And I Waited For You...
Installment One - Page Four
    It was almost too fake. Friggin Friendly�s restaurant. I cant believe I ran
into her at Friendly�s. Her name was Candal, different. I wonder what Mackenzie
will say. He�ll understand, he won�t mind. I led her over to our table and slid
in the seat next to Mac, letting her take the seat on the other side to herself.

                                                      ~ Candal ~

    �Ohh�� I said surprised. How could I have been that stupid? I had automatically
assumed it was Isaac or Taylor.

     �Hi,� I said, not sure of what to say.

     I knew they had a little brother, what do they call him? I tried racking my
brain, but for some reason my mind was totally blank. For some reason, what am I
talking about, of course my minds blank. I�m sitting at a table with Zac Hanson.
I hope I don�t seem too star-struck.  I hate people like that.  Like that
spoiled girl, Ashley, at the radio station. She was awful. Mackenzie! That�s his
name, and they call him Mac. Do I say his name, or would that make me look

     �Macky this is Candal, Candal, this is Mackenzie, my eight year old brother.�
Zac said, introducing us.

      Obviously he knew I had thought it was going to be Isaac or Taylor.

     �Hi Mackenzie.� I said with a smile.

     �Hi,� He smiled back, �You can call me Mac.�

      I couldn�t help but laugh, as much as the three oldest Hanson brothers look
alike, it was nothing in comparison to these two.  And it was obvious just
talking to each of them for two seconds they had the exact same mannerisms,
talked the same and I wouldn�t doubt if they walked the same too.  Not to
mention they were at Friendly�s together, I wouldn�t be surprised if they were
together a lot.

     Zac just kind of laughed, I don�t think either of us knew what to say.

     �Do you have any brother�s or sisters Candal?� Mac asked, breaking the silence.

     �I have a brother, Mason, well�actually his name�s Joshua Mason, but we just
call him Mason.� Zac�s little replica raised his eyes interested. �He turns nine
next weekend,� I told him.

      �Really?!� Mac asked. �That is so cool! My name�s Joshua too!�

      I looked at him a little weird. �But I thought��

     �Oh�� Zac interrupted. �Sorry, Mackenzie is Mac�s middle name, kind of like
Taylor and Isaac, everyone calls them their middle names, same as your brother.�

      �Oh, yeah, sure.  Just kind of threw me off for a second. Oh my god, you guys
look so much alike though!� I couldn�t help but say it. It was true.

     �Then why don�t I have girls chasing me around like Zac does?�  Mac asked.

     �We get that a lot.� Zac replied.

     I was so lost as to what to talk about. I lost the contest at the station, by
one question. But I lost. So I wasn�t supposed to hang out with Hanson, someone
else was.  Yet�what am I doing here? Talking to Zac Hanson and his adorable
little brother. Little brother�s can be so cute.

     �Oh my god, its 9:20, I�m supposed to pick up my brother from his friends in
ten minutes.� I said standing up and taking my keys out of my pocket.
     As much as I hated to, I started backing towards the door. Not one part of me
wanted to leave, but I had to pick up my brother and bring him home.  Why does
everything good that happens to me go wrong?

      �I�m sorry Zac, but thank you very much for letting me sit with you. It was
nice meeting you both.�  I smiled at Mackenzie, and turned my gaze to Zac, who
didn�t have any kind of expression on his face what-so-ever. Not an �I don�t
want you to leave� expression, and not a �finally, she�s leaving� one either.
He just stared at me.

     I turned to the doors and started walking out to my car. Someone with a nice
little red Jetta had parked right next to me.  Being careful not to hit it with
my car door, I got inside my green Volvo and shut the door. The clock above my
cd player said 9:25. How could five minutes have gone by that fast?! I turned on
the car and left the music down, I was in way too much of a hurry to have the
confusion of it turned up loud.  I put the car in reverse and backed out of the
parking spot.
move me on to installment two ->
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