o(d) or, o(d) ... o(d) either ... or
oazis.o oasis
obcen.a obscene
obedi.ar to obey
obez.a obese
objecion.ar to object, make an objection
objekt.o object
oblig.ar to oblige
obliter.ar to obliterate
oblivi.ar to forget
obsed.ar to obsess
observ.ar to observe
observatori.o observatory
obskur.a obscure
obsolet.a obsolete
obstakl.o obstacle
obstin.ar to be obstinate
obstrukt.ar to obstruct
obten.ar to obtain
obtuz.a obtuse
ocean.o ocean
oci.ar to be idle, unoccupied
ocid.ar to kill
ocident.o occident
ocil.ar to oscillate
ocit.ar to yawn
od see o(d)
odi.ar to hate, detest
odor.ar to have a smell or scent
ofens.ar to offend
ofic.o office, -al.a official
oficir.o officer
ofr.ar to offer
ofte often
ogr.o ogre
ok eight
okazion.o occasion, opportunity
oktobr.o October
okul.o eye
okup.ar to occupy
ol(u) it
old.a old
ole.o oil
olim formerly
ombr.o shade, shadow
oliv.o olive
omis.ar to omit
omlet.o omelette
omn.a all, every
on(u) one, people in general, "you"
ond.o wave
onkl.o uncle, aunt (-ul/in)
onyon.o onion
opak.a opaque
oper.o opera
operac.ar to operate
opinion.ar to hold an opinion, opine
oport.ar to be necessary, required (impersonal verb)
oportun.a opportune, timely
opoz.ar to oppose
opres.ar to oppress
optimism.o optimism, optimist.o optimist
or well, now (in argument)
or.o gold
oranj.o orange
orbit.o orbit
ordin.ar to order, put, arrange in order
ordinar.a ordinary
orel.o ear
orfan.o orphan
organ.o organ (not musical)
organism.o organism
orgen.o organ (musical)
orient.o orient
origin.o origin
orkestr.o orchestra
orn.ar to adorn, embellish
ornament.o ornament
ornitologi.o ornithology
ortodox.a orthodox
ortografi.o orthography
ost.o bone
ostent.ar to be ostentatious, show off
ostr.o oyster
otus.o common, long-eared owl
ov.o egg
oval.a oval
oxigen.o oxygen
ozon.o ozone

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