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On 7th October 1999 a small news item appeared in the inside pages of various newspapers and Internet news servers that did little more than raise a few eyebrows.  An extract from MSN News stated:
"Two teams of researchers have proposed the existence of an unseen planet or a failed star circling the Sun at a distance of more than 2 trillion miles, far beyond the orbits of the nine known planets.  The theory, which seeks to explain patterns in comets’ paths, has been put forward in research accepted for publication in two separate journals."

I believe this is the precursor to something quite extraordinary, the implications of which are unknown to the many astronomers hoping to be the first to discover this planet or failed star.  The basis for my belief lies far back in history, from myths and data recorded by our very earliest civilisations.  This proposed synthesis of myth and modern science lead us in a remarkable direction. As history states, when the lord, "Jesus" was here, during his time,  Planet X was making its route around earth which only happens every 3760 years, give or take, is this God's spaceship? hrmmm, The only reference to a new star or planet during those times is the Star of Bethlehem.  I consider this anomalous astronomical phenomenon reported in the New Testament to be Nibiru as it made its stunning crossing through the Solar System. About 4 BC, the date most modern scholars indicate for the birth of Christ.  Subtracting 4 from 3760 gives us 3756, the number of years I propose for Nibiru’s true orbit.  So the next crossing point will be 3756 years after 4 BC, which, taking into account the lack of a year zero, brings us to 3751 AD.  At this point in history, we are more than halfway though its current orbit, which means that it is now slowly starting to head back towards us.  In other words, the brown dwarf will be blue-shifting in its Doppler effect, whilst making only the smallest lateral transition through the heavens.  As cosmological theory holds that almost all celestial bodies are moving away from one another, then a blue-shifting speck of dim light should be significant. Perhaps the most controversial of the new ideas I bring forward to this discussion regards the appearance of Nibiru at the birth of Christ.  I would like to make it perfectly clear that I am not religious, and am not about to put together a religious theory per se.  But an analysis of the Biblical story of Christ  is called for in terms of this proposal.  After all, the people of Earth who had maintained the knowledge of the “winged planet” for 3760 years would have expected some momentous change in human affairs at this Crossing.  The Anunnaki may have left their priests with the prophecy that a Messiah would appear when Nibiru returned once more, a Messiah sent by the gods to restore their Kingship on Earth.

Nibiru enters the Solar SystemThe Dark Star is a sub-brown dwarf that was once captured by and appears to now orbit the Sun.  Its existence in the book of Job contains a passage that described the journey through the heavens of Nibiru:

"Alone He stretches out the heavens and treads upon the farthest Deep.
He arrives at the Great Bear, Orion and Sirius and the constellations of the south…
He smiles his face upon Taurus and Aries; From Taurus to Sagittarius He shall go."

This describes the retrograde orbit of the brown dwarf clearly, and the inclusion of Orion and Sirius ties in well with the Egyptian Duat.  The reason why this region of the sky was so sacred to the Egyptians may have been because it marked the celestial passage of the Phoenix, the fiery, winged planet returning.  (Incidentally, the ‘wings’ of the brown dwarf may have been the appearance of its moons lit both by itself and the Sun.  This linear cluster of planets would appear as a moving pair of wings around the failed star).  The Duat also had a practical importance in that it represented the part of the sky that the gods needed to reach in order to rendezvous successfully with their home-world.  This is clearly a major departure from the idea that the Duat represents the celestial underworld, but I include a few quotes here from the Pyramid Texts that will illustrate my point:

I [the Osiris-king} ascend to the sky… I sit on this iron throne of mine…

May you [the Osiris-king] remove yourself to the sky upon your iron throne…

You will ascend to the sky…you being seated upon your iron throne…you have traversed the Winding Waterway in the north of the sky as a star… the Duat has grasped your hand at the place where Orion is…

I suspect that the description of iron thrones alludes to the gods’ means of transport to Heaven, either in the form of a rocket-ship or Vedic-type UFO.  Hancock and Bauval have done tremendous work in the field of archeo-astronomy, and pioneered the idea that the ground plan of the Pyramids at Giza mapped out the region of the sky in Orion.  Perhaps this symbolic representation of the Heavens on Earth was representative of the journey of the immortal gods’ world through the sky, a region of incredible importance for the ancient Egyptians as they awaited the return of their god’s star into their skies.

 'Planet X' researcher who proposed that a brown dwarf might be orbiting the Sun back in June 1999.  The proposal went into print in August 1999, only months before the release of scientific papers outlining similar possibilities proposed by astronomers.

