nacion.o nation
naiv.a naive
nam since, for, as, because
nan.o dwarf
narac.ar to narrate, tell a true story
nask.ar to be born, -o-di.o birthday
nat.ar to swim
natr.o sodium
natur.o nature
naufraj.ar to be shipwrecked
nauze.ar to feel nauseated, nauseous, sick
nav.o ship
navig.ar to navigate
naz.o nose
ne not (negative adverb)
nebul.ar to be foggy, misty, hazy
nebulos.o nebula
neces.a necessary
Nederland.o Netherlands, -an.a Dutch
neg.ar to negate
negativ.o negative (math., photo., elec.)
neglij.ar to neglect
negoci.ar to negociate
negr.a negro
nek ... nek neither ... nor
neologism.o neologism
neon.o neon
nepot.o grandchild (-ul/in)
nerv.o nerve
nest.o nest
net.a clean, neat, tidy
neutr.a neutral
nev.o nephew, niece (-ul/in)
nevros.o neurosis
ni we, us
Nigeri.a Nigeria
nigr.a black
nihil.o nothing, something nonexistent, nonentity
Nikaragu.a Nicaragua
niv.ar to snow
nivel.o level
no no
nobel.a noble (by birth)
nobl.a noble (morally)
noc.ar to harm, injure, hurt
nocion.o notion
nod.o knot
nokt.ar to be night(time), -o night
nom.ar to name, call by name, say the name of, -o name
nombr.o number
nomin.ar to nominate
nominativ.o nominative
non nine
nord.o north
norm.o norm, standard
Norvegi.a Norway, -an.a Norwegian
not.ar to note
notifik.ar to notify
nov.a new
novel.o short story, novelette
novembr.o November
novic.o novice
nu now! , well! (interjection)
nuanc.o nuance
nub.o cloud
nuc.o nut, walnut
nud.a nude, naked, bare
nul.a no, not any, none
numer.o number (in sequence)
nun now
nur only
nutr.ar to nourish, feed, sustain

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