vag.ar to wander
vagon.o railway carriage, car
vak.ar to be vacant
vakanc.ar to take a holiday
vaku.a empty
val.o vale, valley
valid.a valid
valor.ar to have value, be valuable
vampir.o vampire
van.a vain, fruitless
vang.o cheek
vanil.o vanilla
vanitat.o vanity
vapor.o vapour, steam
var.o ware(s), goods
vari.ar to vary
varm.a warm, hot
vars.ar to pour out
vart.ar to wait
vast.a vast, extensive
vax.o wax
vaz.o vase
veh.ar to travel, go about in any sort of vehicle
vein.o vein, seam
vejet.ar to vegetate
vejetar.ar to be vegetarian
vek.ar to wake
vel.o veil
velur.o velvet
ven.ar to come
vend.ar to sell
venen.o poison
venerdi.o Friday
Venezuel.a Venezuela
venj.ar to avenge, take revenge on
vent.ar to blow, be windy
ventil.ar to ventilate
ventr.o stomach, belly
ver.a true
verb.o verb
verd.a green
verdikt.o verdict
verifik.ar to verify
verk.o work (of art etc.)
verm.o worm
vernis.o varnish
vers towards
vers.o verse
version.o version
vertikal.a vertical
vertu.o virtue
verv.o verve
vesper.o evening
vespertili.o bat
vest.o garment, piece of clothing
vestibul.o hallway, lobby
veter.o weather
vetur.o vehicle
vex.ar to vex, irritate
vi you (pl.)
vibr.ar to vibrate
vice instead of, vice.e instead
vici.o vice, fault of character
vicin.a neighbouring
vid.ar to see
vidv.a widowed
vigil.ar to keep a vigil
vigor.o vigour
viktim.o victim
vilaj.o village
vin.o wine
vinagr.o vinegar
vink.ar to overcome, conquer
vintr.o winter
viol.o violet
violac.ar to violate
violin.o violin
vir.o man (male adult human being)
virg.a virginal
virtual.a virtual
virus.o virus
vish.ar to wipe off, dry by rubbing
vit.o vine
vitr.o glass (substance)
viv.ar to live
vivac.a vivacious, lively
viz.ar to aim at
vizaj.o face (of a person)
vizit.ar to visit
voc.o voice
vok.ar to call
vol.ar to want
volf.o wolf
volkan.o volcano
volumin.o volume
volunt.ar to volunteer, be willing to do something
volv.ar to roll up, wrap up
vom.ar to vomit
vort.o word
vot.ar to vote
voy.o way, path, road
voyaj.ar to travel
vu you (sing.)
vulgar.a vulgar: of the common people
vund.ar to wound

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