Many people convinced of the existence of 'Nibiru', the Sumerian name for Planet X, consider its reappearance in the planetary zone to be imminent.  This belief is accompanied by a very real concern that our planet will again be subject to significant Earth-changes, potentially catastrophic for our world.  Although the widespread belief in the 2003 hypothesis is not shared by this researcher, the publicity has served to highlight for many the apocalyptic potential of Nibiru, an equivalent body to the Dark Star.  Within a scientific framework, the Dark Star can be identified with many cataclysmic events during Earth's history, including mass extinctions.  These include the coming and going of long-period Ice Ages, and various environmental Earth-changes through changes in the Earth's planetary binding energy.

" Nibiru " planet X " Dark star "

The other aspect of Sumerian mythology covers cosmology.  Their creation myths allude to the formation of the Solar System and a momentous reformation 4 billion years ago.  Their science included heliocentricity, a knowledge of all nine presently known planets (!), and the inclusion of the Anunnaki's home-world.  As the Anunnaki counted the Moon and the Sun as planets, Nibiru was known as the 12th Planet.  We would understand it better as Planet X. Anunnaki's home-world of the Anunnaki being an Earth-like moon in close orbit around Nibiru, rather like Europa around Jupiter.  A close reading of Chapter 2 of “Genesis Revisited” would reveal many descriptions of Nibiru that sound more like a giant planet or brown dwarf than an Earth-like world. Planet X circled the sun every 3600 years, a number likely to be an approximation – the Sumerians had a complex numerology enveloped within their religion, their mathematics set in base 60!  

More staggering still is the description of Nibiru’s orbit as that of a comet, complete with a cosmological theory as to how it attained this bizarre elliptical procession around the Sun.  The Sumerians held it that the early Solar System was violently altered by the interjection of a wandering planet.  This planet was a mighty world which had been travelling through the void, with its company of moons, before falling under the influence of our Sun.  It ploughed through the outer system of planets and ended up in an extremely elliptical orbit well out of kilter with the plane of the ecliptic.  The point where its perihelion crossed the ecliptic was in the band between Mars and Jupiter, the place of ‘The Crossing’ as the Sumerians called it.

The Dark Star and Mass Extinctions

The possible existence of a hidden planet orbiting the Sun is quite often associated with catastrophe on planet Earth.  Indeed, the popular consensus that Nibiru, a mythological planet as yet unaccounted for by scientists, is about to appear in our skies, may be intrinsically wrapped up with our common dread of cataclysm.  In the same way that many incorrectly anticipated an apocalyptic event prior to the turn of the Millennium, advocates of the 2003 hypothesis believe that we are about to face our gravest test since the Flood.

Although I believe in the existence of a hidden Planet X, in the guise of a brown dwarf or ‘Dark Star’, I have been one of the strongest critics of the 2003 hypothesis.  Yet, there is some merit to the idea that Planet X may be associated with catastrophe.  In this paper I will outline a new hypothesis that seeks to configure the orbital behaviour of this hidden dark star with catastrophic events as recorded by geologists and paleontologists. 


In conclusion, my hypothesis is outlined below:

1/ The much sought-after Planet X, or "12th Planet", is in fact a failed star known as a sub-brown dwarf.

2/  It has a variable periodicity, between 3400 and 3800 years, and last appeared during Christ's lifetime  It has an elliptical orbit with the long-axis pointing out into the Oort cloud, where the brown dwarf currently resides.

 3/ It has moons around it, at least one of them habitable.  In fact, a race of god-like extra-terrestrial humanoids could exist there, and may have played a major part in our own evolution.

 4/ The location of the brown dwarf lies in the southern hemisphere skies during perihelion, with its orbit inclined at about 30 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic.  It is travelling towards us, so its light will be blue-shifted.  Its orbit is retrograde.

 5/ The periodic passage of this brown dwarf through our Solar System has been the cause of much of the anomalous properties of the other planets, as well as wreaking devastating environmental effects on Earth when appropriately aligned.

 6/ Sitchin's "12th Planet theory" has ignored the last crossing of Nibiru, which occurred at the time of Christ.  The New Testament may be part of the overall picture, and I provide some speculative ideas in this area.

 7/ The presence of UFOs in our skies and around Earth, the pervasive governmental cover-up, the lack of clear progress in space exploration over the last 2 decades, all point to the presence of another intelligence in the inner Solar system.  This may prove to be connected with the existence of the Sun’s Dark Sister.

8/ The brown dwarf opens up new avenues for those trying to understand the mysteries of the ancient Egyptians, including the Phoenix, and Osiris in the Duat myths.



  • G Birdsall  “Tenth Planet Did Exist Claims NASA” UFO Magazine Jun 2002

  • R Corfield  “Architects of Eternity” Headline Book Publishing 2001

  • I Dalziel  “Earth Before Pangea” Scientific American, Aug 1994

  • J. & M. Gribbin "Ice Age" Penguin 2001









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