Day 11: Sex(ual Harassment) on the Beach

Karen, Aponi, Amy, and I walked along the beach at Karen's suggestion, and a group of guys playing soccer waved. We waved back, then argued about who they were waving at. All of us accused the others. So we continued down and eventually we had to turn back. We passed the guys again and got another wave. Once again, we waved back, but then we noticed that they were following us. I'm curious as to on what planet it follows that if a girl waves at you, you should stalk her. Oh well. Anyway, we get into the water and so do they. And they get closer as I try to ignore them. Finally one of them (not the cute one) approaches Amy as I break into hysterical laughter. Honestly, guys should work this out better. Always send the cute one as the messenger. Plus, Amy's the shyest of all of us, so the fact that he approached her was hilarious to me. Anyway, he comes up to Amy and says, "My friend - he is ready for you." Amy has no clue what to say back. What does that even mean?!?! That was probably the only English they knew or something. I was trying to quietly swim away, then began uncontrollably laughing again at the expression on Amy's face as she sort of walked away. Maybe that was sort of mean, but since we were afraid of what that could've meant, I think she did the right thing. Still, the guys remained close. So we went back to the beach to tell Chris and Andrew about our adventure, figuring they wouldn't follow us if we were around other guys. They were amused by it. It was probably one of the funniest experiences of the trip.

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