ka(d) question word (used to turn a statement into a question)
kab.o cape (geographical)
kaban.o cabin, hut
kabin.o cabin (as on a ship)
kabl.o cable
kad see ka(d)
kadavr.o cadaver, corpse, dead body
kadr.o frame
kafe.o coffee
kafein.o caffeine
kait.o kite
kaj.o cage
kak.ar to defecate
kaka.o cocoa
kakofoni.o cacophony
kaktus.o cactus
kalamitat.o calamity
kalci.o calcium
kaldier.o boiler
kalembur.o pun, play on words
kalendari.o calendar
kalidoskop.o kaleidoscope
Kaliforni.a California
kalkul.ar to calculate, compute
kalm.a calm, quiet, still, placid
kalmar.o squid
kalor.o heat
kalori.o calory
kalumni.ar to calumniate
kalv.a bald, having little hair
kalz.o stocking, hose
kam than, as, to (in comparisons)
kamarad.o comrade, mate
kambi.ar to exchange
kamel.o camel
kamen.o chimney
kamer.o camera
kamion.o truck, lorry
kamiz.o shirt, blouse
kamp.ar to camp
kampani.ar to campaign
Kanad.a Canada
kanal.o canal
kanape.o sofa
kanari.o canary
kanceler.o chancellor
kancer.o cancer
kande when
kandel.o candle
kandid.a candid, frank
kandidat.o candidate
kanel.o channel
kanguru.o kangaroo
kanibal.a cannibal
kano.o canoe
kanon.o cannon
kanson.o song, ballad, carol
kant.ar to sing
kantin.o canteen
kanvas.o canvas
kaos.o chaos
kap.o head
kapabl.a capable, able
kapac.a capacious, able to hold (such and such a quantity)
kapel.o chapel
kapital.o capital (financial)
kapot.o overcoat, storm or heavy coat
kapr.o goat
kapric.o caprice, whim, fancy
kapsul.o capsule
kapt.ar to capture, catch, snatch
kapuc.o hood
kar.a dear
karakter.o character
karamel.o caramel
karavan.o caravan
karb.o carbon
karbon.o coal
karcer.o prison, jail
kare.ar to do without, dispense with
karel.o slab, tile
karez.ar to caress
karg.ar to load (goods)
karier.o career
karitat.o charity
karmezin.o crimson
karn.o meat, -ivor.a carnivorous, meat-eating
karnaval.o carnival
karot.o carrot
karp.o carp; wrist
karpent.ar to do carpenter's work
kart.o card
kartoch.o cartridge
kartografi.o cartography
karton.o cardboard
kas.o coffer, till, cash-box, treasury
kasis.o blackcurrant
kasrol.o saucepan
kastel.o castle
kastr.ar to castrate
kat.o cat
katolog.o catalogue
katar.o a cold, catarrh
katastrof.o catastrophe
katedral.o cathedral
kategori.o category
katen.o chain
katolik.a catholic
kauchuk.o rubber
kaucion.o bail, security
kaud.o tail
kaul.o cabbage
kauz.o cause
kav.a hollow, sunken
kaval.o horse
kavalier.o knight
kavalk.ar to ride (as on a horse)
kavalri.o cavalry
kavern.o cavern
kay.o quay, platform
kayer.o exercise book
kaz.o case, instance
kazual.a contingent
ke that (conjunction)
keler.o cellar
kelk.a some, a few
kemi.o chemistry
kerl.o fellow, chap
kest.o chest, box, packing case
kidnap.ar to kidnap
kilogram.o kilogram
kilometr.o kilometer
kilowat.o kilowatt
kimer.o chimera
kin five
kiosk.o kiosk, news stand
kirk.o church
kirurgi.o surgery
kis.ar to kiss
klad.o first or rough draft
klak.ar to clap
klam.ar to shout, exclaim
klar.a clear
klarinet.o clarinet
klas.o class
klasifik.ar to classify
klasik.a classic(al)
klaun.o clown
klauz.o clause, stipulation (as in a contract)
klav.o key (on a keyboard etc.)
