Media Coverage

Media Coverage for B4T

International Drag King Extravaganza to move on from Columbus next year. By Joel Dossi, Outlook News Reporter.

Interview on Gender Talk, the longest running radio broadcast show on Transgender issues! June 10, 2002.

Media Coverage for Political & Community Organizing

Gender Talk coverage of National Protest against Bush's inauguration, 2001.

Coverage of Anti-Bush Demo, 2001.

An Interview on The War against Yugoslavia, 2000.

NYC TransActivists Forum, 1999.

Gender Talk interview, 1999.

Articles & Speeches (Excerpts)

The Late, but Not Lamented, Judge Sabo, WWP 2002.

Rainbow Flags for Mumia. A speech given about the historical building of the coalition of LGBT activist and organizations to demand a new trial for African-American journalist & political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal.


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