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    Should We Abolish RSBI?

    By: @Imamferi_cool and Zaki

                RSBI is one of types of school in Indonesia. RSBI introduces the system of education that combines between national curriculum with international standard education. In Indonesia, we can found RSBI schools in big cities, like Jakarta, Bandung, Palembang, and many others. Most of RSBI schools in Indonesia set high school fees because it is adjusted with the facilities in that school. We know that in RSBI schools, they have more complete facilities than other schools, like swimming pool, digital library, canteen, and many others. Moreover, in RSBI school, most of the teacher have the ability in speaking English actively. Even, some of the teachers are native speakers from abroad country. From these statements, we can know that RSBI schools are beyond any other schools in Indonesia about their education system and facilities.
    The positive sides of RSBI is that the students can get easily scholarship outside of Indonesia. Why? Because most of the RSBI school have links with another school in other country, then they might be had an International curriculum because the RSBI school will send them by the scholars. They have a best facilities of infrastructures and more qualifies teachers. Even though they used English in learning, It doesn’t mean the students forgot about their cultures, It’s only about getting more knowledge ( open minded ).
    “Pernyataan Pak Mentri M.Nuh di depan Ketua MK dalam acara Temu Alumni UII, Minggu 13/1 di Jakarta. Terkait pembubaran RSBI, Beliau menyampaikan, "Gak mungkin proses anak sekolah dipotong, dihentikan, wong ini bukan ideologis terlarang kok. Bahasa Inggris itu tidak mengurangi nasionalisme kok. Bung Karno saja kurang apa bahasa Inggrisnya". Luar Biasa.”
    To sum up, RSBI is not a bad decision to have by Indonesia because the international school its self gives a high school standard which give them scholarship with the aim to make the Indonesian future leaders better than now. We all now know how do the leaders of the Indonesian, what they want to have by their work is money. However the international student from the international school such as SBI/RSB teaches the student to have the west culture which is commitment. And if we realize, not all of the RSBI school is like what MK thought. Sampoerna Academy school is one of the example. The Sampoerna Foundation has strive very hard to create these schools. It’s because they care about the education in Indonesia which has low quality. The teacher even sometimes do not come to the class to teach with a pathetic reason. As the evidence, why don’t the government look at the alumnus of the RSBI school and the regular school, do they compare how many of them are qualify enough to be leaders of Indonesia? I guess they don’t. So, SBI/RSBI school is not going to be abolished.