Welcome to the official site of the international language


The first truly next-generation IAL

Bonveni al ofisial situe de Medilingua.

Monde in Medilingua - artikles e notisie pri mondal aferes e kulture in Medilingua
The Babel text in Medilingua
DVD-recense de le filme A Scanner Darkly
Berlin-Diarie, Vintre 1932-33 ek Adie a Berlin da Christopher Isherwood

Medilingua is an attempt to reform Novial in the direction of Interlingua (IALA).

The name Medilingua stands for the "middle way" (medi means "middle" in the language itself) between the extremes of schematism and naturalism in IAL design.

A description of Medilingua and the changes from Novial to Medilingua are given in the following sections.


The grammar of Medilingua is based on Otto Jespersen's description of the grammar of Novial in his book An International Language.

Changes in the grammar from Novial to Medilingua are listed in the following document:


The vocabulary of Medilingua is based on the Novial vocabulary provided by Jespersen in the Novial Lexike.

Changes in the vocabulary from Novial to Medilingua are listed in the following document:

Please note that the vocabulary rule (Rule 1) results in a considerable number of words changing from Novial to Medilingua.

Phonetic (FM) and Orthographic (OM) Medilingua

Medilingua re-introduces the letter c to Novial. Medilingua introduces a double-valued c which may optionally replace k and s in certain positions (see Grammar).

This results in two variants of Medilingua: phonetic Medilingua (or FM) has no c, while orthographic Medilingua (or OM) has a double-valued c.

For a natural-language precedent to dual spellings see the creole language Papiamentu which is spelt with c on Aruba, and with no c on Curaçao. FM may be considered a phonemic spelling, while OM is an etymological spelling.

All the sample texts in the next section are given in both FM and OM.

Sample texts in Medilingua

Numerous sample texts translated into Medilingua may be found in the labs:

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James Chandler 11-Mar-07

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