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Poetry and photography are individually excellent media at capturing such events, but when working together, I think they will prove to be a powerful force in presenting a realistic perspective of photographer and their passions.


Author: Unknown

A photograph is more than just
A gift to bring or send.
And more than just the likeness of
A relative or friend.

It is a kindly greeting and
A memory to hold.
Of happy times and pleasant things.
However new or old.

It is a mirror that reflects
Companionship and cheer.
And now and then the wistfulness
That turns into a tear.

A photograph is something to
Adorn a desk or wall.
Or carry in a pocket and
Display to one and all.

It is a faithful portrait
The smile that friendship shares
To add its sunshine and to show
That someone really cares.

"Photography records the gamut of feelings written on the human face, the beauty of the earth and skies that man has inherited, and the wealth and confusion man has created. It is a major force in explaining man to man." - Edward Steichen

I love photography! I love photography because it gives me the chance to capture beautiful things forever in an image, while the real things may die or move on (depending on if the things are human, plant, or animal). I love it because when I get to see some of my friends I can capture those memories on film or in digital format, and keep them with me. I love it because no matter how many blurry photos you get, the one clear photo makes all your efforts worth it. I love it because sometimes every photo you take is a good one (this is rare, but it is possible).�

My approach is rather simple: I record on film what I see and what I feel as I travel through life. I consider my images to be illustrations of my conscious (and perhaps subconscious) dreams, emotions, and longings. I simply take my camera with me wherever I go and try to remain open to whatever life shoves... or gently places... in front of me. .

If I am sad or depressed or melancholy, I can wander somewhere with my camera and usually turn my mood around by stumbling upon something unexpected and wonderful."

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