klef.o key
klem.ar to press closely together
klement.a clement, merciful, lenient
klient.o client
klikt.ar (intr.) to click, clank, clash, clatter
klim.ar to climb
klimat.o climate
klinik.o clinic
klok.o hour of the day, o'clock
klor.o chlorine
klosh.o bell
klov.o (metal) nail
kloz.ar to close, shut
klub.o club
koakt.ar to coerce
kodex.o code
koeficient.o coefficient
kofr.o trunk, coffer, chest
koher.ar to cohere
koincid.ar to coincide
kokain.o cocaine
kokos.o coconut
kol.o neck
kolacion.ar to collate
kolateral.a collateral
kold.a cold
koleg.o colleague
kolegi.o college
kolekt.ar to collect
kolektivist.o collectivist
kolesterol.o cholesterol
koli.ar to gather, pluck
kolin.o hill
kolizion.ar to collide
kolm.o highest part, top
kolomb.o dove, pigeon
kolonel.o colonel
koloni.o colony
kolor.o colour
Kolumbi.a Colombia
kolumn.o column (of a page)
koluzion.ar to collude, conspire
kom as, as being, in the capacity, role of
kom.o comma
komand.ar to command
kombat.ar to fight, combat
kombin.ar to combine
kombust.ar to burn
komedi.o comedy
komenc.ar to start, commence
komend.ar to order (goods etc.)
koment.ar to comment
komerc.ar to trade, traffic
komet.o comet
komfort.o comfort
komik.a comic, ludicrous, funny, laughable
komis.ar to commision
komitat.o committee
komod.a convenient, commodious
komod.o commode, chest of drawers, bureau
kompakt.a compact
kompan.o companion
kompani.o company
kompar.ar to compare
komparativ.o comparative
kompas.o (pair of) compass(es)
kompat.ar to pity, have compassion for
kompens.ar to compensate, counterbalance, make up for
kompetent.a competent
kompil.ar to compile
komplement.o complement
komplet.a complete
komplex.a complex
komplez.ar to please, gratify, humour, be obliging
komplic.a party, privy, accessory to
komplik.ar to complicate
kompliment.ar to compliment, pay compliments to
komplot.ar to plot, plan, conspire
kompost.ar to set up in type
kompoz.ar to compose
kompr.ar to buy
kompren.ar to understand
kompres.ar to compress
kompromis.ar to compromise
komt.o count, earl
komun.a common
komunik.ar to communicate
kon.o cone
koncentr.ar (tr.) to concentrate
koncept.ar to conceive
koncern.ar to concern, relate or belong to
koncert.ar to give a concert
konces.ar to concede
koncesion.ar to grant a concession
konci.ar to be conscious of
koncienc.o conscience
koncili.ar to conciliate
konciz.a concise
kondemn.ar to condemn
kondens.ar (tr.) to condense
kondicion.ar to stipulate, put conditions on
kondiment.o condiment
kondol.ar to condole with
kondukt.ar to conduct
konduktor.o guard, conductor
kondut.ar to behave, conduct oneself
konekt.ar to connect
konfer.ar to confer, -o conference
konfes.ar to confess
konfid.ar to confide, entrust
konfidenc.ar to tell in confidence
konfirm.ar to confirm
konfisk.ar to confiscate
konfit.ar to preserve (fruits in sugar), -aj.o jam, preserve
konflikt.ar to (be in) conflict
konform.a conforming
konfront.ar to confront
konfund.ar to confuse, confound
konfuz.a confused, jumbled together, indistinct
kongres.ar to hold a congress
konifer.a coniferous
konjekt.ar to conjecture
konjel.ar to congeal, freeze
konjug.ar to conjugate, inflect a verb
konjuncion.o conjunction (grammar)
konk.o sea shell
konkluz.ar to conclude
konkord.ar to agree, be in harmony, concord with
konkret.a concrete
konkurenc.ar to compete, be in competition with
konkurs.ar to take part in a competition, contest
konoc.ar to know, be acquainted with (NB. not a fact)
konquest.ar to conquer
konsakr.ar to dedicate, consecrate
konsent.ar to consent (to)
konsequ.ar to follow, result, be consequent on
konserv.ar to conserve
konsider.ar to consider
konsil.ar to advise, counsel
konsist.ar to consist (ek, en)
konsol.o console
konsolac.ar to console, comfort a person
konsonant.o consonant
konspir.ar to conspire
konstant.a constant
konstat.ar to establish, substantiate, attest, state
konstituc.ar to constitute
konstitucion.o constitution (general state of an organism)
