc.ar to announce
apar.ar to appear
aparat.o apparatus, appliance
apart.a apart, separate, aside, particular
apartament.o apartment, flat
aparten.ar to belong to
apendic.o appendix
apene hardly, scarcely
apert.ar (tr.) to open
apetit.ar to have an appetite (for)
aplast.ar to crush, squeeze, squash
aplaud.ar to applaud
aplik.ar to apply
apog.ar to prop up, support
apotek.o chemist's shop, drugstore (U.S.), pharmacy
apreci.ar to appreciate
aprentis.o apprentice
april.o April
aprob.ar to approve (of)
aproxim.ar to estimate
apt.a apt, suitable, fit, appropriate
apud next to, beside
apunt.ar to point, take aim at
aqu.o water
aquir.ar to acquire
arab.a Arabian, Arabia Arabia
arach.ar to pull or drag out, tear out
arane.o spider
aranj.ar to arrange
arbitri.o free will, -al.a arbitrary
arbor.o tree
arbust.o bush, shrub
are.o area: extent of surface
aren.o arena, ring
arest.ar to arrest
argument.ar to argue
aritmetik.o arithmetic
ariv.ar to arrive
arjent.a silver
Arjentini.a Argentina
ark.o arch, arc
arkeolog.o archeologist, arkeologi.o archeology
arkitekt.o architect
arkitektur.o architecture
arkiv.o archive
arktik.a arctic
arm.o arm: weapon
arme.o army
Armeni.a Armenia
armor.o cupboard
arog.ar to arrogate (something to oneself), -ant.a arrogant, overbearing
aroz.ar to moisten, wet (with any liquid)
art.o art
artific.o artifice, -al.a artificial
artikl.o article
asalt.ar to assault
asasin.ar to assassinate
asekur.ar to insure, underwrite (against loss)
asembl.ar (tr.) to assemble
asert.ar to assert
asist.ar to attend, be present at
askolt.ar to listen (to)
asn.o donkey, ass
asoci.ar (tr.) to associate
aspekt.ar to appear, look like, seem (to be)
asper.a rough, uneven
aspir.ar to inhale, draw in; to aspire
aspirin.o aspirin
asterisk.o asterisk
asteroid.o asteroid
astm.o asthma
aston.ar to astonish
astr.o star: any heavenly body
astrolog.o astrologer, astrologi.o astrology
astronom.o astronomer, astronomi.o astronomy
asum.ar to assume (a task), take upon oneself
atach.ar to attach
atak.ar to attack
ateism.o, -ist.o atheism, atheist
atelier.o workshop, studio
atenc.ar to pay attention to
atent.ar to make a criminal attempt
atest.ar to attest: certify, bear witness to
ating.ar to attain, reach
atitud.o attitude
Atlantik.o Atlantic (ocean)
atlas.o atlas
atlet.o athlete
atmosfer.o atmosphere
atom.o atom
atrakt.ar to attract
atrap.ar to entrap, take in, trick, hoax, dupe
atribu.ar to assign, give, bestow, allocate
aturd.ar to stun
aud.ar to hear
audac.ar to dare, venture
audienc.o audience
augment.ar to augment, increase, enlarge
auster.a austere
Australi.a Australia
Austri.a Austria
autentik.a authentic, genuine
autobiograf.io autobiography
autobus.o bus
automobil.o car, automobile
autonom.a autonomous
autor.o author
autoritat.o authority
autun.o Autumn, Fall (US)
auxiliar.a auxiliary
av.o grandparent (-ul/in)
avan in front of
avanc.ar to advance, go forward
avantaj.o advantage
avar.a avaricious, miserly, mean, greedy
avelan.o hazelnut
aven.o oats
aventur.ar to adventure
avenu.o avenue
avert.ar to give notice, apprise, caution, warn, advertize
aviac.ar to aviate
avid.a avid, greedy, craving, eager
avion.o aeroplane
aviz.ar to apprise, advise, give notice of
axiom.o axiom
azian.a Asian, Azi.a Asia

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