pac.ar to be at peace
pacient.a patient
Pacifik.o Pacific (ocean)
padel.o frying pan
padlok.o padlock
paf.ar to shoot, fire (firearms)
pag.ar to pay
pagin.o page
pak.o package, parcel
pakt.ar to make a pact
pal.a pale
palac.o palace
pali.o straw
palis.o stake, picket (as of a fence)
palm.o palm (tree; of hand)
palp.ar to feel (about)
pamflet.o pamphlet
pan.o bread
Panam.a Panama
panoram.o panorama
pantalon.o trousers
paper.o paper
papilion.o butterfly
par.a even, equal
parad.ar to parade
paradiz.o paradise
paradox.o paradox
parafraz.ar to paraphrase
paragraf.o paragraph
Paraguay Paraguay
paralel.a parallel
paraliz.ar to paralyze
para.pluv.o umbrella
para.sun.o parasol
para.vent.o windscreen
parcel.o patch of land
pardon.ar to pardon, forgive
parent.a related, of the same family
parentez.o parenthesis
parfum.o perfume
park.o park
parlament.o parliament
parol.ar to speak, talk
part.o part
partener.o partner
parti.o party (for amusement)
particip.o participle
partikul.o particle
partikular.a particular
partis.o party (political etc.)
partur.ar to give birth, bear a child
pas.ar to pass
pasabl.a passable, tolerable, fair, -e fairly
pasaj.ar to take passage, be a passenger
pasion.o passion
pasiv.a passive
pask.o Easter
pasport.o passport
past.o paste, dough
pastet.o pie, pasty
patent.o patent
patr.o father
patri.o fatherland
patriot.a patriotic
patron.o patron
pauz.ar to pause
pav.o paving stone
pavor.ar to be afraid of, in fear of
paz.ar to step
pec.o piece
ped.o foot, -fingr.o toe
pedant.a pedantic
pejorativ.a pejorative
pek.ar to sin
pekt.ar to comb
pektor.o chest, breast
pekuni.o money
pel.o skin, hide
pen.ar to take pains, take the trouble to do something
pend.ar to hang
pendul.o pendulum
penetr.ar to penetrate
pens.ar to think
pension.ar to pension; to pay a regular sum for lodgings
pent.o (downward) slope
pen.valor.ar to be worthwhile
per by, by means of
percept.ar to perceive
perd.ar to lose
perfekt.a perfect
perimetr.o perimeter
period.o period
peris.ar to perish
perjur.ar to perjure
perl.o pearl
perman.ar to be permanent
perme.ar to permeate
permis.ar to permit
permut.ar to permute
perpetu.a perpetual
persekut.ar to persecute
persequ.ar to pursue
persever.ar to persevere
persik.o peach
persist.ar to persist
person.o person
perspektiv.o perspective
persuad.ar to persuade
perturb.ar to perturb
Peru Peru
pervers.a perverse
pesimism.o pessimism
pesk.ar to fish, angle
pest.o pestilence, plague
petal.o petal
petr.o stone (substance)
petrol.o petrol
pez.ar to weigh (be so and so heavy)
pian.o piano
pik.ar to prick, prod
pil.o hair (of animals), body and facial hair (of persons)
pilot.ar to pilot
pin.o pine tree
pingl.o pin
pinguin.o penguin
pinsel.o artist's brush
pint.o point, sharp end
pip.o pipe (for tobacco)
pipr.o pepper
pir.o pear
piramid.o pyramid
pistol.o pistol
pivot.o pivot
piz.o pea
plac.o place, square
plad.o plate
plafon.o ceiling
plaj.o beach
plan.a plane, level, flat
planet.o planet
plant.o plant
plantac.ar to plant
plas.o place (for something or someone)
plastik.a plastic
plastr.o (sticking) plaster
plat.a flat, having an even surface
platform.o platform
platin.o platinum
ple.ar to play (musical instrument, role)
pled.ar to plead
plekt.ar to weave, plait, interlace
plen.a full
plend.ar to complain
plet.o tray
plez.ar to please
plezur.o pleasure
plomb.o lead
plor.ar to cry, weep
plu more
plu.bon.ig.ar to improve
plug.ar to plough
plum.o feather
plunj.ar to plunge, duck, dive
plur.a several
plus(e) further(more), in addition; plus
plusquamperfekt.o pluperfect
pluv.ar to rain
pneumatik.a pneumatic
po at the rate of
pocion.o potion
poem.o poem
poet.o poet
poezi.o poetry
pok.a few, little
pol.o pole
polemik.ar to carry on a polemic
polen.o pollen
polic.o police
poligon.o polygon
polis.ar to polish
polit.a polite
politeknik.o polytechnic
politik.o politics
Polonia Poland, polon.a Polish
poltron.a cowardly
polut.ar to pollute
polv.o dust
pom.o apple
ponder.ar to weigh (something); ponder
