fab.o bean
fabrik.ar to manufacture
fac.ar to do, make
faci.o front part or view of anything
facil.a easy
facin.ar to fascinate
fair.o fire
fak.o division, compartment, department
fakt.o fact
faktur.o bill, invoice
fakultat.o faculty, power of doing anything, (in university) faculty
fal.ar to fall
falch.ar to mow down, cut down
fald.ar to fold
falen.o moth
fali.ar to fail
falkon.o falcon
fals.a false
fam.o fame
famili.o family
familiar.a familiar
famin.o famine
fanatik.a fanatic
fanfaron.ar to boast, bluster
fang.o mud
fantastik.a fantastic
fantom.o phantom, ghost, spectre, apparition
far.o lighthouse
farb.o paint
fard.o face or body paint, make-up
farin.o flour
farm.ar to farm (land taken on lease)
fasad.o facade
fask.o bundle
fason.ar to fashion, shape
fat.o fate
fatig.ar to tire, -it.a tired
favor.ar to favour
faz.o phase
fe.o fairy
febl.a feeble, weak
febr.ar to have a fever
februar.o February
feder.ar to federate
fek.o feces, excrement
fekund.a prolific
feld.o field (electric, magnetic, optical, scientific)
felic.a happy
fen.o hay
fenc.o fence
fend.ar to split, slit, cleave
fenestr.o window
fenomen.o phenomenon
fer.o iron
feri.o fair (market)
ferm.a firm
fermentac.ar to ferment
feroc.a ferocious, fierce
fertil.a fertile
fervor.ar to be fervent (for)
fer.voy.o railway
fest.ar to observe a holiday
festin.ar to feast
fianc.ar to betroth, pledge in marriage
fiask.o fiasco
fibr.o fibre
fid.ar to trust, put one's trust in
fidel.a faithful, true, trusty
fier.a proud
figur.o figure
fiktiv.a fictional, fictitious
fil.o thread
filateli.o philately, stamp collecting
fili.o son, daughter (-ul/in)
Filipin.i The Philippines
film.o film
filolog.o philologist, filologi.o philology
filozof.o philosopher, filozofi.ar to philosophize
filtr.ar to filter
fin.ar to finish, end
financ.o finance
fingr.o finger
finit.a finite
Finland.o Finland, -an.a Finnish
firm.o firm, company
fish.o fish
fit.ar to fit, suit
fix.a fixed
fizik.o physics
flag.o flag
flakon.o flask
flam.o flame
Flandri.a Flanders, -an.a Flemish
flank.o side (of body), flank
flar.ar to smell
flat.ar to flatter
flav.a yellow
flech.o arrow
fleg.ar to nurse, care for
flex.ar to flex, bend
flexion.o flexion (grammar)
flirt.ar to flirt
flok.o flake
flor.o flower
flor.kaul.o cauliflower
flot.o fleet
flotac.ar to float
flu.ar to flow, -ant.a fluent, flowing
flug.ar to fly
fluid.a fluid
fluktu.ar to fluctuate
fluorec.ar to fluoresce
flur.o staircase landing
flut.o flute
fluvi.o (large) river
flux.o high tide, flood tide
fok.o focus
fol.a mad, foolish
foli.o leaf, sheet
folklor.o folklore
fond.ar to found
fonetik.o phonetics
fonograf.ar to record on a phonograph
font.o source
fonten.o fountain
for far from, away from
forc.o force
forest.o forest
for.jet.ar to throw away
fork.o fork, -et.o fork (for eating)
form.o form
formac.ar to form
format.o format
formul.o formula
formulari.o form (to fill in)
forn.o oven
fors.ar to force
forsan perhaps, maybe
fort.a strong
fortun.o (good) fortune, luck
forum.o forum
fos.o hole, pit, cavity
fosil.o fossil
fost.o ditch, trench
fotel.o armchair
fotograf.ar to photograph
fox.o fox
foy.o time, occasion, kelk.a.foy.e sometimes
fracion.o fraction
frag.o strawberry
fragment.o fragment
frajil.a fragile
frakas.ar to break to pieces, shatter, smash
framb.o raspberry
franc.a French, Francia France
frap.ar to knock, strike, hit
frat.o brother, sister (-ul/in)
fraud.ar to defraud, cheat
fraz.o sentence, phrase
fren.o brake
frenezi.o frenzy
frequ.a frequent
frequent.ar to frequent
fresh.a fresh
fricion.ar to rub, causing friction
fripon.a roguish, rascally
frit.ar to fry
frivol.a frivolous
fromaj.o cheese
front.o front, forehead
frontier.o frontier, border
frost.ar to freeze
frot.ar to rub, scrub, shine up
fru.a early
frukt.o fruit
frument.o wheat
frustr.ar frustrate
fug.ar to flee, run away
fulmin.ar to lighten, -o lightning
fum.ar to smoke
funcion.ar to function, work
fund.o bottom, lowest part, base
fundament.o foundation
funer.o funeral
funest.a disastrous, distressing, pernicious
fung.o fungus
fur.o fur
furi.ar to be furious, very angry
furnel.o stove
furnis.ar to furnish
furt.ar to steal
fush.ar to bungle, botch
fusil.o gun, rifle
futbal.o football
futur.a future
fuz.ar to fuse

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