konstrikt.ar to constrict
konstrukt.ar to construct, build
konsult.ar to consult
konsum.ar to consume
kont.ar to count
kontakt.ar to contact
kontamin.ar to contaminate
kontempl.ar to contemplate
konten.ar to contain
kontent.a content, happy, satisfied
kontest.ar to contest, dispute, call into question
kontinent.o continent
kontigent.a contigent
kontinu.a continuous
kontor.o office
kontraband.ar to smuggle
kontrafakt.ar to counterfeit
kontrakt.ar to contract
kontrast.ar to contrast
kontrat.ar to make a contract
kontre against
kontre.dic.ar to contradict
kontribut.ar to contribute
kontrol.ar to control by checking, check
kontrovers.ar to engage in controversy
konvekt.ar to transfer, move by means of convection
konven.ar to be convenient, -ant.a convenient
konvencion.ar to make an agreement, agree on a convention
konverg.ar to converge
konvers.ar to converse
konvert.ar to convert
konvink.ar to convince
konvuls.ar to convulse, have a convulsion
konyak.o cognac
kooper.ar to cooperate
koordin.ar to coordinate
kopi.ar to copy
koqu.ar to cook
kor.o choir
koram in the presence of, before
korb.o basket
kord.o line, cord, rope
kordi.o heart, -al.a hearty, cordial
kordon.o short cord or ribbon
Kore.a Korea, -an.a Korean
korekt.a correct
korelat.ar to correlate
korent.o (electric) current
korespond.ar to correspond
koridor.o corridor
korint.o currant
kork.o cork
korn.o horn (of animals, musical)
korod.ar to corrode
korp.o body
korporacion.o corporation
korpulent.a corpulent, stout
kort.o court, courtyard
korupt.ar to corrupt
kosm.o cosmos
kosmetik.o cosmetics
kosmologi.o cosmology
kosmopolit.a cosmopolitan
kostum.o costume
kotlet.o cutlet, chop
koton.o cotton
kov.ar to hatch, incubate, brood over
kovr.ar to cover
koz.o thing
krab.o crab
krak.ar (intr.) to crack
krampon.o cramp-iron, crampon; bracket
kran.o crane (machine)
krater.o crater
krayon.o crayon, pencil
kre.ar to create
kred.ar to believe
kredit.ar to credit
krem.o cream
kremac.ar to cremate
kreol.a creole
krepuskul.o twilight
kres.o (water-)cress
kresk.ar to grow
kresp.o pancake
krest.o crest, top, ridge
kret.o chalk
krev.ar to burst
krevet.o shrimp
kri.ar to scream, cry out
krik.o lifting jack
kriket.o cricket
krimin.ar to commit a crime
krin.o hair (of an animal's mane or tail), -ar.o mane
kripl.a crippled
kriptograf.ar to write in secret code
Krist.o Christ
kriteri.o criterion
kritik.ar to criticize
kriz.o crisis
kroas.ar to croak, caw
Kroati.a Croatia
krokodil.o crocodile
krom.o chrome, chromium
kron.o crown
kronik.a chronic
kronik.o chronicle
kronologi.o chronology
kroz.ar to cruise
kruc.o cross
kruch.o pitcher, jug
krud.a crude
kruel.a cruel
krul.ar to collapse, tumble down
krumpl.ar to crumple
krur.o thigh
krust.o crust
kuaf.ar to hairdress
Kub.a Cuba
kub.o cube
kud.o elbow
kugl.o bullet
kuk.o cake
kukumbr.o cucumber
kukul.o cuckoo
kukurbit.o pumpkin
kulbut.ar to somersault
kulc.o gnat, midge
kulier.o spoon
kulmin.ar to culminate
kulp.ar to commit a fault
kult.ar to worship
kultel.o knife
kultiv.ar to cultivate
kultur.o culture
kun with
kun.exist.ar to coexist
kun.feder.ar to confederate
kun.fuz.ar to blend, fuse together
kun.habit.ar to cohabit
kunikl.o rabbit
kun.labor.ar to collaborate
kun.sid.ar to hold a sitting, session, meeting
kun.text.o context
kun.tromp.o collusion, cheating
kun.ven.ar to convene
kun.vok.ar to summon, convoke
kup.o cup (as for prize)
kupl.ar to couple, link together
kupon.o coupon
kupr.o copper
kur.ar to run
kurac.ar to treat a patient
kuraj.ar to be courageous
kurier.o courier
kurioz.a curious
kurs.o course
kursiv.a cursive, running, italic (script)
kurt.a short, brief
kurten.o curtain
kurv.a curved, bent, crooked
kusen.o cushion
kush.ar (tr.) to put to bed, k. su to go to bed
kust.ar to cost
kustum.ar to do something customarily, be in the habit of
kuv.o tub
kuvert.o envelope
kuz.o cousin

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