rabat.ar to reduce in price
rabot.o plane (tool)
racion.o reason, power of understanding
radar.o radar
radi.ar to radiate, emit rays or beams
radioaktiv.a radioactive
radik.o root
radot.ar to be in one's dotage, talk drivel
rafin.ar to refine
raket.o racket (as for tennis)
rakont.ar to tell a (fictional) story
ram.o small bough, twig
ramp.o (upward) slope
ran.o frog
rang.o row, tier, range, rank
rapid.a fast, quick, rapid
raport.ar to report
rapt.ar to seize by violence
rar.a rare
ras.o race, breed
rasp.ar to rasp, grate
rat.o rat
ratifik.ar to ratify
ravis.ar to ravish
raz.ar to shave
reakt.ar to react
reaktor.o reactor
real.a real
rebel.a rebel, rebellious
recens.ar to review (a book)
recent.a recent
recept.o recipe
recev.ar to receive
reciprok.a reciprocal
recit.ar to recite
red.a red
redakt.ar to draw up (a document), edit (a newspaper)
redukt.ar to reduce
refer.ar to refer (to)
reflekt.ar to reflect
reform.ar to reform
refuj.ar to take, seek refuge
refut.ar to refute
refuz.ar to refuze
regard.ar to look at
regener.ar to regenerate
region.o region
registr.o register
regn.ar to reign
regres.ar to regress
regret.ar to regret
regul.ar to regulate, -o rule
rej.o king, queen (-ul/in)
rejim.o regime
reklam.ar to advertize (loudly)
rekolt.ar to harvest
rekomend.ar to recommend
rekompens.ar to recompense, reward, remunerate
rekrut.ar to recruit
rekt.a straight
rektangul.o rectangle
rektifik.ar to rectify
rektor.o rector
rekuper.ar to recuperate, recover
rekurs.ar to have recourse to
rel.o rail, -voy.o railway
relat.ar to relate (to)
releg.ar to relegate
religi.o religion
remark.ar to remark, notice
remedi.ar to remedy
remork.ar to tow, tug, drag
remplas.ar to replace
ren.o kidney
rendevu.o rendezvous
renesanc.o renaissance
renkontr.ar to meet (with), encounter
rent.o income, rent
renunc.ar to renounce
renvers.ar to overthrow, upset
repar.ar to repair
repartis.ar to divide in due proportion, share out
repas.ar to iron
repast.ar to have a meal
repent.ar to repent
repet.ar to repeat
replik.ar to reply
repoz.ar to rest, repose
repres.ar to repress
reprezent.ar to represent
reproch.ar to reproach
rept.ar to crawl, creep, -er.o reptile
republik.o republic
repugn.ar to have or inspire a repugnance towards
repuls.ar to repel
reput.ar to repute, deem, -es.o reputation
resortis.ar to be under the jurisdiction of
respekt.ar to respect
respir.ar to respire, breathe
respond.ar to respond
respons.ar to be responsible for
rest.ar to remain, be left
restaur.ar to restore
restor.ar to take refreshments
restrikt.ar to restrict
ret.o net, mesh, network
reten.ar to retain
retorik.o rhetoric
retrakt.ar to retract
retret.ar to retreat
retro back(wards)
rev.ar to daydream
revel.ar to reveal
revenu.o revenue, income
revers.o reverse, back side of anything
reviz.ar to revise
revolt.ar to revolt, rise in revolt
revolucion.ar to revolutionize
revolver.o revolver
revu.ar to review
rez.a even, level with
rezerv.ar to reserve
rezid.ar to reside
rezidu.o residue
rezign.ar to be resigned, feel resignation
rezist.ar to resist
rezolv.ar to resolve
rezon.ar to reason, apply one's reason
rezult.ar to result, -aj.o result
rezum.ar to sum up, recapitulate
rib.o currant
rich.a rich
rid.ar to laugh, -et.ar to smile
rigid.a rigid
rigl.o bolt
rigor.o rigour
ri.konoc.ar to recognize, know again
rim.o rhyme
rimbors.ar to reimburse
ri.memor.ar to remember, recollect
rimen.o strap, belt
ring.o ring
rinocer.o rhinoceros
rins.ar to rinse
risk.ar to risk, take a risk
rispektiv.a respective
ritm.o rhythm
ritu.o rite, ritual
riv.o shore, beach, bank (of a river)
rival.a rival
river.o river
rivet.o rivet
ri.vid.ar to see again, til -o see you soon
ri.viv.ig.ar to revive
riz.o rice
rob.o robe, dress
robinet.o tap
rod.ar to gnaw at
rok.o rock, boulder
rol.o role
roman.o novel
romantik.a romantic
rond.a round
ronk.ar to snore
ros.o dew
rost.ar to roast
rot.o wheel
rotac.ar to rotate
roz.o rose
ruband.o ribbon, tape
rubrik.o rubric
rud.a rude, rough, uncultured, uneducated
ruin.ar to ruin
rul.ar to roll
Rumani.a Romania, -an.a Romanian
rumor.o rumour
rupt.ar to break, rupture
rur.o country (as opposed to town)
Rusia Russia, rus.a Russian
rust.o rust
rutin.o routine, habit
ruz.ar to use cunning, artifice

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