poniard.o dagger
pont.o bridge
popul.o people
popular.a popular
por for, in favour of, in order to
por.o pore
porcelan.o porcelain
porcion.o portion, ration, share
pord.o door
pork.o pig
port.ar to carry, wear
portfoli.o portfolio
portret.o portrait
portu.o port
pos after
pos.di.mez.o afternoon
posed.ar to possess
posh.o pocket
posibl.a possible
pos.morg.e the day after tomorrow
pos.skrib.aj.o postscript
post.o post, mail
posten.o post, place to guard
postul.ar to postulate, require
postur.ar to assume an attitude, pose
pot.o pot
potenc.o power (mathematics)
potencial.a potential, possible
potent.a potent
pov.ar can, to be able to, -o power
povr.a poor
poz.ar to put
pozicion.o position
pozitiv.a positive
pragmat.o a matter of fact, reality
praktik.ar to practise
prat.o meadow
pre.av.o grandparent (-ul/in)
prec.o price
preced.ar to precede
precipu.a main, principal
preciz.a precise
pre.dic.ar to predict, foretell
predik.ar to preach
prefac.o preface
prefer.ar to prefer
prefix.o prefix
preg.ar to pray, beg, ask somebody to do something
pre.hier.e the day before yesterday
pre.ir.ar to precede, go before
prekoc.a precocious, early, ripe before the proper season
preliminar.a preliminary
premi.o prize
pren.ar to take
pre.nom.o forename
prepar.ar to prepare
prepozicion.o preposition
pres.ar to press, press upon
preske almost
preskript.ar to prescribe
prest.ar to lend, loan
prestij.o prestige
pretend.ar to lay claim to
preter past, from one side to the other past a certain object
preterit.o preterit(e), past tense
pretext.ar to allege (as a pretext), pretend, feign
pre.urb.o suburb
pre.valor.ar to prevail
prevent.ar to prevent
pre.vid.ar to foresee
prezent.a present: not absent
prezerv.ar to preserve
prezid.ar to preside over, -ant.o president
pri about, concerning
prim.a primary, not derived
primar.a primary, elementary, first or lowest in order
primitiv.a primitive
princ.o prince
princip.o principle
printemp.o spring
prior.a prior
privac.ar to deprive, take from
privat.a private
privilej.o privilege
priz.ar to like, prize, value
prizent.ar to present
pro because of
prob.ar to try, test
probabl.a probable
problem.o problem
proced.ar to proceed
procent.o percentage
procesion.ar to make a procession
prodig.ar to lavish, be unsparing of
produkt.ar to produce
profes.ar to profess
profesion.o profession
profesor.o professor
profet.o prophet
profit.ar to profit (from)
profund.a deep, profound
program.o program(me)
progres.ar to progress
projekt.ar to project
projet.ar to plan, scheme, form a project
proklam.ar to proclaim
prolog.o prologue
prolong.ar to prolong
promen.ar to walk, stroll
promis.ar to promise
promoc.ar to promote (to a higher office)
pronom.o pronoun
pront.a ready
pronunc.ar to pronounce
propag.ar to propagate, spread diffuse
proporcion.o proportion
propoz.ar to propose
propr.a own, proper, peculiar to
propriet.ar to own
propuls.ar to propel
proskrib.ar to proscribe, outlaw
prosper.ar to prosper
protein.o protein
protekt.ar to protect
protest.ar to protest
protestant.a protestant
protokol.o protocol, minutes of a meeting
proverb.o proverb
provinc.o province
proviz.ar to provide
provizor.a provisional
provok.ar to provoke
proxim near
proz.o prose
prudent.a prudent
prun.o plum, prune
prunt.ar to borrow
prurit.ar to itch
pruv.ar to prove
pseudonim.o pseudonym
psik.o the conscious, the knowing mind
psikiatri.o psychiatry
psikolog.o psychologist, psikologi.o psychology
publik.a public
pudor.ar to feel a natural shame, modesty
pudr.o powder (for the toilet, face etc.)
puer.o child (-ul/in)
pugn.o fist
pulmon.o lung
puls.ar to push
pultr.o poultry
pulver.o powder (general)
pump.ar to pump
pund.o pound sterling
punis.ar to punish
punt.o point, dot, position, period, full stop
pupe.o doll, puppet
pupil.o pupil (of eye)
pur.a pure
purg.ar to purge
purpur.a purple
pus.o pus
pute.o well (hole for water)
putr.ar to putrify, rot

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