
Day 1 - 6/28
I expect that I will be tired after the flight, but eager to meet our guide. I'm not sure what the InBio Research Center will look like, but I imagine our Quinta as a lodge-type home. I always imagined San Jose as very hot, with a bright sun blazing down on the pavement until you could cook an egg on it.

Day 2 - 6/29
I expect the Monteverde Cloud Forest to be amazing. From what I've seen in the brochure, it is lush and full of animals and plants. It should be really awesome to talk to Costa Rican kids our own age. I'm hoping to practice a little of my Spanish, if I can risk the humiliation. I'm really looking forward to salsa lessons. I have very little rhythm, and if I can gain some in Costa Rica, I'll be overjoyed. Dancing is awesome because it's one of those forms of communication that doesn't require words.

Day 3 - 6/30
I've never been horseback riding, so I'm really excited about that. I just hope I don't fall off and look stupid - I'm pretty good at that. =) I must admit, the zip line does look sort of high up - I hope I don't get freaked out by how high it is. But I'll do it anyway, even if I am scared, because if I don't, I'll kick myself forever. And seeing the animals at their own level sounds amazing, like a really unique experience. And I love hummingbirds, so the gallery is definitely something I'm looking forward to.

Day 4 - 7/1
I've seen pictures of Arenal volcano, and I think that will be one of the most memorable things I see. I bet that after hiking, it will be nice to relax at Los Lagos and take in the view. I mean, how often to you get to see an active volcano? It's a once in a lifetime experience, and I'm sure I'll use tons of film.

Day 5 - 7/2
More hiking! Well, at least we'll know that the whirling pools are waiting for us! I really don't know what to expect from that, but I imagine that swimming under a waterfall will be incredible and I'll take lots of pictures. I'm also excited about shopping for souvenirs, 倴ause not only is it a fun way to interact with local people, but you can get some really great stuff at low prices.

Day 6 - 7/3
I've never been river rafting, so that will surely be an adventure! I think it might be a little scary at first, bit I'll probably love it once I get the hang of it. I'm very excited about spending time with the Costa Ricans at the dairy farm because I'd really like to get a cultural experience as well as see all the nature.

Day 7 - 7/4
I think going to school should be a lot of fun, just to see how the experience differs from the Governor's School. I've also never milked a cow before (despite living in New Kent) so that should be interesting. The butterfly garden sounds beautiful.

Day 8 - 7/5
This is the part of the trip where I expect to learn the most. The turtles are a simply amazing part of the trip. It's also good to know that we really are making a difference by protecting the turtles from poachers.

Day 9 - 7/6
I'm sure I'll be tired from helping the turtles all night, but the local wildlife sounds diverse and beautiful. I've never experienced animals like that except in a zoo. And once again, we conduct a sea turtle patrol, which will probably be exhausting, but fun.

Day 10 - 7/7
I'm sure that the beach at the Reserve will be beautiful, and I know I'll muss the sea turtles when I leave.

Day 11 - 7/8
This sounds like a great day. Swimming, dinner, shopping, and stories. How much better could it get? It should be a good recovery from the late nights at the Reserve.

Day 12 - 7/9
I think that this day will be truly amazing. It is an honor to be able to go into the Bribri community, especially when we're the only ones ever to receive an invitation. I'm sure everyone will be dirty and smelly after the soccer game, but it will all be worth it.

Day 13 - 7/10
I'm curious as to what the surprise is at the sloth recovery center. I'm sure that this dat will be sad because everyone wil know that the next day, we have to leave.

Day 14 - 7/11
I'm pretty sure that this day will turn into everyone turning into big bawling babies because we've gained so much from the trip and we don't want to go home.

Back to the rest of the Journal!

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