Metal Gear Solid 2
Show me someone who does not own this game and I'll show you a deprived
shadow of a human. Hideo Kojima's greatly anticipated sequel to the hit game Metal Gear Solid is nothing short of a masterpiece. The graphics are the best PS2 has seen yet and the story, characters and A.I are all too unbelievably human. The guards will quiver in fear if you point a gun at them from behind, and some may even beg for their life. However, there are "Hard Men" who'll question your ability to shoot them. All very human behaviour.
The best part of the game, however is the gameplay. In particular, the boss battles. The senses of urgency and fear that arise during the said battles are just the best darn feelings you'll get playing a game. All is strung together by a fantastic score composed by film soundtrack guru Harry Greggson Williams which increases all your senses by 10 points each. Speaking of 10, it is with a smile on my gremlin like face that I award MGS2
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