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    Love You for A Thousand Year

    By: @Imamferi_cool

    The time always run meke everything forgotten

    But your face still same

    Like when first time we meet

    I don’t know that someday come

    And take some memories about you and me


    The stars on your face get fade away

    I can’t see your smile and hear your laugh someday

    Many thing may lost like whenever you get robbed

    Will you forget someday? About me?

    About our memories?


    So that pliss

    Pliss keep your heart

    And every moment that we ever made

    In the deepest memories

    So you can replay it whenever

    You want you may cry for remember that


    Whenever you cry,

    Can see the stars from your face again

    I know you still remember

    And never make that thing


    Become forgotten memories

    I fear the darkness in the nite

    Time when you left me alone here,

    But when I fear, your shadow comes and accompany me

    But I hope that’s you, I can’t see you again with my eyes

    But I can see you with my heart