Original Murals
by Desiree
Circus Clown and giraffee, baby or toddler
4'x4' Hybernating Bear
Appletree with birdhouses and picket fence headboard
Bed with painted headboard and birdhouses
Baby Giraffe for babies room  2'x 3'
Bear on Moon for babies room  2.5' x 2.5'
Western room mural, boy and his pony
Arabian Desert
Circus Train 4'x5'
Climbing Bear mural 4'x 8'
Cactus Sign on opposite wall
Peter Rabbit Mural for girls room  4'x4'
Dogfighter  for the Humane Society Auction
Dancing Raggity Ann and Andy used as a headboard
Side 1 of 2, Rainforest room
2 of 2, Rainforest room, limb of tree that held snake
Rocketship Mural for boys room  3'x4'
Giant Sunflowers, used as headboards for twin beds 1 of 2 (4'x8'_
Sorry bad picture, giraffe growth chart for babies room
Simple Bear on Tractor for Baby/Toddler room
Veggie Kids done for a toddlers room
Mural for highschool student in chemistry
    I have been working with interior designers for many years and I guess I ended up specializing in kids' rooms.  I have done faux finishes and many other styles of murals but I love the fun and colors of painting kids' murals.  I have done so many and this is but a sampling of the ones I was able to photograph.  Some of these you will notice have a white background or look cut out and they are.  I had requests to paint and ship my murals due to time constrants, conflicts in my travel schedule, and the designer's install date.  All of the murals are reproducable and are my original designs.  They are all copyrighted.  There are many graphics so it may take a minute to load. Click on the picture to make it larger. Thanks for your patience. Desiree
The Baby's Room
Babies rooms can be fun and they allow you to be so creative.  I often not only painted the murals but bought all the accessories for the rooms too.  Since designers theme all the kids rooms it helps when picking out accessories.  You might try this as you are decorating your kid's rooms. Give them a theme and buy accordingly. Here are some of the murals for babies.
The Toddler's Room to about 8 years:
I know this seems like a stretch but sometimes what works in a toddlers room will work in a elementary childs room. Sometimes it can just be the expression or the way you paint the subject that makes all the difference.  Enjoy
1 of 2
2 of 2
1 of 2
2 of 2
10 years to teenager: I know this seems like another big spread but it does work.  When I am designing the mural, I take into consideration the childs age and then I paint what I think would work for them specifically.  The camping rooms are very popular.  Each one I do is a bit different.  The first had the hybernating bear, the second had the bear climbing  a tree, and the next had the bear growling over the bed (for the older child).  Another popular theme is the rainforest room. I have done many of these and I use different animals each time. Enjoy!
Sahara Desert
Space Traveler
Gardners Room
Peter Rabbit
Western room
Birdhouse room
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