ca this; see ica
ced.ar to cede, yield
cel.ar to hide, conceal
celebr.ar to celebrate
celul.o cell
cement.o cement
cen.o scene
cent.o one hundred
centigrad.o centigrade
centimetr.o centimetre
centr.o centre
cereal.o cereal
cerebr.o brain
ceremoni.o ceremony
ceriz.o cherry
cert.a certain, sure
certen.a certain (one(s) that we do not care to mention)
certifik.ar to certify
cerv.o deer, stag (-ul/in)
ces.ar to cease
ceter.o the rest, remaining, e(d) cetere et cetera
chagren.ar to grieve, have sorrow
chambr.o room, chamber
champani.o champagne
champinion.o mushroom
champion.o champion
chanc.o chance
chanj.ar change
chapel.o hat
chapitr.o chapter
chariot.o goods van, truck
charj.ar to load, burden
charm.ar to charm
chas.ar to chase, hunt
che at (the house of, etc.)
chef.o chief
chek.o cheque
Chek.o Czech, Cheko-Slovaki.a Czechoslovakia, Cheki.a Czech Republic
cher.a expensive
cherp.ar to draw liquids, take, borrow
chifr.ar to write in secret cipher
chik.a chic
Chili Chile, chilian.a Chilian
chimpanze.o chimpanzee
chini.an.a Chinese, Chini.a China
chip.a cheap, inexpensive
Chipr.o Cyprus, -an.a Cypriot
chokolad.o chocolate
chom.ar to be out of work
chose.o roadway, causeway
cidr.o cider
ciel.o sky, heaven
cienc.o science, -ist.o scientist
cifr.o digit
cigan.o gipsy
cign.o swan, -yun.o cygnet
cikl.o cycle
cilindr.o cylinder
cindr.o ashes, cinders
cinem.o cinema
cinematograf.ar to show films
cinik.o cynic
cirkl.o circle
cirkond.ar to surround
cirkonflex.a circumflex
cirkonstanc.o circumstance
cirkuler.o circular (letter, notice)
cirkum(e) around, about
cis on this side of
cit.ar to cite, quote
citron.o lime
civil.a civil
civiliz.ar to civilize
ciz.o (pair of) scissors
co this (thing)

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