
Shimabukuro Hiroko

Birthday : 7 April 1984
Zodiac : Aries /
Height/Weight : 161/41
Country : Japan, Okinawa
Blood Type : A
Charm : Dimples
Bad Habit : Cry (but I've never seen she is crying in her videoklip).
Hobbies : Listening western music, watching movies, collecting profile entertainers.
Talent : make a cake.
Fears : ghost and mom when she's angry.
Fav. colors : white, orange
Ideal Guy : someone she likes, self-confidence guy, deep thinker.
future husband : 

Imai Eriko

Birhtday : 22 September 1983
Zodiac : Virgo /
Height/Weight : 157/42
Country : Japan, Okinawa
Blood Type : 0
Charm : Eyes
Bad Habit : bitter fingernails.
Hobbies : Collecting CD music, dancing.
Talent : Shodo (Japanese calligrahphy), running short distance, play guitar.
Fears : thieves.
Fav. colors : blue, white, black.
Ideal Guy : someone who is ambitious, happy, talk-active, and not lazy.

Uehara Takako

Birthday : 4 Januari 1983
Zodiac : Caprocorn /
Height/Weight : 158/41
Country : Japan, Okinawa
Blood Type : A
Charm : Long Eyelashes
Bad Habit : Put hairs behind ears.
Hobbies : Listening western music, reading comics, chatting.
Talent : swimming.
Fears : ghost.
Fav. colors : pink, black.
Ideal Guy : someone with broad shoulders, tall, strong, black. (Macho-man).

Arakaki Hitoe

Birthday : 7 April 1981
Zodiac : Aries /
Height/Weight : 154/41
Country : Japan, Okinawa
Blood Type : AB
Charm : Lips
Bad Habit : Rub her eyes.
Hobbies : Listening drawing. 
Talent : make a cake.
Fears : people.
Fav. colors : black
Ideal Guy : someone sensitive with dreams and ambitions and talk-active.

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